The Book (2nd ed.) by Larry Ullman Self-published Find this book on the web at Revision: 1.7 Copyright © 2017 by Larry Ullman Technical Reviewer: Qiang Xue Technical Reviewer: Alexander Makarov Cover design very kindly provided by Paul Wilcox. Notice of Rights All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. Notice of Liability The information in this book is distributed on an “As Is” basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the book, the author shall not have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this book or by the computer software and hardware products described in it. Trademarks MySQL is a registered trademark of Oracle in the United States and in other coun- tries. Macintosh and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Other product names used in this book may be trademarks of their own respective owners. Images of Web sites in this book are copyrighted by the original holders and are used with their kind permission. This book is not officially endorsed by nor affiliated with anyof the above companies. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the author was aware of a trademark claim, the designations appear as requested by the owner of the trademark. All other product names and services identified throughout this book are used in editorial fashion only and for the benefit of such companies with no intention of infringement of the trademark. No such use, or the use of any trade name, is intended to convey endorsement or other affiliation with this book. ISBN-13: ISBN-10:

ii This book is dedicated to:

Qiang Xue, creator of the Yii framework; Alexander Makarov, and the whole Yii development team; and to the entire Yii community. Thanks to you all for making, embracing, and supporting such an excellent Web development tool.

iii Contents

Introduction 1 Why Frameworks? ...... 1 Why Yii? ...... 3 What You’ll Need ...... 7 About This Book ...... 9 Getting Help ...... 11

I Getting Started 13

1 FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 14 Object-Oriented Programming ...... 14 The MVC Approach ...... 21 Using a Web Server ...... 26 Command Line Tools ...... 28

2 STARTING A NEW APPLICATION 32 Working with ...... 32 Creating a Yii Application ...... 35 Testing the Site Shell ...... 36 Testing the Requirements ...... 39

3 A MANUAL FOR YOUR YII SITE 43 The Site’s Folders ...... 43 Referencing Files and Directories ...... 45 Yii Conventions ...... 46


How Yii Handles a Page Request ...... 47 Using the Debugger ...... 52

4 INITIAL CUSTOMIZATIONS AND CODE GENERATIONS 55 Configuring Your Web Server ...... 55 Enabling Debug Mode ...... 56 Basic Configurations ...... 58 Developing Your Site ...... 68 Generating Code with Gii ...... 77

II Core Concepts 85

5 WORKING WITH MODELS 86 The Model Classes ...... 86 Establishing Rules ...... 88 Changing Labels ...... 108 Watching for Model Events ...... 110 Relating Models ...... 113 The Object Class ...... 116

6 WORKING WITH VIEWS 118 The View Structure ...... 118 Where Views are Referenced ...... 119 Layouts and Views ...... 120 Editing View Files ...... 122 Working with Layouts ...... 132 Alternative Content Presentation ...... 138

7 WORKING WITH CONTROLLERS 142 Controller Basics ...... 142 Revisiting Views ...... 147 Making Use of Models ...... 148 Handling Forms ...... 151


Understanding Routes ...... 153 Tapping Into Filters ...... 159 Showing Static Pages ...... 160 Handling Exceptions ...... 162

8 WORKING WITH DATABASES 165 Debugging Database Operations ...... 165 Database Options ...... 166 Using Active Record ...... 168 Using Database Access Objects ...... 177 Using Query Builder ...... 180 Choosing an Interface Option ...... 186 Common Challenges ...... 188

9 WORKING WITH FORMS 191 Understanding Forms and MVC ...... 191 Creating Forms without Models ...... 192 Creating Forms with Models ...... 195 Common Form Needs ...... 199

10 MAINTAINING STATE 220 Cookies ...... 220 Sessions ...... 224 Working with Flash Messages ...... 227

11 USER AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION 230 Fundamentals of Authentication ...... 230 Authentication Options ...... 241 Referencing the User ...... 249 Basic Access Control ...... 250 Role-Based Access Control ...... 255


12 WORKING WITH WIDGETS 267 Using Widgets ...... 267 Basic Yii Widgets ...... 270 Presenting Data ...... 274 The Bootstrap Widgets ...... 295 The jQuery UI Widgets ...... 296

13 USING EXTENSIONS 302 The Basics of Extensions ...... 302 The Krajee Extensions ...... 305 The 2amigos Extensions ...... 310 A User Extension ...... 314 Using Swift Mailer ...... 315 Using Elasticsearch ...... 318

14 JAVASCRIPT AND JQUERY 338 What You Must Know ...... 338 Adding JavaScript to a Page ...... 339 Using JavaScript with ActiveForm ...... 343 Implementing ...... 346 Common Needs ...... 354

III Advanced Topics 359

15 INTERNATIONALIZATION 360 What is i18n? ...... 360 Setting the Locale ...... 362 Detecting the User’s Locale ...... 363 Providing Language-Appropriate Text ...... 365 Using Placeholders and Parameters ...... 368 Using Formatters ...... 374 Other Concepts ...... 379 i18n and Your Models ...... 380


16 LEAVING THE BROWSER 382 Writing a Proxy Script ...... 382 RESTful Services ...... 385 Creating a Console Application ...... 391

v Introduction

This is the 26th book that I’ve written, and of the many things I’ve learned in that time, a reliable fact is readers rarely read the introduction. Still, I put some thought into the introduction and recommend you spend the five minutes required to read it. In this particular introduction, I provide the arguments for (and against) frameworks, and the Yii framework specifically. I also explain what knowledge and technical requirements are expected of you, dear reader. And if that was not enough, the introduction concludes by providing you with resources to seek help when you need it. So: five minutes of your time for all that! Okay, maybe 8 minutes. How aboutyou give it a go?

Why Frameworks?

Simply put, a framework is an established library of code meant to expedite software development. Writing everything from scratch on every project is impractical; code reuse is faster, more reliable, and possibly more secure. Many developers eventually create a lightweight framework of their own, even if that’s just a handful of commonly used functions. True frameworks such as Yii are just the release of a complete set of tools that a smart and hardworking person–or more commonly, team–has been kind enough to make public. Even if you don’t buy the arguments for using a framework in its own right, it’s safe to say that the ability to use a framework is an expectation of any professional today.

Why You Should Use a Framework

The most obvious argument for using a framework is being able to develop projects much, much faster than if you don’t use a framework. But there are other, more critical, arguments, too. As already stated, framework-based projects should also be both more reliable and secure than those coded by hand. Both qualities come from the fact that frame-

1 INTRODUCTION work code will inevitably be more thoroughly tested than anything you create. By using a framework, with established code and best practices, you’re building on a more stable, secure, and tested foundation than your own code would provide (presumably). Similarly, a framework is likely to provide professional features you might not take the time to implement otherwise, such as logging, caching, and . Still, the faster development argument continues to get the most attention. If you are like, well, almost everyone, your time is both limited and valuable. Being able to complete a project in one-third the time means you can do three times the work, and make three times the money. In theory. You can also make more money when you know a framework because it improves your marketability. Framework adoption is a must for team projects, as frameworks impose a common development approach and coding standard. For that reason, most companies hiring new web developers will expect you to know at least one framework. In my mind, the best argument for learning a framework is so you can always choose the right tool for the job. Not to be cliché, but I firmly believe that one of the goals of life is to keep learning, to keep improving yourself, no matter what your occupation or station. As web developers in particular, you must continue to learn, to expand your skill set, to acquire new tools, or else you’ll be left behind. Picking up a framework is a very practical route for your own betterment. In fact, I would recommend that you actually learn more than one framework. By doing so, you can find the right framework for you and better understand the frameworks youknow (just as I understood English grammar much better only after learning French).

Why You Shouldn’t Use a Framework

If frameworks are so great, then why isn’t everyone using a framework for every project? In fact, I didn’t even use the Yii framework for, the site on which I sell this book. What gives? First, and most obviously, frameworks require extra time to learn. The fifth project you create using a framework may only take one-third the time it would have taken to create the site from scratch, but the first project will take at least the same amount of time as if you had written it from scratch, if not much longer. Particularly if you’re in a rush to get a project done, the extra hours needed to learn a framework will not seem like time well spent. Again, eventually frameworks provide for much faster development, but it will take you a little while to get to that point. Second, frameworks will normally do about 80% of the work really easily, but that last 20%–the part that truly differentiates this project from all the others–can bea serious challenge. This hurdle is also easier to overcome the better you know a frame- work, but implementing more custom, less common web tasks using a framework can really put you through your paces.


Third, from the standpoint of running a website or application, frameworks can be terribly inefficient. For example, to load a single record from a database, a framework may require three queries instead of just the one used by a conventional, non-framework site. As database queries are one of the most expensive operations in terms of server resources, three times the queries is a ghastly thought. And framework-based sites will require a lot more memory, as more objects and other resources are constantly being created and used.

{NOTE} Frameworks greatly improve your development time at a cost of the site’s performance.

That being said, there are many ways to improve a site’s performance, and not so many ways to give yourself back hours in the day. More importantly, a good framework like Yii has built-in tools to mitigate the performance compromises being made. In fact, through such tools, it’s possible that a framework-based site could be more efficient than the one you would have written from scratch. Fourth, when a site is based upon a framework, you are expected to update the site’s copy of the framework’s files (but not the site code itself) as maintenance and security releases come out. This is true whenever you use third-party code. Although, on the other hand, this does mean that other people are out there finding, and solving, potential security holes, which won’t happen with your own code.

How You Use a Framework

Once you’ve decided to give framework-based programming a try, the next question is: How? First, you must have a solid understanding of how to develop without using a framework. Frameworks expedite development, but they only do so by changing the way you perform common tasks. If you don’t understand basic user interactions in conventional web pages, for example, then switching to using a framework will be that much more bewildering. And second, you should give in to the framework. All frameworks have their own conventions for how things are to be done. Attempting to fight those conventions will be a frustrating, losing battle. Do your best to accept the way that the framework does things and it’ll be a smoother, less buggy, and faster experience.

Why Yii?

The Yii framework was started by Qiang Xue and first released in 2008. “Yii” is pronounced like “Yee”, and can be thought of as an acronym for “Yes, it is!”. From Yii’s official documentation:

Is it fast?…Is it secure?…Is it professional?…Is it right for my next project?…Yes, it is!


“Yii” is also close to the Chinese character “Yi”, which represents “simple and evo- lutionary”. Mr. Xue was also the founder of the Prado framework, which took its inspiration from the popular ASP.NET framework for Windows development. In creating Yii, Mr. Xue took the best parts of Prado, , CakePHP, and to create a modern, feature-rich, and very useable PHP framework. At the time of this writing, the current, stable release of the Yii framework is 2.0.4.

What Yii Has to Offer

Being a framework, Yii offers all the strengths and weaknesses that frameworks in general have to offer. But what does Yii offer in particular? Like most frameworks, Yii uses pure Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Unlike some other frameworks, Yii has always required version 5 of PHP. This is significant, as PHP 5 has a vastly improved and advanced object structure compared with the older PHP 4 (let alone the archaic and rather lame object model that existed way back in PHP 3). For me, frameworks that were not written specifically for PHP 5 and greater aren’t worth considering. Yii uses the de facto standard Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern. If you’re not familiar with it, Chapter 1, “Fundamental Concepts,” explains this approach in detail. Almost all web applications these days rely upon an underlying database. Conse- quently, how a framework manages database interactions is vital. Yii can work with databases in several different ways, but the standard convention is through Object Relational Mapping (ORM) via Active Record (AR). If you don’t know what ORM and AR are, that’s fine: you’ll learn well enough in time. The short description is that an ORM handles the conversion of data from one source to another. In the case of a Yii-based application, the data will be mapped from a PHP object variable to a database record and vice versa. For low-level database interactions, Yii uses PHP 5’s PHP Data Objects (PDO). PDO provides a data-access abstraction layer, allowing you to use the same code to interact with the database, regardless of the underlying database application involved. One of Yii’s greatest features is that if you prefer a different approach, you can swap alternatives in and out. For example, you can change all of these:

• The underlying database-specific library • The template system used to create the output • How caching is performed • And much more!


The alternatives you swap in can be code of your own creation, or that found in third-party libraries, including code from other frameworks! Despite all this flexibility, Yii is still very stable, and through caching and other tools, performs quite well. Yii applications will scale nicely, too, as has been tested on some high-demand sites, such as and VICE. All that being said, many of Yii’s benefits and approaches apply to other PHP frameworks just the same. Why you should use Yii is far more subjective than a list of features and capabilities. At the end of the day, you should use Yii if the framework makes sense to you and you can get it to do what you need to do.

{NOTE} For a full sense of Yii’s feature set, see this book’s table of contents online or the features page at the official Yii site.

As for myself, I initially came to Yii because it requires PHP 5–I find backwards- compatible frameworks to be inherently flawed–and uses the jQuery JavaScript framework natively. I also love that Yii auto-generates a ton of code and direc- tories for you, a feature that I had come to be spoiled by when using Rails. Yii is well-documented, and has a great community. Mostly, though, for me, Yii just feels right. And unless you really investigate a framework’s underpinnings to see how well designed it is, how the framework feels to you is a large part of the criteria in making a framework selection. In this book and my blog, I’m happy to discuss what Yii has to offer and why you should use it. The question I can’t really answer is what advantage Yii has over this or that framework. If you want a comparison of Yii vs. X framework, search online, but remember that the best criteria for which framework you should use is always going to be your own personal experience.

{TIP} If you’re trying to decide between framework X and framework Y, then it’s worth your time to spend an afternoon, or a day, with each to see for yourself which you like better.

The only other PHP framework I’ve used extensively is Zend. The Zend Framework has a lot going for it and is worth anyone’s consideration. To me, its biggest asset is that you can use it piecemeal and independently (I’ve often used components of the Zend Framework in Yii-based and non-framework-based sites), but I just don’t care for the Zend Framework as the basis of an entire site. The Zend Framework requires a lot of work, the documentation is overwhelming while still not being that great, and it just doesn’t “feel right” to me. I really like the Yii framework and hope you will too. But this book is not a sales pitch for using Yii over any other framework, but rather a guide for those needing help.


Who Is Using Yii?

The Yii framework has a wide international adoption, with extensive usage in (the):

• United States • Russia • Ukraine • China • Brazil • India • Europe

Many open-source apps have been written in Yii, including:

• Zurmo, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system • X2EngineCRM, another CRM • LimeSurvey2, a surveying application

What’s New in Yii 2?

In late 2014, the long-awaited release of Yii 2 came out. The first major change in Yii 2 is that it requires at least PHP 5.4. By upping the version of PHP required, Yii takes advantage of new features in PHP:

• Namespaces • Anonymous functions • Standard PHP Library (SPL) • Date and time classes • Traits • Internationalization • Short array syntax • Short tags

In adopting these new features, the team behind Yii performed a complete rewrite of the framework. It was quite an accomplishment, and the results are fantastic. In the process, Yii 2 adds:

• Use of Composer for installation • Smarter, better performing, core classes • An amazing debugging tool • Top-notch security implementations • Revised Active Record models • Support for non-relational database applications


• Built-in RESTful API generation • PSR-4 autoloading • Twitter Bootstrap out of the box • Better console applications • And more!

This edition of the book only uses Yii 2, although it will highlight the changes from Yii 1 with the expectation that you may have used the earlier version. You probably don’t want to upgrade any existing sites from Yii 1 to Yii 2, but if you’re curious, see the Yii upgrade guide.

What You’ll Need

Learning any new technology comes with expectations, and this book on Yii is no different. I’ve divided the requirements into two areas: technical and personal knowledge. Please make sure you clear the bar on both before getting too far into the book.

Technical Requirements

Being a PHP framework, Yii obviously requires a web server with PHP installed. Version 1 of the Yii framework requires PHP 5.1 or greater; but version 2 requires PHP 5.4. This means that this book requires that you’re using at least version 5.4 of PHP. At the time of this writing, the latest version of PHP is 5.6.9. This book will assume you’re using Apache as your web server application, although it’s fine if you’re using nginx. If you’re not using Apache, you’ll just need to see the Yii documentation or search online for alternative solutions when Apache-specific options are presented.

{NOTE} In my opinion, it’s imperative that developers know what ver- sions they are using (of PHP, MySQL, Apache, etc.). If you don’t al- ready, check your versions now!

You’ll also want a database application, although Yii will work with all the common ones. This book will primarily use MySQL, but, again, Yii will easily let you use other database applications with only the most minor changes to your code. All of the above will come with any decent hosting package. But I expect all develop- ers to install a web server and database application on their own desktop computer: it’s the standard development approach and is a far easier way to create websites. And it’s all free! If you have not yet installed an *AMP stack–Apache, MySQL, and PHP–on your computer, I would recommend you do so now. The most popular solutions are:


• XAMPP on Windows • EasyPHP on Windows • BitNami on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X • Zend Server on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X • AMPPS on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X

All of these are free. Going further, you can use Vagrant to install and run entire virtual machines from your computer (e.g., to emulate the operating system of your preferred hosting company). To write your code, you’ll also need a good text editor or IDE. In theory, any application will do, but you may want to consider one that directly supports Yii, or can be made to support Yii. That list includes (all information is correct at the time of this writing; all prices in USD):

, through the PDT extension, on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X; free • Netbeans on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X; free • PhpStorm on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X; $30-$200 • on Windows; $120 • SublimeText on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X; $60

“Support” really means recognition for keywords and classes particular to Yii, the ability to perform code completion, and potentially even include Yii-specific wizards.

{TIP} If you’re using an IDE, also search online for tutorials on using Yii with that specific IDE.

In case you’re curious, I almost exclusively use a Mac, and currently use the excellent Sublime Text text editor for most things. I occasionally play around with PhpStorm, which is highly regarded, but I’m not much of an IDE person.

Your Knowledge and Experience

There are not only technical requirements for this book, but also personal require- ments. In order to follow along, it is expected that you:

• Have solid web development experience • Are competent with HTML, PHP, MySQL, and SQL • Aren’t entirely uncomfortable with JavaScript and jQuery • Understand that confusion and frustration are a natural consequence of learn- ing anything new (although I’ll do my best in this book to minimize the occurrence of both)


The requirements come down to this: using a framework, you’ll be doing exactly the kinds of things you have already been doing, just via a different methodology. Learn- ing to use a framework is therefore the act of translating a conventional development approach to a new approach. The book does not assume mastery of Object-Oriented Programming, but things will go much more smoothly if you have prior OOP experience. Chapter 1 hits the high notes of OOP in PHP, just in case.

About This Book

Most of this introduction is about frameworks in general and the Yii framework in particular, but I want to take a moment to introduce this book as a whole, too.

The Goals of This Book

I had two goals in writing this book. The first is to explain the entirety of the Yii framework in such a way as to convey the big picture. In other words, I want you to be able to understand why you do things in certain ways. By learning what Yii is doing behind the scenes, you will be better able to grasp the context for whatever bits of code you’ll end up using on your site. This holistic approach is what I think is missing among the current documentation options. The second goal is to demonstrate common tasks using real-world examples. This book is, by no means, a cookbook, or a duplication of the Yii wiki, but I would be remiss not to explain how you implement solutions to standard website needs. In doing so, though, I’ll explain the solutions within the context of the bigger picture, so that you walk away not just learning how to do X but also why you do it in that manner. All that being said, there are some things relative to the Yii framework (and web development in general) that the book will not cover. In particular, the book avoids covering anything too esoteric. Still, my expectation is that after reading this book, and understanding how the Yii framework is used, you’ll be better equipped to research and learn about any omissions I made, should you ever have those needs.

Formatting Conventions

This book has several formatting conventions. They should be obvious, but just in case, I’ll lay them out explicitly here. Code font is presented like this, whether it’s inline (as in that example) or pre- sented on its own:


// This is a line of code. // This is another line.

Whenever code is presented lacking sufficient context, you’ll see the name of thefile in which that code would be found, including the directory structure:

# views/layouts/main. // This is the code.

Sometimes references also indicate the name of the function in the file where the code would be placed:

# models/Example.php::doThis() // This is the code within the doThis() function.

This convention simply saves having to include the function doThis() { line every time. Within the text, URLs, directories, and file names are in bold. References to specific classes, methods, and variables are in codeSomeClass font– , someMethod(), and $someVar–except in notes, tips, and warnings. References to array indexes, component names, and informal but meaningful terms are quoted: the “items” index, the “site” controller, the “urlManager” component, etc.

How I Wrote This Book

For those of you that care about such things, this book was written using the Scrivener application running on Mac OS X. Scrivener is far and away the best writing application I’ve ever come across. If you’re thinking about doing any serious amount of writing, download it today! Images were taken using Snapz Pro X and Snag It. The entire book was written using MultiMarkdown, an extension of Markdown.I exported MultiMarkdown from Scrivener. Next, I converted the MultiMarkdown source to a PDF using Pandoc, which sup- ports its own slight variation on Markdown. The formatting of the PDF is dictated by LaTeX, which is an amazing tool, but not for the faint of heart. To create the ePub version of the book, I also used Pandoc and the same Multi- Markdown source. To create the mobi (i.e., Kindle) version of the book, I imported the ePub into Calibre, an excellent open source application. Calibre can convert and export a book into multiple formats, including mobi.


For excerpts of the book to be published online, I again used Pandoc to create HTML from the MultiMarkdown. This is a lot of steps, yes, but MultiMarkdown gave me the most flexibility to write in one format but output in multiple. Pandoc supports the widest range of input sources and output formats, by far. And research suggested that Calibre is the best tool for creating reliable mobi files.

About Larry Ullman

I am a writer, developer, consultant, trainer, and public speaker. This is my 26th book, with the vast majority of them related to web development. My PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide and PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide books are two of the bestselling guides to the PHP programming language. Both are in their fourth editions, at the time of this writing (the fifth editions should be out in 2016). I’ve also written Modern JavaScript: Develop and Design, which is thankfully getting excellent reviews. I first started using the Yii framework in early 2009, a few months after the frame- work was publicly released. Later that year, I posted a “Learning the Yii Framework” series on my blog, which has become quite popular. Qiang Xue, the creator of Yii, liked it so much that he linked to my series from the Yii’s official documentation. Ever since, the series has had a good amount of publicity and traffic. I have wanted to write this book for some time, but did not have the opportunity to begin until 2012. While a large percentage of my work is technical writing, I’ve also been an active developer. Most of the websites I’ve done are for educational and non-profit organi- zations, but I’ve also consulted on commercial projects. I would estimate that I used a framework on maybe 60% of the sites I worked on. I don’t use a framework all the time because a framework isn’t always appropriate. Some of the framework-based sites I create use WordPress instead of Yii, depending upon the client and the needs. At the time of this writing, I work for Stripe. I’m currently on the Product team, managing Stripe’s user-facing documentation. Previous to this, I was a Support Engineer, assisting Stripe’s users with their integrations. My website is This book’s specific set of pages is at You can also find me on Twitter @LarryUllman.

Getting Help

If you need assistance with your Yii-based site, or with any of this book’s material, there are many places to turn:

• The Yii documentation


• The official Yii forums • The #yii IRC channel on the Freenode network • The Yii section at Stack Overflow • My support forums

If you don’t have an IRC client or haven’t used IRC before, the Yii website graciously provides a web-based interface. When you need help, you should always start with the Yii documentation. Over the course of the book, you’ll learn how to use the docs to solve your own problems, most specifically the class reference. If you’re still having problems and a quick Google search won’t cut it, the Yii forums are probably the best place to turn. They have an active and smart community. Do begin by searching the forums first, as it’s likely your question has already been raised and answered. Understand that wherever you turn to for assistance, you’ll get far better results if you provide all the necessary information, are patient, and demonstrate appreciation for the help. You can contact me directly with questions, but I would strongly prefer that you use my support forums or the Yii forums instead. By using a forum, other people can assist, meaning you’ll get help faster. Furthermore, the assistance will be public, which will likely help others down the line. I check my own support forums three days per week. I check the Yii support forums irregularly, depending upon when I think of it. But in both forums, there are other, very generous, people to assist you. Of the two, the Yii forums have more members and are more active. If you ask me for help via Twitter, Facebook, or Google+, I’ll request that you use my or the Yii forums or ignore the request entirely. If you email me, I will reply, but it’s highly likely that it will take two weeks for me to reply, or more. And the reply may say you haven’t provided enough information. And after providing an answer, or not, I’ll recommend you use forums instead of contacting me directly. So you can contact me directly, but it’s far, far better–for both of us–if you use one of the other resources. Don’t get me wrong: I want to help, but I strongly prefer to help in the public forums, where my time spent helping might also benefit others.

12 Part I

Getting Started

13 Chapter 1


Frameworks are created with a certain point of view and design approach. There- fore, properly using a framework requires an understanding and comfort with the underlying perspectives. This chapter covers the most fundamental concepts that you’ll need to know in order to properly use the Yii framework. With Yii, the two most important concepts are Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. The chapter begins with a quick introduction to OOP, and then explains the MVC design approach. Finally, the chapter covers a couple of key concepts regarding your computer and the web server application. I imagine that nothing in this chapter will be that new for some readers. If so, feel free to skip ahead to Chapter 2, “Starting a New Application.” If you’re confused by something later on, you can always return here. On the other hand, if you aren’t 100% confident about the mentioned topics, then keep reading.

Object-Oriented Programming

Yii is an object-oriented framework; in order to use Yii, you must understand OOP. This first part of the chapter walks through the basic OOP terminology, philosophy, and syntax for those completely unfamiliar with them.

OOP Terminology

PHP is a somewhat unusual programming language in that it can be used both procedurally and via an object-oriented approach. and Ruby, for example, are always object-oriented language and C is always procedural. The primary difference between procedural and object-oriented programming is one of focus. All programming is a matter of taking actions with things:


• A form’s data is submitted to the server. • A page is requested by the user. • A record is retrieved from the database.

Put in grammatical terms, you have nouns–form, data, server, page, user, record, database–and verbs: submitted, requested, and retrieved. In procedural programming, the emphasis is on the actions: the steps that must be taken. To write procedural code, you lay out a sequence of actions to be applied to data, normally by invoking functions. In OOP, the focus is on the things (i.e., the nouns). Thus, to write object-oriented code, you start by analyzing and defining with what types of things the application will work. The core concept in OOP is the class. A class is a blueprint for a thing, defining both the information that needs to be known about the thing as well as the common actions to be taken with it. For example, representing a page of HTML content as a class, you need to know the page’s title, its content, when it was created, when it was last updated, and who created it. The actions one might take with a page include stripping it of all HTML tags (e.g., for use in non-web destinations), returning the initial X characters of its content (e.g., to provide a preview), and so forth. With those requirements in mind, a class is created as a blueprint. The thing’s data–title, content, etc.–are represented as variables in the class. The actions to be taken with the thing, such as stripping out the HTML, are represented as functions. These variables and functions within a class definition are referred to as attributes (or properties) and methods, accordingly. Collectively, a class’s attributes and methods are called the class’s members. Once you’ve defined a class, you create instances of the class, those instances being object variables. Going with a webpage example, one object may represent the Home page and another would represent the About page. Each variable would have its own properties (e.g., title or content) with its own unique values, but still have the same methods. In other words, while the value of the “content” variable in one object would be different from the value of the “content” variable in another, both objects would have a getPreview() method that returns the first X characters of that object’s content.

{NOTE} In OOP, you will occasionally use classes without formally creating an instance of that class. In Yii, this is quite common.

The class is at the heart of OOP and good class definitions make for projects that are reliable and easy to maintain. When implementing OOP, more and more logic and code is pushed–appropriately–into the classes, leaving the usage of those classes to be rather straightforward and minimalistic. I consider OOP in PHP to be a more advanced concept than traditional procedural programming for this reason: OOP isn’t just a matter of syntax, it’s also a philos- ophy. Whereas procedural programming almost writes itself in terms of a logical

15 CHAPTER 1. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS flow, proper OOP requires a good amount of theory and design. Bad procedural programming tends not to work well, but can be easily remedied; bad OOP is a complicated, buggy mess that can be a real chore to fix. On the other hand, good OOP code is easy to extend and reuse. Still, programming in Yii is different from non-framework OOP in that most of the philosophical and design issues are already implemented for you by the framework itself. You’re left with just using someone else’s design, which is a huge benefit to OOP.

OOP Philosophy

The first key concept when it comes to OOP theory is modularity. Modularity is a matter of breaking functionality into individual, specific pieces. This theory is similar to how you modularize a procedural site into user-defined functions and includable files. Not only should classes and methods be modular, but they should also demonstrate encapsulation. Encapsulation means that how something works is shielded from how it’s used. Going with a Page class example–an OOP class defined to represent an HTML page, you wouldn’t need to know how a method strips out the HTML from the page’s content, just that the method does that. Proper encapsulation also means that you can later change a method’s implementation–how it works–without impacting code that invokes that method. (For what it’s worth, good procedural functions should adhere to encapsulation as well.) Encapsulation goes hand-in-hand with access control, also called visibility. Access control dictates where a class’s attributes (i.e., variables) can be referenced and where its methods (functions) can be called. Proper usage of access control can improve an application’s security and reduce the risk of bugs. There are three levels of visibility:

• Public • Protected • Private

To understand these levels, one has to know about inheritance as well. In OOP, one class can be defined as an extension of another, which sets up a parent-child inheritance relationship, also called a base class and a subclass. The child class in such situations may or may not also start with the same attributes and methods, depending upon their visibility (Figure 1.1). An attribute or method defined as public can be accessed anywhere within the class, within child classes, or through object instances of those classes. An attribute or method defined as protected can only be accessed within the class or within child classes, but not through object instances. An attribute or method defined as private


Figure 1.1: The child class can inherit members from the parent class. can only be accessed within the class itself, not within child classes or through object instances. Because OOP allows for inheritance, another endorsed design approach is abstrac- tion. Ideally base classes–those used as parents of other classes–should be as generic as possible, with more specific functionality defined in derived classes (i.e., children). The child class inherits all the public and protected members from the base class, and can then add its own new members. For example, an application might define a generic Person class that has eat() and sleep() methods. Adult might inherit from Person and add a work() method, whereas Child could also inherit from Person but add a play() method (Figure 1.2). Inheritance can be extended to such a degree that you have multiple generations of inheritance: parent, child, grandchild, etc.. PHP does not allow for a single child class to inherit from multiple parent classes, however: class Dog cannot simultane- ously inherit from both Mammal and Pet.

{TIP} The Yii framework uses multiple levels of inheritance all the time, allowing you to call a method defined in class C that’s defined inclass A, because class C inherits from B, which inherits from class A.

Getting into slightly more advanced OOP, child classes can also override a parent class’s method. To override a method is to redefine what that method does ina child class. This concept is called polymorphism: the same method does different things depending upon the context in which it is called.

OOP Syntax

With sufficient terminology and theory explained, let’s look at OOP syntax inPHP. The first thing to know is that, conventionally, class names in PHP use the“upper- camelcase” format: ClassName, ChildName, and so forth. Methods and attributes


Figure 1.2: The child class can add new members to the ones it inherited. normally use “lower-camelcase”: doThis, doThat, someVar, fullName, etc. Private attributes normally use an underscore as the first character. These conventions are not required, although they are the ones I use in this book. By far, the most important consideration is that you are consistent in applying the conventions you prefer. Classes in PHP are defined using the class keyword: class SomeClass { }

Within the class, variables and functions are defined using common procedural syn- tax, save for the addition of visibility indicators: class SomeClass { public $var1; public function doThis() { // Do whatever. } }

Public is the default visibility and it does not need to be specified as it is in that code, but it is best to be explicit. The class attributes–the variables–can be assigned default values using the assignment operator, as you would almost any other variable.

{TIP} You’ll see this syntax to identify a method and the class to which it belongs: SomeClass::doThis(). That’s shorthand for saying “The doThis() method of the SomeClass class”.


Once you’ve defined a class, you create an instance of that class–an object–using the new keyword:

$obj = new SomeClass();

Once the object has been created, you can reference public attributes and methods using object notation. In PHP, -> is the object operator (in many other languages it is the period): echo $obj->var1; $obj->doThis();

Note that object attributes are referenced through the object without using the dollar sign in front of the attribute’s name. As in the code above, you don’t write echo $obj->$var1. Within the class, attributes and methods are accessible via the special $this object. $this always refers to the current instance of the class: class SomeClass { public $var1; public function doThis() { $this->var1 = 23; $this->doThat(); } private function doThat() { echo $this->var1; } }

That code also demonstrates how a class can internally access protected and private members, as protected and private members cannot be accessed directly through an object instance outside of the class. Some classes have special methods, called constructors and destructors, that are automatically invoked when an object of that class type is created and destroyed, respectively. These methods must always use the names __construct and __de- struct. A constructor can, and often does, take arguments, but cannot return any values. A destructor cannot take arguments at all. These special methods might be used, for example, to open a database connection when an object of that class type is created and close it when it is destroyed. Moving on, inheritance is indicated using the extends keyword:

19 CHAPTER 1. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS class ChildClass extends ParentClass { }

You will see this syntax a lot when working with Yii, as the framework defines all of the base classes that you extend for individual purposes. Finally, there’s the syntax of, and philosophy behind, namespaces. Namespaces were added to PHP in version 5.3 and are used extensively in Yii. In layman’s terms, namespaces allow you to group code under tags much as you organize files on your computer within nested folders. Using namespaces, you can create better references to code and prevent naming collisions when using code from multiple sources: a third-party library’s User class can be kept distinct from my site’s User class. Code is assigned to a namespace using the namespace keyword: namespace myspace; class SomeClass { }

Now, SomeClass is declared to be within the myspace namespace. Backslashes are used to reflect namespace hierarchy: namespace myspace\user; class SomeClass { }

Now, SomeClass is declared within the myspace\user namespace:

$obj = new \myspace\user\SomeClass();

In order for other code to use SomeClass, it must refer to myspace\user\SomeClass as in the above. Or namespaced-code can be brought into the current environment via the use keyword: use myspace\user; $obj = new SomeClass();

Note that a use statement must be placed outside of any class definition: use myspace\user; class Blah extends SomeClass{ }


The MVC Approach

Another core concept when it comes to using the Yii framework is the MVC soft- ware design approach. MVC, which stands for “model, view, controller”, is an architecture pattern: a way of structuring a program. Although its origins are in the language, MVC has been adopted by many languages and particularly by frameworks. The basic MVC concept is relatively simple to understand, but the actual imple- mentation of the pattern can be tricky. In other words, it can take some time to master where you put your code. You must comprehend what MVC is in order to effectively use Yii. To convey both MVC and how it impacts the code you write, let’s look at this design in detail, explaining how it’s done in Yii, how it compares to a non-MVC approach, and some signs that you may be doing MVC wrong.

The Basics

Simply put, the MVC approach separates–or, to be more technical, decouples–an application’s three core pieces: the data, the actions a user takes, and the visual display or interface. By adopting MVC, you will have an application that’s more modular, easier to maintain, and readily expandable. You can use MVC without a framework, but many frameworks today do apply the MVC approach. MVC represents an application as three distinct parts:

• Model, which is a combination of the data used by the application and the business rules that apply to that data • View, the interface through which a user interacts with the application • Controller, the agent that responds to user actions, makes use of models, and generally does stuff

An application will almost always have multiple models, views, and controllers. You can think of MVC programming like a pyramid, with the model at the bot- tom, the controller in the middle, and the view at the top. The PHP code should be distributed appropriately, with most of it in the model, some in the controller, and very little in the view. Conversely, the HTML should be distributed like so: practically all of it in view files. I think the model component is the easiest to comprehend as it reflects the data being used by the application. Models are often tied to database tables, where one instance of a model represents one row of data from one table. If you have two related tables, that scenario would be represented by two separate models. You want to keep your models as atomic as possible. If you were creating a content management system (CMS), logical models might be:


• Page, which represents a page of content • User, which represents a registered person • Comment, which represents a user’s comment on a page

With a CMS application, those three items are the natural types of data required to implement the required functionality. A less obvious, but still valid, use of models is for representing non-permanent sets of data. For example, if your site has a contact form, the submitted data won’t be needed after it’s emailed. Still that data must be represented by a model up until it’s emailed in order to perform validation and any other business logic. Models aren’t just containers for data, but also dictate the rules that the data must abide by. A model might enforce its “email” value to be a syntactically valid email address or allow its “address2” value to be null. Models also contain functions for common things you’ll do with that data. For example, a model might define how to strip HTML from a string or how to return part of its data in a particular format. Views are also straightforward when it comes to web development: views contain the HTML and reflect what the user will see–and interact with–in the browser. Yii, like most frameworks, uses multiple view files to generate a complete HTML page. With the CMS example, you might have these view files, among many others:

• Primary layout for the site • Display of a single page of content • Form for adding or updating a page of content • Listing of all the pages of content • Login form for users • Form for adding a comment • Display of a comment

Views can’t just contain HTML, however, they must also have some PHP that adds the unique content for a given page. Such PHP code should only perform simple tasks, like printing the value of a variable. For example, a view file would be a template for displaying a page of content. Within that file, PHP code would print out the page’s title at the right place and the page’s content at its right place within the template. The most logic a view should have is a conditional to confirm that a variable has a value before attempting to print it. Some view files will have a loop to print out all the values in an array. The view generates what the user sees, that’s it. Decoupling the data from the presentation of the data is useful for two reasons. First, it allows you to easily change the presentation–the HTML in a –without wading through a ton of PHP code. Thanks to MVC, you can create an entirely new look for your whole site without touching a line of PHP.


{TIP} A result of the MVC approach is a site with many more files that each contain less HTML and PHP. With the traditional web development approach, you’ have fewer, but longer, more complex, files.

A second benefit of separating data from presentation is that doing so lets youuse the same data in different outputs. In today’s websites, data is not only displayed in a web browser, it’s also sent in an email, included as part of a , accessed via a console script, and so forth. Finally, there’s the controller. A controller primarily acts as the glue between the model and the view, although the role is not always that clear. The controller represents actions. Normally the controller dictates the responses to user events: the submission of a form, the request of a page, etc. The controller has more logic and code to it than a view, but it’s a common mistake to put code in a controller that should go in a model. A guiding principle of MVC design is:

Fat model, thin (or skinny) controller

This means you should keep pushing your code down to the foundation of the appli- cation: the pyramid’s base, the model. This makes sense when you recognize that code in the model is more reusable than code in a controller. To put this all within a context, a user goes to a URL like The loading of that URL is simply a user request for the site to show the page with an ID of 1. The request is handled by a controller. That controller would:

1. Validate the provided ID number. 2. Load the data associated with that ID as a model instance. 3. Pass that data onto the view.

The view would insert the provided data into the right places in the HTML template, providing the user with the complete interface.

Structuring MVC in Yii

With an understanding of the MVC pieces, let’s look at how Yii implements MVC in terms of directories and files. I’ll continue using a hypothetical CMS example as it’s simple enough to understand while still presenting some complexity. Each MVC piece–the model, the view, and the controller–requires a separate file, or in the case of views, multiple files. Normally, a single model is entirely represented by a single file, and the same is true for a controller. One view file would represent the overall template and individual files would be used for page-specific subsets: showing a page of content, the form for adding a page, etc.


With a CMS site, there would be one set of MVC pieces for pages, another set for users, and another set for the comments. Yii groups files together by component type–model, view, or controller, not by application component (i.e., page, user, or comment). The models folder contains the page, user, and comment model files; the controller folder contains a page controller file, a user controller file, anda comment controller file. The same goes fora views folder, except that there’s probably multiple view files for each component type. For the Yii framework, model files are named ModelName.php: Page.php, User.php, and Comment.php. As a convention, Yii uses the singular form of a word, with an initial capital letter. Each of these files defines one class, which is the model definition. The class’s name matches that of the file, minus the extension: Page, User, and Comment. Within the model class, attributes (i.e., variables) and methods (functions) consti- tute that class and define how it behaves. The class’s attributes reflect thedata represented by that model. For example, a model for representing a contact form might have attributes for the person’s name and email address, the subject, and the email content. A model class’s methods serves roles such as returning some of the model’s data in other formats. A framework will also use the model class’s attributes and methods for other, internal roles, such as indicating this model’s relationships to other models, dictating validation rules for the model’s data, changing the model data as needed (e.g., assigning the current timestamp to a column when that model is updated), and much more. For most models, you’ll also have a corresponding controller (not always, though: you can have controllers not associated with models and models that don’t have controllers). These files go in the controllers folder and have the word “controller” in their name: PageController.php, UserController.php, and CommentCon- troller.php. Each controller is also defined as a class. Within the class, different methods identify possible actions. The most obvious actions represent CRUD functionality: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Yii takes this a step further by breaking “read” into one action for listing all of a certain model and another for showing just one. Thus, in Yii, the “page” controller would have methods for:

• Creating a new page of content • Updating a page of content • Deleting a page of content • Listing all the pages of content • Showing just one page of content

The final component are the views, which is the presentation layer. Again, view files go into a views directory. Yii will then subdivide this directory by subject: a folder for page views, another for user views, and another for comment view files. In Yii, these folder names are singular and lowercase. Within each subdirectory are

24 CHAPTER 1. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS then different view files for different things one does: show (one item), list (multiple items), create (a new item), update (an existing item). In Yii, these files are named simply create.php, index.php, view.php, and update.php, plus _form.php (the same form used for both creating and updating an item). There’s one more view file involved: the layout. This file establishes the overall tem- plate: beginning the HTML, including the CSS file, creating headers, navigation, and footers, and completing the HTML. The contents of the individual view files are placed within the greater context of these layout files. This way, changing one thing for the entire site requires editing only a single file. Yii names this primary layout file main.php, and places it within the layouts subdirectory of views. Those indi- vidual pieces are then brought into the primary layout file to generate the complete output.

MVC vs. Non-MVC

To explain MVC and Yii in another way, let’s contrast it with a non-MVC approach. If you’re a PHP programmer creating a script that displays a single page of content in a CMS application, you’d likely have a single PHP file that:

1. Generates the initial HTML, including the HEAD and the start of the BODY. 2. Connects to the database. 3. Validates that a page ID was passed in the URL. 4. Queries the database. 5. (Hopefully) confirms that there are query results. 6. Retrieves the query results. 7. Prints the query results within some HTML. 8. Frees the query results and closes the database connection (maybe, maybe not). 9. Completes the HTML page.

And that’s what’s required by a rather basic page! Even if you use included files for the database connection and the HTML template, there’s still a lot going on. Not that there’s anything wrong with this, but it’s the antithesis of what MVC programming is about. Revisiting the list of steps in MVC, that sequence is instead:

1. A controller handles the request (e.g., to show a specific page of content). 2. The controller validates the page ID passed in the URL. 3. The framework establishes a database connection. 4. The controller uses the model to query the database, fetching the specific page data. 5. The controller passes the loaded model data to the proper view file. 6. The view file confirms that there is data to be shown.


7. The view file prints the model data within some HTML. 8. The framework displays the view output within the context of the layout to create the complete HTML page. 9. The framework closes the database connection.

As you can see, MVC is just another approach to doing what you’re already doing. The same steps are being taken, and the same output results, but where the steps take place and in what order will differ.

Signs of Trouble

Beginners to MVC can easily make the mistake of putting code in the wrong place– for example, in a controller instead of a model. To help you avoid that, let’s identify some signs of trouble. You’re probably doing something wrong if:

• Your views contain more than just echo or print and the occasional control structure. • Your views create new variables. • Your views execute database queries. • Your views or your models refer to the PHP superglobals: $_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER, $_COOKIE, etc. • Your models create HTML. • Your controllers define methods that manipulate a model’s data.

As you can tell from that list, the most common beginner’s mistake is to put too much logic in the views. The goal for a view is to combine the data and the presentation–normally HTML–to assemble a complete interface. Views shouldn’t be “thinking” much. In Yii, more elaborate code destined for a view can be ad- dressed using helper classes or widgets (see Chapter 12, “Working with Widgets”). Another common mistake is to put things in the controller that should go in a model. Remember: fat models, thin controllers. You can think of this relationship like how OOP works in general: you define a class in one script and then another script creates an instance of that class and uses it, with some logic thrown in. That’s what a controller largely does: creates objects (often of models), tosses in a bit of logic, and then passes off the rendering of the output to the view files. This workflow will be explained in more detail in Chapter 3, “A Manual for Your Yii Site.”

Using a Web Server

Before getting into creating Yii-based applications, there are two more concepts with which you must be absolutely comfortable. The first is your web server, discussed here, and the second is using the command-line interface, to be discussed next. Understanding how to use both is the only way you can develop using Yii.


{NOTE} Technically, it is possible to develop a Yii application with- out using the command-line, but I would recommend you do use the command-line tool, and you ought to be comfortable in a command-line environment anyway.

Your Development Server

You can develop Yii-based sites on any host, but I would recommend that you begin projects on a development server and only move them to a production server once they are fairly complete. One reason why is that you’ll need to use the command- line interface to begin your Yii site, and a production server, especially with cheaper, shared hosting, may not offer that option. Another reason to use a development server is security: in the process of creating your site, you’ll enable a tool called Gii, which should not be enabled on a production server. Similarly, errors will undoubtedly arise during development, errors that should never be shown on a live site. The third reason to hold off using a production server is performance. Useful de- bugging tools, such as Xdebug should not be enabled on live sites, but are valuable during the development process. Fourth, no matter the tools and the setup, it’s a hassle making changes to code residing on a remote server. Unless you’re using version control, having to transfer edited files back and forth is tedious. If you make your computer your development server, your browser will also be able to load pages faster than if it had to go over the Internet. So before going any further, turn your computer into a development server, if you have not already. You can install all-in-one packages such as XAMPP for Windows or MAMP for Mac OS X, or install the components separately. Whatever you decide, do this now. Once you have a complete site that you’re happy with, you can upload it to the production server.

The Web Root Directory

Whether you’re working on a production or development server, you need to be familiar with the web root directory. This is the folder on the machine where a URL points to. For example, if you’re using XAMPP on Windows, with a default installation, the web root directory is C:\xampp\htdocs. This means the URL http://localhost:8080/somepage.php equates to C:\xampp\htdocs\somepage.php. If you’re using MAMP on Mac OS X, the default web root directory is /Applications/MAMP/htdocs. This book will occasionally make reference to the web root directory. Know what this value is for your environment in order to be able to follow those instructions.


Figure 1.3: The cmd prompt.

Command Line Tools

The last bit of general technical know-how to have is using the command-line in- terface. The command-line interface is something with which every web developer should be comfortable, but in an age where graphical interface is the norm, many shy away from the command line. I personally use the command-line daily, to:

• Connect to remote servers • Interact with a database • Access hidden aspects of my computer • Use Git • And more

But even if you don’t expect to do any of those things yourself, in order to create a new website using Yii, you’ll need to use the command line once: to create the initial shell of the site. There are three command-line skills you must have:

1. Access your computer via the command line. 2. Invoke PHP. 3. Accurately reference files and directories.

Accessing the Command Line

On Windows, how you access your computer via the command-line interface will depend upon the version of the operating system. On Windows XP and earlier, this was accomplished by clicking Start > Run, and then entering cmd within the prompt (Figure 1.3).


Figure 1.4: The command line interface on Windows.

Then click OK. As of Windows 7, there is no immediate Run option in the Start menu, but you can find it under Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt, oryoucan press Command+R from the Desktop. However you get to the command-line interface, the result will be something like Figure 1.4. The default is for white text on a black background; I normally inverse these colors for book images.

{TIP} The command-line interface on Windows is also sometimes re- ferred to as a “console” window or a “DOS prompt”.

On Mac OS X, a command-line interface is provided by the Terminal application, found within the Applications/Utilities folder. On Unix and Linux, I’m going to assume you already know how to find your command-line interface. You’re using *nix after all.

Invoking PHP

Once you’ve got a command-line interface, what can you do? Thousands of things, of course, but most importantly for the sake of this book: invoke PHP. PHP itself comes in many formats. The most common use of PHP is as a web server module: an add-on that expands what that web server can do. There is also a PHP executable: a version that runs independently of any web server or other application. This executable can be used to run little snippets of PHP code, execute entire PHP scripts, or even, as of PHP 5.4, act as its own little web server. It’s this executable version of PHP that you’ll use to run console applications for your Yii site. On versions of *nix, including Mac OS X, referencing the PHP executable is rarely a problem. On Windows, it might be. To test your setup, type the following in your command-line interface and press Enter/Return:


Figure 1.5: The result if you can invoke the PHP executable. php -v

If you see something like in Figure 1.5, you’re in good shape. If you see a message along the lines of ‘php’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file., there are two logical causes:

1. You have not yet installed PHP. 2. You have installed PHP, but the executable is not in your system path.

If you have not yet installed PHP, such as even installing XAMPP, do so now. If you have installed PHP in some way, then the problem is likely your path. The system path, or just path, is a list of directories on your computer where the system will look for executable applications. When you enter php, the system knows to look for the corresponding php executable in those directories. If you have PHP installed but your computer does not recognize that command, you have to inform your computer as to where PHP can be found. This is to say: you should add the PHP executable directory to your path. To do that, follow these steps (these are correct as of Windows 7; the particulars may be different for you):

1. Identify the location of the php.exe file on your computer. You can search for it or browse within the Web server directory. For example, using XAMPP on Windows, the PHP executable is in C:\xampp\php. 2. Click Start > Control Panel. 3. Within the Control Panel, click System and Security. 4. On the System and Security page, click Advanced System Settings. 5. On the resulting System Properties window, click the Environment Variables button on the Advanced tab. 6. Within the list of Environment Variables, select Path, and click Edit. 7. Within the corresponding window, edit the variable’s value by adding a semi- colon plus the full path identified in Step 1. 8. Click OK. 9. Open a new console window to reflect the path change. (Any existing console windows will still complain about PHP not being found.)


After these steps, the command php -v should work in your console. Test it to confirm, before you go on.

Referencing Files and Directories

Finally, you must know how to reference files and directories from within the command-line interface. As with references in HTML or PHP code, you can use an absolute path or a relative one. Within the operating system, an absolute path will begin with C:\ on Windows and / on Mac OS X and *nix. An absolute path will work no matter what directory you are currently in, assuming the path is correct. A relative path is relative to the current location. A relative path can begin with a period or a file or folder name, but not C:\ or /. There are special shortcuts with relative paths:

• Two periods together move up a directory • A period followed by a slash (./) starts in the current directory

31 Chapter 2


Whether you skipped Chapter 1, “Fundamental Concepts,” because you know the basics, or did read it and now feel well-versed, it’s time to create a new web applica- tion using the Yii framework. In just a couple of pages you’ll see some of the power of the Yii framework, and one of the reasons I like it so much: Yii will do a lot of the work for you! In this chapter, you’ll take the following steps:

1. Download and install the shell of a site. 2. Test what you’ve created thus far. 3. Confirm that your server meets the minimum requirements to useYii.

These are generic, but static steps, to be taken with each new website you create. In Chapter 4, “Initial Customizations and Code Generations,” you’ll have Yii create code more specific to an individual application.

Working with Composer

Many PHP frameworks and libraries these days are installed using Composer, and Yii 2 has adopted it as the preferred installation tool, too.

{NEW} Yii 2 creates new sites using Composer, instead of via a command-line script that comes with the framework.

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. You can define the requirements for a project, run a command, and Composer will ensure those requirements are met, downloading and installing the necessary packages. Composer is not hard to learn

32 CHAPTER 2. STARTING A NEW APPLICATION and use, and you can’t be a modern PHP programmer without it. If you haven’t picked Composer up yet, there’s no time like the present. Especially as you’ll use it to create a new Yii site!

Installing Composer

If you haven’t yet used Composer, you’ll need to install it on your computer. If you’re already familiar with Composer, skip these next instructions.

{NOTE} You need to install Composer only once on each computer, not once for each site.

On Windows, you just need to download and run the Composer installer, as ex- plained in the Composer docs. To install Composer on Mac OS X and *nix:

1. Access your computer from a command-line interface. 2. Move to a logical destination directory for Composer:

cd /path/to/dir

You can install Composer anywhere, and you don’t want to install it within any specific project’s directory. On Mac OS X, I might install Composer in my Sites folder.

3. Execute the following command (Figure 2.1):

curl -sS | php

That line uses cURL to download the Composer installer, and then uses your local version of PHP to run the installer. If you get an error message about not being able to find or recognize PHP, you’ll need to change the end of that command to include the full path to your PHP executable (or add the PHP executable to your path).

Those steps take care of the installation of Composer. You will find the file com- poser.phar in the folder you used (in Step 2). That script will do the installation work.

{TIP} You probably want to make Composer a globally usable tool. Search online for instructions on doing so.


Figure 2.1: Installing Composer.

Figure 2.2: Updating Composer.

Updating Composer

If you’ve previously installed Composer, execute this command to update it: php /path/to/composer.phar self-update

If you created a global Composer installation, or are using Windows, you can run (Figure 2.2): composer self-update

Composer itself will warn you if it hasn’t been updated in more than a month.


Figure 2.3: Installing the Composer asset plugin.

Installing the Asset Manager

The Yii framework makes use of the Composer asset plugin for installing dependent libraries. You need to install this plugin once on your computer. Do so by executing this line in a command-line interface (Figure 2.3): composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:1.1.1"

That command does assume Composer was installed globally, or you’re using Win- dows. You only need to install the Composer asset plugin with your Composer installation once; not once per Yii site you create. With Composer and the Composer asset plugin installed, you can now create your first Yii application!

Creating a Yii Application

Having setup Composer, you can now create your first Yii-based site. For the most part, Composer is used to install an application’s dependencies (which you’ll also see later in the book), but Composer has a create-project command for making an entirely new project using an existing template. Version 2 of the Yii framework defines two templates for you:

• Basic


• Advanced

Both templates include a site structure and the Yii framework itself. The advanced template is differently organized than the basic, with a separate front-end and back- end. The advanced template also defines a User model for you, with user creation, password restoration, etc., defined.

{NEW} In Yii 2, the framework is installed and maintained as part of the application itself, not separately, as was the case in Yii 1.

In the future, other Yii developers may make application templates available, too. And, in Chapter 19, “Extending Yii,” you’ll learn how to create your own application template. But for most of the book, the basic Yii template will be used. It’s installed via this command: composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic /path/to/dir

(I’ve spaced this command out over several lines for clarity, but you should execute it as one line. That command does assume Composer was installed globally, or you’re using Windows.) The --prefer-dist parameter says that “dist”-quality packages are to be used, if possible. The specific template being referenced is “yiisoft/yii2-app-basic”, found on GitHub. Finally, the “/path/to/dir” is how you specify where you want the application installed. On my Mac, I’d likely create new sites within my Sites folder (Figure 2.4): composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic ~/Sites/yii2-test

Testing the Site Shell

Unless you saw an error message when you created the project via Composer, you can now test the generated result to see what you have. To do so, load the site in your browser by going through a URL, of course. You’ll need to specifically head to web/index.php (Figure 2.5). As for functionality, the generated application already includes:

• A home page (see Figure 2.5)


Figure 2.4: Creating a Yii 2 application.


Figure 2.5: The shell of the generated site.


• An about page • A contact form, complete with CAPTCHA • A login form • The ability to greet a logged-in user by name • Logout functionality • Twitter Bootstrap • An amazing debugger

{NEW} Yii 2 uses Twitter Bootstrap by default.

It’s a very nice start to an application, especially considering you haven’t written a line of code yet! Do note that the contact form will only work–only send an email– once you’ve edited the configuration to provide your email address (assuming you have a working mail server, too). For the login, you can use either demo/demo or admin/admin. So that’s the start of a Yii-based ! For every site you create using Yii, you’ll likely go through those steps. In the next chapter, I’ll explain how the site you’ve just created works.

Testing the Requirements

One thing I like about Yii is that it includes a PHP script that tests whether or not your setup meets the minimum requirements for using the framework. The script itself is requirements.php, found in the application directory just created. You’ll want to execute it using both a browser and the command-line PHP before developing your site further. Execute the script through the browser first to test your web server:

1. Load yourURL/requirements.php in your web browser.

For example, go to http://localhost/requirements.php.

1. Examine the output to confirm your setup meets the minimum requirements (Figure 2.6). 2. If your server does not meet the minimum requirements, reconfigure the server, install the necessary components, etc., and retest until your setup does meet the requirements.

Because you’ll sometimes use the command-line to execute PHP scripts, you should also run requirements.php through that interface. The command-line version of PHP may differ from the web version, leading to odd and difficult-to-debug errors later on if you haven’t checked the requirements.


Figure 2.6: This setup meets Yii’s minimum requirements.

1. Access your computer from a command-line interface. 2. Move to the directory just created:

cd /path/to/application/dir

1. Execute the following command:

php requirements.php

1. Examine the output to confirm your command-line setup meets the minimum requirements (Figure 2.7).

1. If your command-line PHP version does not meet the minimum requirements, reconfigure the command-line version, install the necessary components, etc., and retest until your command-line setup also meets the requirements.

Yii’s testing of the requirements is a simple thing, but one I very much appreciate. It also speaks to what Yii is all about: being simple and easy to use. Do you want to know if your setup is good enough to use Yii? Well, Yii will tell you! Assuming your setup passed all the requirements, you’re good to go on. Note that you don’t necessarily need every extension, you only need those marked as required


Figure 2.7: The command-line PHP also meets Yii’s minimum require- ments.

41 CHAPTER 2. STARTING A NEW APPLICATION by the Yii framework, plus PDO and the PDO extension for the database you’ll be using. (If you’re not familiar with it, PDO is a database abstraction layer, making your websites database-agnostic.) The other things being checked may or may not be required, depending upon the needs of the actual site you’re creating.

42 Chapter 3


Now that you’ve generated the basic shell of a Yii-based site, it’s time to go through exactly what you have in terms of actual files and directories. This chapter, then, is a manual for your Yii-based web application. You’ll learn what the various files and folders are for, the conventions used by the framework, and how the Yii site works behind the scenes. Reading this chapter and understanding the concepts taught herein will go a long way towards helping you successfully and easily use the Yii framework.

The Site’s Folders

Composer downloaded a template of a site, including several folders, dozens of files, and the framework itself. Knowing how to use the Yii framework beginswith familiarizing yourself with the site structure.

{NEW} Yii 2 does away with the protected folder, instead placing everything within the root application directory.

In the folder where the web application was created, you’ll find the following:

• assets, used by the Yii framework to make necessary resources available to the web server • codeception.yml, for configuring • commands, for command-line uses of your application • composer. and composer.lock, used by Composer • config, stores your application’s configuration files • controllers, where your application’s controller classes go • mail, stores HTML templates for emails to be sent


• models, where your application’s model classes go • requirements.php, used in the previous chapter to test if Yii’s requirements are met by the system • runtime, where Yii will create temporary files, generate logs, and so forth • tests, where you’ll put unit tests • vendor, for third-party software • views, for storing all the view files used by the application • web, the web root directory • yii and yii.bat, command-line scripts for *nix and Windows, accordingly

{WARNING} The runtime folder must be writable by the web server, which Composer should properly do for you.

This primary folder is the application’s root folder, also called the application’s base directory. The vast majority of everything you’ll do with Yii throughout the rest of this book and as a web developer will require making edits to the contents of the application’s root folder. Quite different from Yii 1, you’ll see the Yii framework itself is installed asathird- party library within vendor.A vendor folder is the default destination for libraries installed via Composer, and the Yii framework is just one more Composer-installed library for the site! The views folder has some predefined subfolders, too. One is layouts, which stores the template for the site’s overall look: the file that begins and ends the HTML, and contains no page-specific content. Within the views folder, there will also be one folder for each controller you create. In a CMS application, you would have controllers for pages, users, and comments. Each of these controllers gets its own folder within views to store the view files specific to that controller. The website’s root folder is web. Within it, you’ll also find:

• assets, to be explained below • css, for your site’s CSS files • index.php, a “bootstrap” file through which the entire website isrun • index-test.php, a development version of the bootstrap file

Of these folders, you’ll use css like you would on a standard HTML or PHP-based site. Conversely, you’ll never directly do anything with the assets folder: Yii uses it to write cached versions of web resources there. For example, modules and com- ponents will come with necessary resources: CSS, JavaScript, and images. Rather than requiring you to copy these resources to a public, and to avoid potential nam- ing conflicts, Yii will automatically copy these resources tothe assets directory as needed. Yii will also provide a copy of the jQuery JavaScript framework there. Note that you should never edit files found within assets. Instead, on the rare occasion you have that need, you would edit the master file that gets copied to assets. This

44 CHAPTER 3. A MANUAL FOR YOUR YII SITE will mean more later in the book. You can delete entire folders within assets to have Yii regenerate the necessary files, but do not delete individual files from within subfolders.

{WARNING} The assets folder must be writable by the Web server or else odd errors will occur. This shouldn’t be a problem, as Composer performs this task, unless you transfer a Yii site from one server to another and the permissions aren’t correct after the move.

Yii 2 no longer has these folders, which used to be created in Yii 1 applications:

• data, for storing the actual database file (when using SQLite) or database- related files, such as SQL commands • extensions, for third-party extensions (i.e., non-Yii-core libraries) • messages, for storeing messages translated in various languages • migrations, for automating database changes • themes, for storing multiple site looks

The extensions directory is effectively replaced by vendor. The other directories may or may not be required by your application, but you can create them if need be.

Referencing Files and Directories

Since the Yii framework adds extra complexity in terms of files and folders, the framework uses aliases to provide easy references to common locations. Many aliases are predefined.

{NEW} In Yii 2, all aliases are prefaced with @.

Alias References @app The application’s root folder @bower The Bower package directory @npm The NPM package directory @runtime The application’s runtime folder @vendor The application’s vendor directory @web The base URL for the site @webroot The directory with index.php @yii The Yii framework folder (within vendor)


Bower and NPM are package managers, similar in use to Composer. By default, Bower and NPM packages are installed in vendor/bower and vendor/npm, ac- cordingly. Almost all of these aliases store system paths: how you’d refer to that folder using the file system. The exception is @web, which is a URL reference. Each extension installed by Composer will have its own alias, too.

Yii Conventions

The Yii framework embraces a “convention over configuration” approach. This means that although you can make your own decisions as to how you do certain things, it’s preferable to adopt the Yii conventions. Fortunately, none of the con- ventions are unusual or distasteful. But if you really don’t like doing something a certain way, Yii allows you to change the default convention. Know that doing so requires a bit more work–and code– and increases the potential for bugs. For example, if you want to organize your application’s base directory in another manner, such as moving the view files to another directory, you can, you just need to take a couple more steps. Let’s first look at the conventions Yii expects within the PHP code and then turn to the underlying database conventions.

PHP Conventions

First, Yii recommends using upper-camelcase for class names–SomeClass–and lower- camelcase for variables and functions: someFunction, someVar, etc. Camelcase uses capital letters instead of underscores to break up words; lower-camelcase and upper- camelcase differ in whether the first letter is capitalized or not. Private variablesin classes are prefixed with an underscore: **$_someVar**. All of these conventions are fairly common among OOP developers. Additionally, any controller class name must also end with the word “Controller” (note the capitalization): MyController. Any file that defines a class should have the same name, including capitalization, as the class it defines, plus the .php extension: the MyController class is defined within the MyController.php file. Again, this is normal in OOP.

{TIP} Only ever define a single class within a single PHP file.

Namespaces use all lowercase letters. For example, a model class will be within the app/models namespace. Namespaces in Yii generally match the file structure, which also uses all lowercase letters.


{NEW} Thanks to the use of namespaces, Yii 2 no longer prefaces its own classes with a letter as Yii 1 did.

Database Conventions

The Yii database conventions is to use all lowercase letters for both table names and column names, with words separated by underscores: comment, first_name, etc. It is recommended that you use singular names for your database tables–user, not users, although Yii won’t complain if you use plural names. Whatever you decide, consistency is the most important factor: consistently singular or consistently plural. You can also prefix your table names to differentiate them from other tables that might be in your database but not used by the Yii application. For example, your Yii site tables might all begin with yii_ and your blog tables might begin with wp_.

How Yii Handles a Page Request

Learning how the Yii framework handles something as basic as a page request will go a long way towards understanding the greater Yii context. In a non-framework site, when a user goes to in a browser, the server will execute the code found in page.php. Any output generated by that script, including HTML outside of the PHP tags, will be sent to the browser. In short, there’s a one-to-one relationship: the user requests that page and it is executed. The process is not that simple when using Yii or any framework. First, whether it’s obvious or not, all requests in a Yii-based site will actually go through index.php, found within the web directory. This is called the “bootstrap” file, which the Yii guide also calls an “entry script”. With Yii, and some server configuration, all of these requests will be funneled through the bootstrap file:

• • • • • •

Note that other site resources, such as CSS, images, JavaScript, and other media, will not be accessed via the bootstrap file, but the site’s core functionality–the PHP code–always will. Let’s look at what the bootstrap file does.


The Bootstrap File

The contents of the index.php file, automatically included in the basic Yii template, will look something like this (with comments removed):



5 require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); 6 require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php');


8 $config = require(__DIR__ . '/../config/web.php');


10 (new yii\web\Application($config))->run();

The first two meaningful lines (2 and 3) establish the debugging behavior. Line 5 includes the Composer autoloader. This will ensure the proper loading of any third-party library (also installed by Composer). Line 6, includes the base Yii framework file. Line 8 identifies the configuration file to use for this application. By default,that configuration file is web.php, found within the config directory.

{TIP} The index-test.php bootstrap file mostly differs in that itin- cludes an alternate configuration file and is designed to be used incon- junction with unit testing.

The final line invokes the run() method of the Application class. The code first im- plicitly creates an instance of the Application class, specifically a “web application” instance. The class’s constructor is provided with the location of the configuration file to use. The web application object hasa run() method, which starts the appli- cation. The last line of code is just a single line version of these two:

$app = new yii\web\Application($config); $app->run();

That’s all that’s happening in the bootstrap file: the autoloader is established, and then a web application object is created and started, using the configuration settings defined in another file. Everything that will happen from this point onhappens within the context of this application object. What happens next depends upon the route, but first let’s look at the application object in more detail.


Figure 3.1: The index page creates an application object which loads the application components.

The Application Object

So what does it mean to say that the website runs through the application object? First, the application object manages the components used by the site. For example, the “db” component is used to connect to the database and the “log” component handles any logging required by the site. I’ll get back to components in a few pages, just understand here that components are made available to the site through the application object.

{TIP} There are two types of application objects a Yii site may have: web and console. The latter is for command-line scripts.

The application object’s second important task is to handle every user request: view- ing of a particular page, the submission of a form, and so forth. The handling of a user request is known as routing: reading the user’s request and getting the user to the desired end result. Before explaining routing, let’s get a bit more technical about the application object itself. Within your PHP code, you can access the application object by referring to the static $app variable within the Yii class: \Yii::$app, where \Yii refers to the Yii class in the top-level namespace. Whether you need to access the name of the application in a view file, store a value in a session, or get the identity ofthe current user, that will be done through \Yii::$app. The web application object is the “context” through which the site runs.

{NEW} In Yii 2, access the application instance through a static $app variable instead of a static app() method.

Visually, the bootstrap file’s operations can be portrayed as in(Figure 3.1).


In a non-framework site, a user request will be quite literal (e.g., Yii still uses the URL to identify requests, but all requests instead go through

49 CHAPTER 3. A MANUAL FOR YOUR YII SITE index.php. To convey the specific request, the requested route is appended to the URL as a variable. In the default Yii behavior, the request syntax is index.php?r=ControllerID/ActionID. In that code, a GET variable is passed to index.php. The variable is indexed at “r”, short for “route”, and has a value of “ControllerID/ActionID”. Controllers are the agents in an application: they handle requests and dictate the work to be done. The default site created by Composer has one controller: site. In keeping with Yii conventions, the “site” controller is defined in a class called Site- Controller in a file named SiteController.php, stored in the controllers directory. The ID of this controller is the name of the class, minus the word “Controller”, all in lowercase: “site”. Every controller can have multiple actions: specific things done with or by that controller. The five actions defined by default in the site controller are: about, contact, index, login, and logout. As you’ll learn in more detail in Chapter 7, “Working with Controllers,” actions are created by defining a method named “action” plus the action name:

• actionAbout() • actionContact() • actionIndex() • actionLogin() • actionLogout()

The action ID is the name of the function, minus the initial “action”, all in lowercase: “about”, “contact”, “index”, “login”, and “logout”. Putting this all together, when the user goes to this URL: That is a request for the “login” action of the “site” controller. Behind the scenes, the application object will read in the request, parse out the controller and action, and then invoke the corresponding method. In this case, that URL has the end result of calling the actionLogin() method of the SiteController class. That’s all there is to routing: calling the correct method of the correct controller class. The controller method itself takes it from there: creating model instances, handling form submissions, rendering views, etc. (Figure 3.2). There are a couple more things to know about routes. First, if an action is not spec- ified, the default action of the controller will be executed. This is normally the“in- dex” action, represented by the actionIndex() method. A request with a controller but no action would be of the format Second, if neither an action nor a controller is indicated, Yii will execute the default action of the default controller. This is the “index” action of the “site” controller, generated by Composer as part of the basic application template.


Figure 3.2: Subsequent steps involve calling the correct controller, access- ing models, and rendering views.

Third, many requests will require additional information be passed along. For ex- ample, a CMS site will have a “page” controller responsible for creating, reading, updating, and deleting pages of content. Each of these tasks is also an “action”. Three of these–all but “create”–also require a page identifier to identify which page of content is being read, updated, or deleted. In such cases, the request URL will be of the format Fourth and finally, the default request syntax is: But this format is commonly altered for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) pur- poses. With just a bit of customization, the format can be changed to: Taken a step further, you can drop the index.php reference and configure Yii to accept Using the examples already explained, resulting URLs would be:

• • • •

You’ll see how this URL manipulation is done in Chapter 4, “Initial Customizations and Code Generations.”


Figure 3.3: The new, built-in Yii debugging toolbar.

Using the Debugger

One of the best additions in version 2 of the Yii framework is a top-notch, built-in debugger (Figure 3.3). The Yii debugger is a tool you’ll want to be familiar with, as it’ll save you lots of time over your development life. The debugger is enabled by default–later you’ll learn how to disable it, but you can minimize it by clicking the right arrow on the far right-side of the toolbar. The debugger initially shows the:

• Version of the Yii framework in use • Version of PHP in use • HTTP status code for the requested page • Route of the requested page • Number of logged messages for the requested page • How long the page took to be rendered • How much memory was required to render the page • Number of asset bundles required

If you click on any item in that list in the debugger, you’ll be taken to more details. If you click on the “Yii Debugger” title, you’ll be taken to a master page where you can view a history of debugging information: with one item per request (Figure 3.4). Clicking on any item in the table takes you to the details of that debugging log. I encourage you to click around within the debugger to see what’s there. You’ll find that the debugger shows, in great detail, the:

• Configuration of the site, including the available extensions • Values in $_GET, $_POST, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION, and $_SERVER • Headers sent by the page

These are all often useful, especially the values in those superglobal arrays. This means that, without using Xdebug or a single echo statement, you can view the particulars of:

• Bad requests • Requests that simply didn’t work • POST requests • Ajax requests


Figure 3.4: Debugging information for the most recent page requests.


Those benefits alone makes for an amazing debugging tool. But the debugger also records every email sent by the site and every database query executed. I’d strongly recommend you start using the Yii Debugger from the get-go. At first, use the debugger to help understand how Yii works. For example, if you look at the “log messages”, you’ll see the steps Yii took to render the page, including the components, specific classes, and specific methods, involved. As you’re more comfortable with Yii, you’ll use the debugger as a debugging tool: easily and quickly seeing what just happened, saving you from having to insert a slew of echo statements and retrying it all again. Finally, I’d recommend not worrying too much about the performance reports at first: how long a page took to render and how much memory was required. Chapter 17, “Improving Performance,” discusses performance more, but for now, understand that the performance reported at this point is the worst it’ll be, in part because the debugger itself takes a significant performance toil!

54 Chapter 4


After you’ve created the shell of your web application, and you’re fairly comfortable with what Yii has generated for you, it’s time to start customizing the site. First, you’ll want to change how your application runs. The initial half of the chapter will explain how you do that and introduce the most common settings you’ll want to tweak. Then, it’s time to have Yii generate code for you. But instead of having Com- poser install a site template, you’ll have Yii build boilerplate code based upon the particulars of the database schema you’ll be using for the application. Before all that, however, you’ll likely want to make some changes to how your web server runs.

Configuring Your Web Server

In Yii 2, the web directory created as part of the site template is meant to be the web root directory, which is to say that should point there. On localhost, it’s theoretically not a problem to leave this as is, using, for example http://localhost/~username/yii-test/web as the URL. However, to best mimic a production environment, I’d recommend configuring your web server accordingly before getting into the development. Assuming you’re using Apache, and only have one site, you can configure Apache–in its httpd.conf file–to point to the new document root: /path/to/yii2-test/web. If you are developing multiple sites locally, you can create a new virtual host instead. In both cases, you’ll most likely want to look up instructions online for your operat- ing system and Apache installation, but the end result will be creating something like the following in a *.conf file:


# Set the document root: DocumentRoot "/path/to/yii2-test/web"

# Site has its own logs: ErrorLog "/private/var/log/apache2/yii2-test-error_log" CustomLog "/private/var/log/apache2/yii2-test-access_log" common

This may go in the primary httpd.conf file or within another configuration file that’s included by the primary one. For example, on a Mac, this may be written within /etc/apache2/extras/httpd-vhosts.conf. There are comments within the code that explain what’s happening, but search online for particulars to your web server and operating system. For easier development, create an alias to a URL by defining a new server name. To do that, in the above code within the VirtualHost directive, add:

ServerName yii2-test

This tells Apache that the URL http://yii2-test points to that directory. However, you still need to tell your computer that http://yii2-test can be found on your computer, not on the Internet. On Mac OS X and *nix, that’s done by adding this line to your /etc/hosts file: yii2-test

This says the host “yii2-test” points to localhost (aka On Windows, the same effect is accomplished by editing C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, although that instruction or file location could differ from one version of Windows to the next. After making these changes, test them by heading to http://yii2-test in your browser. Once you’ve configured your web server, move onto configuring your Yii application.

Enabling Debug Mode

The first thing to do when developing a site is making sure debugging modeis enabled. This is done–for the entire site–in the bootstrap file, thanks to these two lines:

56 CHAPTER 4. INITIAL CUSTOMIZATIONS AND CODE GENERATIONS defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true); defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'dev');

Written out less succinctly, those lines equate to: if (!defined('YII_DEBUG')) { define('YII_DEBUG', true); } if (!defined('YII_ENV')) { define('YII_ENV', 'dev'); }

These lines tell Yii to set debugging to true if it’s not already set, and to set the environment to “dev”, if it’s not already established. These lines are the default for any newly installed basic site, but you can check that they are in the bootstrap file if you’re working with a site someone has already edited, or in case Yii later changes this default. With debugging enabled, Yii will report problems to you should they occur (and they will!). Similarly, you want to ensure the debugging toolbar, introduced in the previous chapter, is enabled. To do that, open conf/web.php and confirm these lines are present and active, likely found near the end of the file: if (YII_ENV_DEV) { // configuration adjustments for 'dev' environment $config['bootstrap'][] = 'debug'; $config['modules']['debug'] = 'yii\debug\Module';

I’ll return to the configuration file shortly, but that code says that if it’s thede- velopment environment, the “debug” module should be enabled all the time. (The YII_ENV_DEV constant is given a Boolean value in the BaseYii.php script, based upon the value of YII_ENV.) While checking your debugging settings, also confirm that PHP’s display_errors setting is enabled. If it’s not, then parse errors will result in a blank screen, which makes debugging impossible. Note that these recommendations are for sites under development. Due to the extra debugging information and logging, sites will run slower with these settings. A production site on a live server should have Yii’s debugging mode disabled–by removing that line of code in index.php–and PHP’s display_errors setting turned off. You’ll read more on what else you should do before going live in Chapter 24, “Shipping Your Project.”


Basic Configurations

After possibly configuring your web server and ensuring that debugging is enabled, the rest of a site’s configuration will be done within its configuration files. Let’sfirst look at where the configuration files are and how they work, and then walk through the most important changes to make.

The Configuration Files

In the config directory, you’ll find four configuration files:

• console.php, configures console applications • db.php, stores the database configuration • params.php, stores site variables • web.php, configures web applications

{NEW} Yii 2 has a new set of configuration files, and renames “main” as “web”.

The index.php bootstrap file includes web.php as its configuration file. Open the web configuration file in your text editor or IDE and you’ll see it returns anarray of name=>value pairs. A common question is: How do I know what names to use and what values or value types? The rest of this chapter will explain the most important names and values, but the short answer is: Any writable of the yii\web\Application class can be configured here. Okay, how’d I know that? As explained in the previous chapter, the bootstrap file creates a web applica- tion object through which the entire site runs. That object will be an instance of type yii\web\Application. The configuration file, therefore, configures this ob- ject. “Configures” means the configuration file sets the values for the object’s public, writable properties. In other words, the configuration file tells the Yii framework, “When you go to create an object of this type, use these values.” That’s all that’s happening in the configuration file, but it’s crucial to comprehend. For example, yii\web\Application has an id property, which takes a string as the ID value for the application. By default, the basic Yii application defines this for you:

$config = [ 'id' => 'basic', // Lots of other stuff. ]; return $config;


Figure 4.1: The Yii docs for the id property of the yii\web\Application class.

Figure 4.2: The Yii docs for the uniqueId property of the yii\web\Application class.

Simply change the value of the id element in that array and you’ll successfully change the ID of the web application. (The effects of this particular change will not be readily apparent, however.) As the configuration file is extremely important, you have to master how itworks. I first recommend that you be very careful when making edits. Because the whole file returns an array, and as many of the values will also be arrays, the resultisa syntactic eggshell of nested arrays within nested arrays. A failure to properly match parentheses or brackets, or a missing comma, will result in a parse error.

{TIP} Duplicate the configuration file before making new edits. Oruse version control!

Second, learn how to read the Yii class documentation, starting with the page for yii\web\Application. For example, the configuration file can be used for any writable property of the yii\web\Application class. Using the docs for that class, see what properties exist, what types of values they expect, and whether or not they are writable. Figure 4.1 shows the manual’s description of id: The property expects a string value, and has a null value by default. Now you know that id must be assigned a string. It’s really that simple! Conversely, look at the documentation for uniqueId (Figure 4.2): This is a read-only property; you cannot assign it a new value in the configuration file.


With this introduction to the configuration file in mind, let’s look at themost common and important configuration settings for new projects. Throughout the course of the book, you’ll also be introduced to a other configuration settings, as appropriate.

Configuring Components

Rather than walk through the configuration file sequentially, let’s go in orderof most important to least. Arguably the most important section is “components”. Components are application utilities that you and Yii create. To start configuring a new application, configure how it uses Yii’s predefined components.

{NOTE} Unless otherwise specified, all configuration changes are made within the web.php file.

Predefined Components

The Yii framework defines over a dozen core application components for you, repre- senting common site needs. Just some of those are:

• “assetManager”, for managing CSS, JavaScript, and other assets • “cache”, for caching of site materials • “db”, which provides the database connection • “i18n”, which provides internationalization functionality • “mail”, for creating and sending email • “request”, for working with user requests • “session”, for working with sessions • “user”, which represents the current user

The names of the components match the corresponding configurable yii\web\Application properties. For each component, Yii defines a class that does the actual work. This chapter explains the basic configuration of components most immediately needed. The rest of the book will introduce other predefined components as war- ranted.

Enabling and Customizing Components

Components are made available to a Yii application and customized via the config- uration file’s “components” section:


$config = [ 'id' => 'basic', 'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__), 'bootstrap' => ['log'], 'components' => [ ], 'params' => $params, ]; // End of components array. // Other stuff. return $config;

Within the “components” section, each component is declared and configured using the syntax:

'componentName' => array(/* configuration values */)

(Or 'componentName' => [/* configuration values */] in the new short array syntax.) The names of the predefined components are: “authManager”, “cache”, and the others already mentioned, plus a few more listed in the manual. The name is also the component’s ID. The configuration values will vary from one component to the next. To knowwhat options are possible for a component, look at the underlying class that provides that component’s functionality. For example, the db.php configuration file configures the “db” component (through web.php):

# in web.php: 'db' => require(__DIR__ . '/db.php'),

# db.php 'yii\db\Connection', 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yii2basic', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'charset' => 'utf8', ];

The “db” component provides a database connection. The associated class is yii\db\Connection. When a database connection is required, an object of type yii\db\Connection will be created. The “db” element of the “components” section of the configuration file sets the values of that object’s properties.


In the Yii API reference (aka, the class documentation), you see that yii\db\Connection has a public, writable username property. Therefore, that property’s value can be assigned in a configuration file, as shown from db.php. With that line in the configuration file, when the site needs a database connection, Yii will create an instance of yii\db\Connection type, using “root” as the value of the object’s username property.

{NOTE} Just as the whole configuration file can only assign values to the writable properties of the Application object, individual component configurations can only assign values to the writable properties ofthe associated class.

Before getting into configurations of the most important components, there are two more things to know. First, Yii wisely only creates instances of application components when the component is required. If you configure your application to have a database component, Yii will still only create that component on pages of the site that use the database. Thanks to Yii’s automatic management of components, sites will perform better without needing tediously tweak and edit each page (i.e., to turn components on and off). On the other hand, Yii can be told to always create an instance of a component. This is done through the “bootstrap” element of the main configuration array:

$config = [ 'id' => 'basic', 'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__), 'bootstrap' => ['log'],

By default, the logging component is always loaded. To always load other compo- nents, just add those component IDs to that array. Still, for performance reasons, you should only do so sparingly. For example, while developing a site, the Gii and debug modules are also automatically loaded: if (YII_ENV_DEV) { // configuration adjustments for 'dev' environment $config['bootstrap'][] = 'debug'; $config['modules']['debug'] = 'yii\debug\Module'; $config['bootstrap'][] = 'gii'; $config['modules']['gii'] = 'yii\gii\Module'; }

The second thing to know about application components is how to access them in your code. Components are available via \Yii::$app->ComponentID, where the ComponentID value comes from the configuration file. For example, in theory, you could change the database username on the fly:


\Yii::$app->db->username = 'this username';

With this understanding of how components in general are configured, let’s look at the most important components when starting a new Yii application.

Connecting to the Database

Unless you aren’t using a database, you’ll need to establish the database connection before doing anything else. Establishing the database connection is accomplished through the “db” component. In the db.php configuration file created by Yii,a connection to a MySQL database is defined:

'yii\db\Connection', 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yii2basic', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'charset' => 'utf8', ];

The connection string is a DSN, short for Database Source Name, and has a precise format. The DSN starts with a keyword indicating the database application in use: such as “mysql”, “pgsql” (PostgreSQL), “mssql” (Microsoft’s SQL Server), or “oci” (Oracle). Follow this keyword with a colon, then any number of parameters, each separated by a semicolon:

• mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test • mysql:port=8889;dbname=somedb • mysql:unix_socket=/path/to/mysql.sock;dbname=whatever

The exact parameters will depend upon the database application and server envi- ronment in use. Depending upon your environment, you may have to set the port number or socket location. When using MAMP on Mac OS X, I have to set the port number as it was not the expected default (3306). On Mac OS X Server,I have to specify the socket, as the expected default was not being used there. Also do keep in mind that you’ll need to have the proper PHP extensions installed for the corresponding database, like PDO and PDO MySQL. Besides the DSN, you should obviously change the username and password values to the correct ones for your database. You may or may not want to change the character set. And that’s it! Hopefully your Yii site will now be able to interact with your database. You’ll know for sure shortly.


Managing URLs

Next, let’s look at the “urlManager” component. This component dictates, among other things, what format the site’s URLs will be in.

{NEW} Yii 2 does not include the “urlManager” component in the con- figuration file by default.

Creating SEO-friendly URLs Chapter 3, “A Manual for Your Yii Site,” ex- plains that the default URL syntax is: For SEO purposes, and because it looks nicer for users, you’ll probably want URLs to be in this format instead: To do that, just configure the “urlManager” component, setting the enablePrettyUrl property to true:

$config = [ 'id' => 'basic', 'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__), 'bootstrap' => ['log'], 'components' => [ // Other stuff. 'db' => require(__DIR__ . '/db.php'), 'urlManager' => [ 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, ] ], 'params' => $params, ];

You don’t have to do anything to Apache’s configuration for this to work. By using this component, any links created within the site will also use the proper syntax. You’ll learn much more about how this works in Chapter 7, “Working with Controllers”. To test this change, after adding that code to the configuration file, save the file, and then reload the home page in your browser. Click on “Contact” and you should see the resulting URL is now in- stead of


Hiding the Index File To take your URL customization further, configure “url- Manager”, along with an Apache .htaccess file, so that index.php no longer needs to be included: To do this, add several Apache mod_rewrite rules to the site’s configuration:

RewriteEngine on

# Change to match your URL base: RewriteBase /

# If a directory or a file exists, use the request directly: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

# Otherwise forward the request to index.php: RewriteRule . index.php

If you’re not familiar with mod_rewrite, you can look up oodles of tutorials on- line. This code would either go within an Apache configuration file or an .htac- cess file. I would add it to my virtual host definition. Also, that codewill only work if mod_rewrite is enabled in Apache. If your application is not in the web root directory, change the RewriteBase value accordingly (e.g., if the URL is, set RewriteBase to “/test/”). Once you’ve implemented the mod_rewrite rules, test that mod_rewrite is work- ing by going to any other file in the web directory–an image or your CSS script–to see if it loads. Then go to a URL for something that doesn’t exist–such as exam-–and see if the Yii-based site is rendered, most likely with an error message (Figure 4.3). Finally, tell the URL manager not to show the bootstrap file by setting the showScriptName property to false:

$config = [ 'id' => 'basic', 'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__), 'bootstrap' => ['log'], 'components' => [ // Other stuff. 'db' => require(__DIR__ . '/db.php'), 'urlManager' => [


Figure 4.3: An error message because the “varmit” resource doesn’t exist.

'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'showScriptName' => false ] ], 'params' => $params, ];

Now you can load pages via, such as


After configuring the necessary components, there are a few other configuration settings to look at. One is under the “modules” section. Modules are essentially mini-applications within a site. You might create an administration module or a forum module. Chapter 19, “Extending Yii,” covers creating modules in detail, but you’ll want to enable two of Yii’s modules–debug and Gii–to begin. The debug module is new to Yii 2, and just a delight to have. Introduced at the end of the previous chapter, you should be in the habit of using it whenever you have problems or confusion as to what is, or is not, going on.


The other module, Gii, is a web-based tool used to generate boilerplate model, view, and controller code for the application. Gii is a wonderful tool, and a great example of why I love Yii: the framework does a lot of the development for you. Both the debug and Gii modules are enabled in development mode by default in the basic application template: if (YII_ENV_DEV) { // configuration adjustments for 'dev' environment $config['bootstrap'][] = 'debug'; $config['modules']['debug'] = 'yii\debug\Module';

$config['bootstrap'][] = 'gii'; $config['modules']['gii'] = 'yii\gii\Module'; }

Not only are both enabled, but they’re also bootstrapped–always available. Under- stand, however, that neither should be used on a live site. With Gii enabled and configured, you’ll use it later in this chapter.


New in Yii 2 is a fourth configuration file: params.php. This is where user-defined parameters can be established. With the basic application template, one will already be there:

'[email protected]', ];

Change this value to your email address so you can receive error messages, contact form submissions, or whatever. Understand that for those emails to be sent, your server must be configured properly as well. On a live server, that shouldn’t bea problem, but on a development server, you may need to install a mail server or configure PHP to use SMTP. You can add other name=>value pairs to this file: return [ 'adminEmail' => '[email protected]', 'something' => 23, ];


The contents of the params.php file is pulled into the web.php configuration file by this line:

$params = require(__DIR__ . '/params.php');

The values are later added to the returned configuration array:

'params' => $params,

The contents of the params.php file are also brought into the console.php con- figuration file, making these values available in console applications, too. By setting a parameter, you can globally access the parameter value via \Yii::$app->params['paramName'].

Developing Your Site

The book uses different practical examples to show real-world code that teach new concepts. Part 4 of the book creates two examples in full (or mostly full), to show how all of the ideas come together in context. But the primary example to be used throughout the book is a Content Management System (CMS). CMS is a fairly generic term that applies to many of today’s websites. CMS represents a moderately complex application to implement, and so makes for a good instructional example. In the next several pages, you’ll learn not just how to design a CMS site, but also how to approach designing any new project.

Identifying the Needed Functionality

Simply put, projects are a combination of data, functionality, and presentation. Games have a lot more of the latter two and many web-based projects focus on the data, but those are the three common elements, in varying percentages. When you start a new project, it’s in one of these three areas that you must begin. In my opinion, you should always start with the functionality, as it dictates everything else. The functionality is what a website or application must be able to do, along with the corollary of what a user must be able to do with the website or application. The functionality needs to be defined in advance. Use a paper and pen, or a note-taking application, and write down every project requirement:

• Presentation of content • User registration, login, logout • Search • Rotating banner ads


• Et cetera

Try your best to be exhaustive, and to perform this task without thinking of files and folders, let alone specific code. Be as specific as you can about what the project has to be able to do, down to such details as:

• Show how many users are online • Cache dynamic pages for improved performance • Not use cookies or only use cookies • Have sortable tables of data

The more complete and precise the list of requirements is, the better the design will be from the get-go, and you’ll need to make fewer big changes as the project progresses.

{NOTE} The development process and the site’s functionality will be dictated by your business goals, too: how much money you’re able to spend, how much money you’d like to make and through what means, etc. But for a developer, and for the purposes of this book, the site’s functionality is most important.

With a CMS, the most obvious functionality is to present content for viewing. This implies related functionality:

• Someone should be able to create new content • Someone should be able to edit existing content

(Maybe content should also be deletable, but I’d rather make content no longer live and visible than remove it entirely. This is a fine start, but the CMS would be better if people could also commenton content. So there’s another bit of functionality to implement. And let’s define what is meant by “content”. For most of the web, content isin the form of HTML, even if that HTML includes image and video references. But it would be nice if the content could present downloadable files. This adds more requirements:

• The ability to upload files • The ability to associate files with pages of content (i.e., where the files willbe linked from) • The ability to download files • The ability to change a previously uploaded file


And to better distinguish between a page of content and file content, let’s start calling them “page” and “file”, respectively. But it’s not done yet: let’s assume that all of the content is publicly viewable, but there ought to be limits as to who can create and edit content. More functionality:

• Support for different user types • Only certain user types can author content • Only certain user types can edit content (specifically, the original author plus administrators) • Only certain user types can assign types to users

In just a few moments, one initial goal–present content–quickly expanded into more than a dozen requirements. This is but a moderately complex example, which will work well for the purposes of this book.

Next Steps

Once you’ve established the functionality–with the client, too, if one exists, you can begin coding and creating files and folders. That process can be started fromone of two directions: the data or the presentation. In other words, you can begin with the user interface and work your way down to the code and database or you can begin with the database and work your way up to the user interface. If you’re a designer, or are working with clients that think primarily in visual terms, it makes sense to begin new projects with how they will look. This may be a wire- frame representation or actual HTML, but create a series of pages and images that provide a basis for how the site will appear from a user interface perspective. You don’t need to create every page, just address the key and common parts. The end goal is the HTML, CSS, and media in a final or nearly final state. Once you’ve done that, and the client has accepted the mockup, work your way backwards through the functionality and data. If you’re a developer, like me, incapable of thinking in graphical terms, it makes sense to begin new projects with the data: what information will be stored and how the stored information will be used. For this task, use paper and pen, or a modeling tool such as the MySQL Workbench. The goal is to create a database schema.

{TIP} Always err on the side of storing too much information, and always err on the side of complete normalization (when using a relational database).

With a schema defined, populate the database with sample data. This allows you to create the functionality that ties the data into a sample presentation. With that in place, you, and the client, can confirm the site looks and works as it should.


Figure 4.4: The CMS database schema.

From there, you can implement more functionality, and then finalize the entire presentation and interface. With the CMS site, I already have a sense of data required by the site: pages, authors, comments, and files. As a quick check, I can review the needed functionality and confirm that everything the site must be able to do requires just those four typesof data.

Defining the Database

With the functionality and data requirements identified, it’s time to create the database itself. Using a relational database application such as MySQL, one goes through the process of normalizing a database. It’s beyond the scope of this book to explain that process, but if you’re not familiar with database normalization, search online for tutorials or check out my “PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide” book. Figure 4.4 shows the database schema, as designed in the MySQL Workbench. I’ll now walk through the tables, and the corresponding SQL commands, individually. You should notice I’m keeping with the Yii database conventions: singular table names, all lowercase table and column names, and id for the primary keys. Also, every table will be of the InnoDB type–MySQL’s current default storage engine, and


{NOTE} You can download the complete SQL commands, along with some sample data, from the account page on the book’s website.


The user table stores information about registered users. The table stores a user- name, which must be unique, an email address, which must also be unique, and a password. Users can be one of three types, with public being the default (MySQL treats the first item in an ENUM column as the default). New user records can be created using this SQL command:

INSERT INTO user (username, email, pass) VALUES ('', '', SHA2('', 256))

Hypothetically, the stored password can be salted by appending both the user’s name and email address to the supplied password, with the whole string run through the SHA2() method, using 256-bit encryption. This returns a string 64 characters long. If your version of MySQL does not support SHA2(), you can use another encryption or hashing function.

{NEW} Yii 2 supports the most current, secure method of password hashing available in PHP. Chapter 11, “User Authentication and Autho- rization,” demonstrates its use.

The page table stores a page of HTML content:



title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, content LONGTEXT NULL, date_updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, date_published DATE NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX fk_page_user_idx (user_id ASC), INDEX date_published (date_published ASC), CONSTRAINT fk_page_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id ) REFERENCES yiibook2_cms.user (id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci

There’s nothing too revolutionary here, save for the use of the foreign key constraint, as there’s a relationship between page and user. MySQL supports foreign key con- straints when using the InnoDB type. This particular constraint says when the record that relates to this table’s user_id column is deleted, the corre- sponding records in this table will also be deleted (i.e., changes will cascade from user into page). You may not want to cascade this action; you could have the user_id be set to NULL instead:


Setting user_id value to NULL is only possible if the column allows for NULL values, as in the above modified SQL. New page records can be created using:

INSERT INTO page (user_id, title, content) VALUES (23, 'This is the page title.', 'This is the page content.')


When the page is ready to be made public, change its live value to 1 and set its date_published column to the publication date. Next, there’s the comment table, with relationships to both page and user:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS yiibook2_cms.comment ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, page_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, comment MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, date_entered TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX fk_comment_user_idx (user_id ASC), INDEX fk_comment_page_idx (page_id ASC), INDEX date_entered (date_entered ASC), CONSTRAINT fk_comment_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id ) REFERENCES yiibook2_cms.user (id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_comment_page FOREIGN KEY (page_id ) REFERENCES (id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci

Again, there are foreign key constraints here, but nothing new. New comment records can be created using:

INSERT INTO comment (user_id, page_id, comment) VALUES (23, 149, 'This is the comment.')

Next, there’s the file table, which stores information about uploaded files. It relates to user, in that each file is owned by a specific user:



description MEDIUMTEXT NULL, date_entered TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, date_updated DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX fk_file_user1_idx (user_id ASC), INDEX name (name ASC), INDEX date_entered (date_entered ASC), CONSTRAINT fk_file_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id ) REFERENCES yiibook2_cms.user (id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci

The file’s name, MIME type, and size would come from the uploaded file itself.The description is optional. New file records can be created using:

INSERT INTO file (user_id, name, type, size, description) VALUES (23, 'somefile.pdf', 'application/pdf', 239085, 'This is the description')

Finally, the page_has_file table is a middleman for the many-to-many relationship between page and file:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS yiibook2_cms.page_has_file ( page_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, file_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (page_id, file_id), INDEX fk_page_has_file_file_idx (file_id ASC), INDEX fk_page_has_file_page_idx (page_id ASC), CONSTRAINT fk_page_has_file_page FOREIGN KEY (page_id ) REFERENCES (id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_page_has_file_file FOREIGN KEY (file_id ) REFERENCES yiibook2_cms.file (id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION)



New page_has_file records can be created using:

INSERT INTO page_has_file (page_id, file_id) VALUES (23, 82);

And there you have the entire sample database. No doubt there are things you might do differently and, if so, feel free to edit the design as you’d prefer ittobe. Just remember to factor in your edits when working with the code later in the book. This database also makes a couple of assumptions. First, only logged-in users can make comments. If you want to allow anyone to post comments, you wouldn’t tie comments to the user table, instead storing all the information about the person making the comment in comment. Chapter 22, “Creating a CMS,” will do exactly that. Second, this database doesn’t support the option of categorizing or tagging content. That’s easy enough to implement: just create a tag table and a page_has_tag table that acts as the intermediary.

Foreign Key Constraints in MyISAM Tables

The previous section, which outlines the database schema, makes repeated references to the foreign key constraints in place. Foreign key constraints are beneficial in databases as they help ensure data integrity. It’s anywhere from messy to outright bad if a record in one table remains after a related record in another table is removed. However, there is another benefit to foreign key constraints in Yii-based applications beyond just data integrity. In Yii, a model will derive from a database table. In situations where one database table is related to another, such as user to comment, it’s helpful to recognize the relationship in the corresponding model files, too (i.e., in the PHP code). For exam- ple, if the Comment model is identified as being related to User through its user_id property, then instances of Comment type can use knowledge of that relationship to easily retrieve the username associated with the user_id of the current comment. For this reason, Yii will automatically read the foreign key constraints and use them to identify relationships in generated models. The problem is MySQL only enforces foreign key constraints in InnoDB tables and when every table involved uses the InnoDB storage engine. This may be a problem as MyISAM was the default storage engine for years, and you may be using it. If so, you can’t use foreign key constraints. Still, you can indicate to Yii that a relationship exists between two tables by adding a comment to the related column. Here is the page table, without the foreign key constraint but with the comment:



The comment that’s part of the user_id column indicates that column relates to the id column of the user table (or, technically, that user_id references the id property of the User model to be created by Yii). This comment has no effect on MySQL at all, but when you generate the models for these tables, Yii will automatically add code that reflects the proper relationships.

{TIP} Yii’s auto-generation of relationships is a nice touch, but in any situation where Yii doesn’t generate the relationship for you, you can write the code to indicate the relation yourself.

Creating the Database

Having defined the database in SQL terms, create it in MySQL or whatever database application you’re using. Do that now, using whatever tools you’d like, and the SQL commands available for download from this book’s website. The MySQL Workbench file is also available there. After creating the database and before continuing, double-check your database con- figuration file to confirm it connects to the proper database using the propercreden- tials. The CMS example uses the yiibook2_cms database.

Generating Code with Gii

Having created the database and configured the Yii site to connect to it, it’s time to fire up Gii. The purpose of Gii is to generate the foundational model, view,and controller files required by the site. Part 2 of this book primarily explains howto edit these generated files to tweak them to your particular needs.

Gii Requirements

Before going any further, go through the following checklist:

1. Confirm your Yii installation meets the minimum requirements.


Figure 4.5: The Gii home page.

2. Have your database design as complete as possible. Because Gii does so much work for you, it’s best not to have to make database changes later on. If done properly, after creating your database tables following these next steps, you won’t use Gii again for the project (at least not for basic models and CRUD functionality). 3. Make sure Gii is enabled (this is the default as of Yii 2, as explained earlier in this chapter). 4. Be using a development server.

Preferably, you’ve enabled Gii on a development server, you’ll use it, then disable it, and then put the site files online. Assuming you understand all of the above and have taken the requisite steps, you should now load Gii in your browser. Assuming your site is to be found at ex-, the Gii tool is at This URL also assumes you’re using the URL management component in Yii. If not, head to instead. Alternatively, if you configured your web server to hide the index file, you can just use Using that address, you’ll see a splash page and several options (Figure 4.5).


Figure 4.6: A tooltip for using the model generator.

{NEW} Yii 2 not only enables Gii by default, it does so without requir- ing a password, as the assumption is Gii will only be used–briefly–on a development server.

Gii can be used to generate:

• Models (specifically, Active Record models) • CRUD functionality • Controllers • Forms • Modules • Extensions

Over the next couple of pages, you’ll use two of these options: models and then CRUD. First, though, a tip: on subsequent Gii pages, links with a dashed underline will provide tooltips if you hover the cursor over them (Figure 4.6). Use these tooltips any time you’re confused by a prompt or want to learn additional tricks.

Generating Models

Before explaining what to do next, there’s a change you have to make due to new functionality in Yii 2. The basic Yii application now defines a User class for the purposes of logging in. This class would be destroyed by the generation of the User class involved in this example. Chapter 11 explains how to use the new User class for login purposes, but, for now, rename models/User.php as models/User- original.php so you can revisit that code later. The first thing to do with Gii is generate the models. Click the “Model Generator” start button to head there. On the following page (Figure 4.7):


Figure 4.7: The form for auto-generating a model file.


Figure 4.8: The preview of the files to be created.

1. Enter * as the table name. 2. Click Preview. 3. In the preview (Figure 4.8), deselect the PageHasFile.php model, which is not needed by this application. 4. Click Generate.

The * is a shortcut to have Gii automatically model every database table. If you’d rather generate a model at a time, you can enter a table name in the first field and work through Steps 2 and 3, repeating that sequence for every other table. After clicking Generate, you’ll then see a message indicating the code was created. You can check for new files within the models directory to confirm this. If you see an error about an inability to write the files, you’ll need to modify the permissions on the models directory to allow the web server to write there. On Mac OS X and *nix, set the permissions to 0777 on models, views, and controllers. Then rerun Gii. For the CMS example, these steps generate four files within the models directory:

• Comment.php • File.php • Page.php • User.php

In Chapter 5, “Working with Models,” you’ll start using and editing the generated code.

Generating CRUD

With the models created, the next step is to have Gii generate complete CRUD functionality. “CRUD” stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete: everything you do with database content. Yii’s ability to write this code for you is a wonderful feature, saving you lots of time and energy.


{NEW} In Yii 2, you can now also run Gii from the command line. See the Gii guide for more.

To begin, click the “Crud Generator” start link. On the following page (Figure 4.9):

{NEW} Due to the use of namespaces, using Gii to create controllers in Yii 2 requires a bit more specification than Yii 1 did.

1. Enter “app\models\Page” as the Model Class. 2. Enter “app\models\PageSearch” as the Search Model Class. 3. Enter “app\controllers\PageController” as the Controller Class. 4. Click Preview. 5. Click Generate (Figure 4.10).

{TIP} You can omit a value for the View Path, as Yii will default to a logical choice.

If all went well, that one step will create the controller file for the Page model, the PageSearch model for search purposes, plus a view directory for its view files, and six specific view files:

• _form.php • _search.php • create.php • index.php • update.php • view.php

The controller will be explained in detail in Chapter 7. The view files will be covered in Chapter 6, “Working with Views.” For your knowledge now, understand that the form file is used to both create and update records. The search script isacustom search form. The index script is intended for a public listing of the records. The view script is used to show the specifics of an individual record. And the create and update files are wrappers to the form page, with appropriate headings andsuch. Once those steps work for the Page model, repeat the process for Comment, User, and File. You don’t need to create CRUD functionality for the PageHasFile class. You will have situations where you’d have a model for a table but not want CRUD functionality, so don’t assume you always take both steps. And that’s it! Return to the application’s home page by clicking “Application”. Then disable Gii by editing the web configuration file.


Figure 4.9: Generating CRUD functionality for pages.


Figure 4.10: The preview of the files being generated for Page CRUD functionality.

Confirm what you did worked by checking out the new directories and files orbygo- ing to specific URLs. Depending upon whether or not you added “urlManager” to the application’s configuration, a test URL would be something like exam- or There may or may not be records to list yet depending upon whether you manually inserted some data into the database. Don’t try to add new records until you make additional edits, starting in Chapter 5.

{TIP} If you use Yii a lot, and have your own ways of doing things, look into how you can customize the Gii generated output.

Regeneration in Gii

A common question relative to Gii is how to use Gii to regenerate models and CRUD functionality. For example, you create a model based upon a database table and customize the model code. Later, you change the table a bit and are thinking about re-running Gii, but worry about wiping out all your edits. What can you do? The first option is not to use Gii at all. Instead, manually make the corresponding change in your class file. The second option is to use your version control software–we’re all using Git, right?– to handle the change management for you. You’ll make all your edits in master, then create a new branch. Rerun Gii in the new branch, wiping out the existing code, and then merge the resulting changes onto master. A third option is a bit more sophisticated. Instead of editing the files created by Gii, extend that class into another class (e.g., Page into MyPage). Then make all edits in the extended class. This allows you to regenerate and override the base class via Gii, while leaving your edits in the extended class untouched.

84 Part II

Core Concepts

85 Chapter 5


Part 1 of the book, “Getting Started,” introduces the underlying philosophies of the Yii framework and provides an overview of how a Yii-based site is organized and functions. Part 1 also explains how to create the initial shell of an application, and how to have Yii create code for you via Gii. Part 2 of the book expands that knowledge to customizing the generated code. The combination of generated code and your alterations is how Yii-based sites are created: have Composer and Gii create the boilerplate materials, and then edit those files to make the code specific for your application. The process of learning the core Yii concepts begins with the three pieces of MVC design: models, views, and controllers. This chapter goes into models in great detail. You’ll learn what the common model methods do, and how to perform standard edits. Many of the examples will assume you’ve created the CMS database and code explained in Part 1. If you have not already, you might want to do so now. The focus in this chapter is obviously on models, but there are two types of models you’ll work with: those based upon database tables and those not. To keep the chapter to a reasonable length, and to avoid overwhelming you with technical details, most of the chapter covers subjects relevant to both model types. A bit of the material will only apply to database-specific models, with much more such material to follow in Chapter 8, “Working with Databases.”

The Model Classes

By default, model classes in Yii go within the models directory. Each file defines just one model as a class, and each file uses the name of the class it defines, followed by the .php extension. In Yii, every model class ought to inherit from the yii\base\Model class or a sub- class. The most common subclass is yii\db\ActiveRecord, for models associated with databases. Conversely, yii\base\Model is the basis of models not tied to

86 CHAPTER 5. WORKING WITH MODELS database tables, such as those associated with other HTML forms. Another way of differentiating between the two model types is that ActiveRecord models perma- nently store data whereas yii\base\Model models temporarily represent data, such as from the time a contact form is submitted to when the contact email is sent, at which point the data is no longer needed.

{NEW} In Yii 2, the base Model class is used instead of CFormModel for non-Active Record models.

For example, if you have Yii create your model code and site shell for the CMS example using steps outlined in Chapter 4, “Initial Customizations and Code Gen- erations,” you’ll have eleven model classes:

• ContactForm.php and LoginForm.php, both of which extend Model • Comment.php, File.php, Page.php, and User.php, all of which extend ActiveRecord • CommentSearch.php, FileSearch.php, PageSearch.php, and UserSearch.php, all of which extend their parent class: Comment, File, Page, and User

{TIP} A model can be broken into one base class and multiple derived classes. This is beneficial when not all the model’s methods are needed everywhere in the site, such as with modules or the search models.

Even though these eleven classes primarily represent two different types of models– those associated only with an HTML form and those associated with a database table, all models serve the same purposes. First, models store data. Second, models define business rules for that data. All models are used in essentially the sameway, too, as you’ll see when you learn more about how controllers use models. Let’s first look at the model classes from an overview perspective and then go into their code in more detail. The two classes that extend Model have this general structure: namespace app\models; use Yii; use yii\base\Model; class ClassName extends Model {

// Attributes... public $someAttribute;


// Methods... public function rules() {} public function attributeLabels() {}


The classes that extend ActiveRecord have this general structure: namespace app\models; use Yii; class ClassName extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord {

// Methods... public function tableName() {} public function rules() {} public function attributeLabels() {}


Two of the methods–rules() and attributeLabels()–are common to both model types. Further, as both model types inherit (indirectly) from Model, other methods are common to both but aren’t included in these specific model definitions. In fact, most of the model’s functionality isn’t defined in your model class, but rather ina parent class. You’ll see some of these inherited methods later in the chapter. The Model models will always have declared attributes. These attributes temporar- ily represent model data. Conversely, ActiveRecord models don’t need explicit at- tributes, as the data is stored in the database and then loaded into attributes made available on the fly through Active Record. The ActiveRecord models also define other methods that Model models do not have, including tableName(). Relation- ships between database tables, and therefore Active Record models, are represented as custom methods. The rest of this chapter explains what these methods do, and how you might edit them. The chapter will also explain how to add your own attributes and methods when needed, just as you would in any class.

Establishing Rules

Perhaps the most important method in your models is rules(). This method re- turns an array of rules by which the model data must abide. This method dictates much of your application’s security and reliability. In fact, this method alone rep- resents a key benefit of using a framework: built-in data validation. Whethera

88 CHAPTER 5. WORKING WITH MODELS new record is being created or an existing one updated, you won’t have to write, replicate, and test the data validation routines. Yii handles them for you, based upon the rules.

{NOTE} Your database tables will have built-in rules, too, such as re- quiring a value (i.e., NOT NULL) or restricting a number to being non- negative (i.e., UNSIGNED). While those rules protect your data’s in- tegrity, violating them won’t necessarily result in error messages end users can see, unlike the Yii model rules.

Like many methods in Yii, the rules() method returns an array of data: public function rules() { return [/* actual rules */]; }

Note the use of the short array syntax, added in PHP 5.4. I’ll sometimes use it, to follow Yii conventions; other times, I’ll use the array() method if it provides more clarity. The rules() method returns an array whose elements are also arrays. Those subar- rays use the syntax array('attributes', 'validator', [other parameters]). The attributes are the class attributes (for yii\base\Model models) or table col- umn names (for \yii\db\ActiveRecord models) to which the rule should apply. To apply the same rule to multiple attributes, just provide an array as the first argument: array(['attr1', 'attr2'], 'validator', [other parameters])

The validator value is a single string, referring to a built-in Yii validator, one of your own creation, or one created by a third-party. For an easy example, there’s the “required” validator:

# models/File.php public function rules() { return [ [['user_id', 'name', 'type', 'size'], 'required'], // Other rules. ]; // End of return statement. } // End of method.

That one rule says that values for the user_id, name, type, and size attributes (in this case, table columns) are required.


Some validators take parameters that further dictate the requirements. For example, the “string” validator can take a “max” parameter, which sets the maximum string length:

[['name'], 'string', 'max' => 80],

That code is from the File.php model. Gii will automatically generate rules like this based on the underlying table definition: the name column in the file table is a VARCHAR(80). (For simplicity sake, and to reduce the amount of code, I’m going to forgo the function definition and return array() statement from here on out, for the most part.) If you want to pass multiple parameters to a validator, do so as separate arguments:

['age', 'integer', 'min'=>13, 'max'=>100],

With an understanding of how rules are syntactically defined, let’s look at more of the validators, and then delve into more custom rules.

Available Validators

Yii has defined almost two dozen common validators for your use:

• boolean • captcha • compare • date • default • double • email • exist • file • filter • image • in • match • number • required • safe • string • trim • unique • url


Figure 5.1: The details for the “requiredValue” property of the yii\validators\RequiredValidator class.

{NEW} New in Yii 2 are specific type validators: double, integer, and string.

Each name is associated with a defined Yii class that performs the validation. Ifyou look at the Yii class docs for any of them (linked through the yii\validators\Validator page), you can find the parameters associated with the validator. The parame- ters are listed as the class’s properties. For example, the “required” class has a requiredValue property (Figure 5.1). Using that information, you now know you can set a specific required value when using this rule:

['acceptTerms', 'required', 'requiredValue' => 1]

(In case it’s not obvious, that particular bit of code is how you would verify that someone has selected an “acceptance of terms” checkbox, which results in the asso- ciated variable having a value of 1.) Looking at the docs, you’ll find that many validators have a strict property. It takes a Boolean indicating if a strict comparison is required: both the value and the type must match. This is false, by default. Looking at the other validators, the “boolean” validator confirms that the value is Boolean-like. “Boolean-like”, because it’s not looking for PHP’s true/false values, but rather 1 or 0. This makes sense if you think about it, as MySQL, for example, stores Booleans as 1 or 0, and HTML doesn’t have true/false Booleans either. The Yii basic template code uses the “boolean” validator for the “remember me” option in the LoginForm class: array('rememberMe', 'boolean'),

The “captcha” validator is used with the yii\captcha\CaptchaAction class to implement captcha form validation. Chapter 12, “Working with Widgets,” discusses this. The “compare” validator compares a value against another value. The second value can either be another attribute or an external value. For example, a registration

91 CHAPTER 5. WORKING WITH MODELS form often has two passwords. The second password, hypothetically called “pass- Compare”, would be represented as an attribute in the model, but not stored in the database: class User extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord { // Add passCompare as an attribute: public $passCompare;

The rules() method would then return this array, among others:

['pass', 'compare', 'compareAttribute' => 'passCompare']

The “compare” validator performs an equality comparison by default. Through the class’s operator property, other comparisons can be made: ==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, <=, and >=. The “date” validator confirms that the provided value is a date, time, or datetime. Its format property dictates the exact format the value must match, with the de- fault being “MM/dd/yyyy”. As in that string, the format is dictated using special characters, per the International Components for (ICU) standards. The characters are largely what you’d expect; you mostly adjust for whether values in- clude leading zeros or not. The “default” validator is not a restriction, but rather establishes a default value for an attribute should one not be provided. I’ll return to it in a few pages. The “double” validator, effectively the same as the “number” validator, confirms if a value is a double-precision floating-point number (i.e., something with a decimal in it).

['taxrate', 'double']

This validator takes optional “min” and “max” arguments to restrict the number to an inclusive range. The “email” and “url” validators compare a value against proper regular expressions for those syntaxes. You can customize these in a few ways. For example, you can use the validSchemes property to list the acceptable URL schemes, where “http” and “https” are the defaults.

['email', 'email'], ['website', 'url'],

The “exist” validator is for very specific and important uses. It confirms thatthe provided value exists in a table. You’ll normally use it to validate foreign key- primary key relationships wherein the value provided for a foreign key in Table A

92 CHAPTER 5. WORKING WITH MODELS must exist as a primary key value in Table B. I’ll show a real-world example of “exist” in a few pages. The “file” and “image” validators are for validating an uploaded file, wherethe “image” validator is an extension of “file”. This is a bit more complex of a process, and Chapter 9, “Working with Forms,” covers that. The “filter” validator isn’t a true validator, but actually a processor through which the data can be run. I’ll explain it in more detail later in this chapter. The “in” validator confirms that a value is within a range or list of values. Youcan provide the range or list as an array assigned to the range attribute:

['stooge', 'in', 'range' => ['Curly', 'Moe', 'Larry']], ['rating', 'in', 'range' => range(1,10)],

The “match” validator tests a value against a regular expression. Assign the specific regular expression to the pattern attribute:

['pass', 'match', 'pattern'=>'/^[a-z0-9_-]{6,20}$/'],

The “number” validator, which validates a double by default, can also be used to ensure a value is an integer:

['age', 'number', 'integerOnly' => true]

It also allows for minimums and maximums:

['age', 'number', 'integerOnly' => true, 'min' => 13, 'max' => 120]

The “required” validator will catch both null values and empty values. You’ve already seen an example of it:

[['user_id', 'name', 'type', 'size'], 'required']

Remember that “required” only ensures that an attribute has a value; the other rules more specifically restrict what the value must be. This also means, for example, that applying the “email” validator to an attribute without also applying “required”, means that value can be null (or empty), but if it has a value, it must match the email address pattern.

{WARNING} Be sure to also apply “required”, on top of any other rule when the attribute must have a value.


The “safe” validator is used to flag attributes as being safe to use without any other rules applying. For example, the description column in the file table can have a null value, and its allowed value–any text–doesn’t lend itself to any other validation. But without any validation, Yii will consider description to be unsafe. On the other hand, an email address is already considered to be “safe” because it must abide by the email rule. “Unsafe” isn’t just a label, however. When a form is submitted, Yii quickly maps the form data onto corresponding model attributes through a process called “mas- sive assignment”. But Yii will only perform massive assignment for attributes that are considered to be safe. This means that, without any other validation rules, the description value from the form, for example, will not be assigned to the corre- sponding model attribute, and therefore won’t end up in the database. The fix is to apply the “safe” validator to description to force Yii to treat it as safe to massively assign:

['description', 'safe'],

All that being said, in the particular case of an optional description, you’d likely want to filter it through PHP’s strip_tags() function as a security measure. I generally recommend that you apply at least one validator to every attribute, and in the rare cases you cannot, that you at least apply a filter. Once you’ve applied the filter, you no longer need to declare the attribute assafe. The “string” validator is used on strings, confirming that the number of characters is more than, fewer than, or equal to a specific number:

['pass', 'string', 'max' => 20],

{TIP} All numbers used for sizes, ranges, and lengths are inclusive.

The minimum and maximum can be combined to create a range:

['pass', 'string', 'min' => 6, 'max' => 20],

To require a string of a specific length, use the “string” validator’s length property:

['stateAbbr', 'string', 'length' => 2],

The length property can also set the minimum and maximum range:

['pass', 'string', 'length' => [6,20] ],

New in Yii 2 is the “trim” validator, which isn’t a validator, but rather a filter that applies the PHP trim() function to the attribute’s value:


Figure 5.2: The default error message for an invalid email address.

[['firstName', 'lastName'], 'trim']

The “unique” validator requires that the value be unique for all corresponding records in the associated database table. You would use this to guarantee unique email addresses, for example:

['email', 'unique'],

And that’s an introduction to all of Yii’s built-in validators. At the end of this section of the chapter, I’ll put this information together within the context of the CMS site to show some practical rules for its models. But first, there’s more to learn about rules!

Changing Error Messages

Many validators take additional parameters that map to public properties of the underlying validator class. Some parameters are common to every validator, as they all extend the yii\validators\Validator class. One such parameter is “message”. This attribute stores the error message returned when the attribute does not pass a particular validation (Figure 5.2). If you don’t like the default error response, you can easily change it by assigning a new value to the message property:

['email', 'email', 'message'=>'You must provide an email address to which you have access.'], ['pass', 'match', 'pattern'=>'/^[a-z0-9_-]{6,20}$/', 'message'=>'The password must be between 6 and 20 characters long and can only contain letters, numbers, the underscore, and the hyphen.'],

Within your new message value, use the special placeholder {attribute} to have Yii automatically insert the offending attribute:


['pass', 'match', 'pattern'=>'/^[a-z0-9_-]{6,20}$/', 'message'=>'The {attribute} must be between 6 and 20 characters long and can only contain letters, numbers, the underscore, and the hyphen.'],

Your error message can indicate the provided value via {value}. A couple of validators have more specific error messages you can customize. The “string” validator has tooLong and tooShort properties for those specific error mes- sages. Similarly, the “number” validator has tooBig and tooSmall:

['age', 'number', 'integerOnly' => true, 'min' => 13, 'max' => 120, 'tooSmall' => 'You must be at least 13 to use this site.'],

Setting Default Values

The “default” validator is not a true validator but is instead used to set default values for an attribute should one not be provided. Default rules are normally implemented when an attribute should be provided with a value but not by the user. As an appropriate example of this, you could use “default” to set a default user type. The CMS database defines the user.type column as ENUM('public', 'author', 'admin'). A user would not indicate her own user type when registering; that’s something only the administrator would set. Now, technically, if an ENUM column is set as NOT NULL, MySQL will automatically use the first possible value as the default, so you could get away with not providing a type value. However, it’s best to be as explicit as you can when programming and not rely upon assumptions about external behavior. (You may not even be using MySQL!) A better solution is assigning the type property a default value:

['type', 'default', 'value' => 'public']

If no value is provided, then “public” will be used. When a value is provided, such as when an administrator updates an account and changes the user’s type in the process, that provided value will be used instead. You can also use the default validator to set empty values to NULL. For example, the file.description column can be NULL. If no value is provided for that element in the form, then its value will be an empty string when saved in the database. An empty string is not technically the same as NULL, and won’t be properly represented in queries that use IS NULL conditionals. The solution is to set a default value of NULL:


['description', 'default', 'value' => NULL]

In Yii 2, it’s semantically the same as the above if you just use the “default” validator without setting a default NULL value, but I prefer to be explicit.

Creating Your Own Validator

Thus far, you’ve seen the built-in validators, but Yii allows you to create your own, too. The advanced way to do so is to create a new class that extends yii\validators\Validator. A more simple approach–and more appropriate approach much of the time–is to define a new method that performs the validation within the same model that uses it. The LoginForm class created as part of the basic Yii application, does just that, defining a validatePassword() method: public function validatePassword($attribute, $params) { if (!$this->hasErrors()) { $user = $this->getUser(); if (!$user || !$user->validatePassword($this->password)) { $this->addError($attribute, 'Incorrect username or password.'); } } }

What’s going on in that code is a bit complicated for the beginner, so Chapter 11, “User Authentication and Authorization,” explains it. For now, focus on the ability to define your own method as a validator. The method takes two arguments: the attribute being validated–a string–and the validation parameters, an array. Once defined, the method name is used as the validator name. Here’s that rulefrom LoginForm:

['password', 'validatePassword'],

As in the validatePassword() example, your validation method indicates a problem–a lack of validation–by adding an error to the model instance object (aka $this). Yii uses the presences of errors, or lack thereof, as an indicator of whether or not the data passes all the validation tests. The addError() method takes two arguments: the attribute to which the error applies and an error message. As another example, the File class has a type attribute, which corresponds to file.type in the database. This attribute stores the MIME type of a file: appli- cation/pdf, audio/mp4, video/ogg, and so on. When the file is uploaded, the PHP code can read this value from the file. The value will later be used when PHP sends the file back to the browser (i.e., when the user downloads the file).


A site should restrict the kinds of files that can be uploaded to certain file types. Older versions of the Yii framework had no built-in validator to do that, so you would have defined your own method for that purpose:

# models/File.php public function validateFileType($attr, $params) {

// Allow PDFs and Word docs: $allowed = array('application/pdf', 'application/msword');

// Make sure this is an allowed type: if (!in_array($this->$attr, $allowed)) { $this->addError($attr, 'You can only upload PDF files or Word docs.'); } } // End of validateFileType() method.

Once defined, the validating method can be applied: public function rules() { return [ // Other rules. ['type', 'validateFileType'], ]; }

As Yii 2 includes a file type validator, defining your own is unnecessary. You’ll see Yii’s validator in Chapter 9.

Applying Filters

The “filter” validator is not a true validator, but rather a vehicle for running avalue through a function. This processing occurs prior to any other validation. When you have attributes whose values don’t align with any other validator, consider filtering that data for extra security. Common examples would be addresses or comments, both of which don’t neatly fit any regular expression but should be sanitized for safe usage. Going with the CMS example, the File class’s description attribute should be stripped of any HTML or PHP code:

['description', 'filter', 'filter' => 'strip_tags']

You can also write your own filtering function, if you need something more custom. The function takes one argument–the value being filtered–and returns a value:


# models/SomeModel.php public function filterValue($v) { // Do whatever to $v. return $v; }

This filter would then be invoked like so:

# models/SomeModel.php::rules() ['attr', 'filter', 'filter' => 'filterValue']

Alternatively, as PHP now supports anonymous functions, you can combine the above two code blocks into one:

['attr', 'filter', 'filter' => function($v) { // Do whatever to $v. return $v; }]

Validation Scenarios

Rules can also be set to abide by validation scenarios. Validation scenarios are a way to restrict when a rule should or shouldn’t apply. By default, rules apply under all scenarios. In order to change when a rule applies, you need to first identify the scenarios that exist. There are two ways of defining scenarios. The first, most overt, option is todefine a scenarios() method in the model. It should return an array of scenario names, whose values are arrays of attributes to be validated in that scenario: public function scenarios() { return [ 'login' => ['username', 'pass'], 'register' => ['username', 'email', 'pass'] ]; }

That code defines two scenarios, presumably for the User class. The “login” scenario validates the username and password. The registration scenario requires validation of the email address as well. Alternatively, you can forgo the creation of a scenarios() method and merely reference scenarios within the rules. A scenario is applied to a rule using the syntax 'on' => 'scenarioName':

99 CHAPTER 5. WORKING WITH MODELS public function rules() { return [ [['username', 'email', 'pass'], 'required', 'on'=>'register'], [['username', 'pass'], 'required', 'on'=>'login'], ]; }

If you don’t define the scenarios() method, Yii will parse the available scenarios from the rules. If you want a rule to apply to multiple scenarios, just separate scenario name each with a comma.

{TIP} Instead of using “on” to specify a scenario, you can use “except” to have a rule apply to every scenario but the scenario indicated.

Identifying the current scenario is done not in the model itself, but when an instance of that model is created. To flesh out this specific example, let’s look at controllers a bit. The registration of a new user would likely be done through the actionCreate() method of the UserController class, as registration is literally the creation of a new user. That controller method begins with:

# controllers/UserController.php::actionCreate() $model=new User();

To convert that into a scenario, provide the constructor–the class method that’s automatically called when a new object of that class is created–with the scenario name:

$model=new User(['scenario' => 'register']);

Now the model is in the “register” scenario! Only rules set to apply during the “register” scenario will be invoked within this circumstance. You might also create user-related scenarios for changing passwords or for changing other user settings. Scenarios can also be set on existing instances by assigning a value to the scenario property:

$model->scenario = 'value';

This approach allows you to dynamically change a model’s scenario after the model has been created.


Adding Behaviors

Models often also make use of behaviors. Behaviors in Yii are examples of mixins, emulating multiple inheritance by making methods not directly inherited by a class available for use within that class. More simply put, behaviors solve the problem where it’d be great to have some of class A’s functionality in class B, even though class B doesn’t inherit from A.

{NOTE} Behaviors can be used by other class types, not just models.

Using TimestampBehavior

The most important behavior with respect to models is “TimestampBehavior”, de- fined in yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior. This behavior provides the ability to dynamically set an attribute’s value to the current timestamp. For example, the File class has date_entered and date_updated attributes. When a new file record is created, the date_entered attribute should be set to the current date and time. But this should only happen when a new file record is created; in all other situations, the date_entered property should be left alone. To properly address the range of possibilities, a rule can be established to set this attribute’s value, but only upon inserts. Similarly, the File class’s date_updated attribute should be set to the current date and time whenever the file is updated, but not when it’s first created. The desired goal here is somewhat complicated, and highly contextual. Further, it relies upon being able to set the value of an attribute to a database function invocation. As Chapter 8 explains, you cannot just set an attribute’s value to “NOW()”, as that is a string, not a database function call. This situation is not only tricky, it’s also extremely common. Every model based upon a database table that has a timestamp column will need this capability. By creating the yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior class as a behavior, that function- ality can be added on the fly to any other class. To use the timestamp behavior, the model must first grab a reference to the names- pace class. This is done by adding a line to the model definition:

Next, configure the behavior within a behaviors() method. It returns an array, with one array element for each behavior to use.

101 CHAPTER 5. WORKING WITH MODELS public function behaviors() { return [ [ /* Behavior A */ ], [ /* Behavior B */ ] ]; }

Within each subarray, identify the class of the behavior and configure it that class. A behavior is configured by assigning values to the underlying class’s writable prop- erties. For a “TimestampBehavior”, indicate the column to have a preset value upon insert and the column to have a preset value upon update. Here’s the result for the “File” model: public function behaviors() { return [ [ 'class' => TimestampBehavior::className(), 'attributes' => [ ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT => ['date_entered', 'date_updated'], ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE => ['date_updated'], ], ], ]; }

That code says that when the ActiveRecord “before insert” occurs, the date_entered and date_updated attributes should be populated. When the “be- fore update” event occurs, only date_updated needs to be set to the current times- tamp. Because this behavior refers to the ActiveRecord class, the model must also use that namespace:

Using BlameableBehavior

Another useful behavior for models is “BlameableBehavior”. It makes it easy to asso- ciate a model attribute with the current user. In the CMS example, this functionality is needed to identify the author of a comment, page, or file (i.e., the uploader).


The behavior is simple to use. First, include a reference to the namespace: use yii\behaviors\BlameableBehavior;

Next, configure the behavior to identify the “created by” and “updated by”at- tributes, if the class has them: public function behaviors() { return [ [ 'class' => BlameableBehavior::className(), 'createdByAttribute' => 'user_id' ] ]; }

That’s all there is to it! Yii will automatically assign the current user’s ID to the user_id model attribute. Chapter 11 goes into the user’s ID in more detail.

Putting It All Together

With all of this information in mind, here’s how you go about defining rules for a model:

• Identify required attributes. This should be obvious and easy, but focus on information required from the user. Only establish required rules for attributes whose data may be provided by users. You wouldn’t, for example, declare a required rule for a primary key field, whose value will be automatically created by the database.

• Validate the values in the most restrictive way possible. The required rule ensures an attribute has a value, but most attributes can be further re- stricted. Add subsequent rules in this order:

1. Validate anything you can to a specific value. It’s not often the case that an attribute must have a specific value, or one of a possible set of values, butif so, explicitly check for that. For example, the type attribute of User can only be “public”, “author”, or “admin”.

2. Validate anything else remaining to a strict pattern, if you can. For example, an email address or a URL must match a pattern. You might also create patterns for matching usernames, passwords, and so forth.

3. Validate anything else remaining to a strict type, if you can. For example, validate to numbers or numeric types.


4. Validate to a range or length, if you can. With numbers, the easiest and most common check is for a positive value. Ages, quantities, prices, and so forth, must all be greater than 0. Ages, however, would also have a logical maximum, such as 100 or 120. Similarly, validate strings to lengths matching the database definition for those columns.

• Apply filters as appropriate. Apply filters to any attribute not covered by a validation rule.

• Be as conservative as you can with safe lists. If you’ve thought carefully about the applicable validation rules, there should be only a rare few attributes that also need to be forcibly marked as safe. Even better, only mark attributes as safe in specific scenarios.

• Customize descriptive error messages, if needed. This is more of a user interface issue, but something to also consider.

With all of this in mind, let’s look at the rules I would initially set for the CMS site’s four models. If you’re the kind of person that likes to test yourself, take a crack at customizing the appropriate rules first, before looking at mine. You can check your answers by downloading my code from the book’s download page (on the “Downloads” tab of your account page). Three quick notes on the rules. First, the date column types will be populated using “TimestampBehavior”. I’ll explain that code after the initial rules, but when this behavior is used, you don’t need rules for those attributes. Second, the user_id values will be populated using “BlameableBehavior”. Just to be safe, these attributes are still referenced in the rules. Third, the page_id attribute in Comment will need to be set in a different way; to be explained later in the book.

# models/Comment.php::rules() // Required attributes (by the user): [['comment'], 'required'],

// Must be in related models (tables): [['user_id'], 'exist', 'targetClass'=>'User', 'targetAttribute'=>'id'], [['page_id'], 'exist', 'targetClass'=>'Page', 'targetAttribute'=>'id'],

// Strip tags from the comments: [['comment'], 'filter', 'filter'=>'strip_tags'],

And here is Page:


# models/Page.php::rules() // Only the title is required from the user: [['title'], 'required'],

// User must exist in the related table: [['user_id'], 'exist', 'targetClass'=>'User', 'targetAttribute'=>'id'],

// Live needs to be Boolean; default 0: [['live'], 'boolean'], [['live'], 'default', 'value'=>0],

// Title has a max length and strip tags: [['title'], 'string', 'max' => 100], [['title'], 'filter', 'filter' => 'strip_tags'],

// Filter the content to allow for NULL values: [['content'], 'default', 'value'=>NULL],

// date_published must be in a format that MySQL likes: [['date_published'], 'date', 'format'=>'yyyy-MM-dd']

And here is User:

# models/User.php::rules() // Required fields when registering: [['username', 'email', 'pass'], 'required', 'on'=>'register'],

// Required fields when logging in: [['username', 'pass'], 'required', 'on'=>'login'],

// Username must be unique and less than 45 characters: [['email', 'username'], 'unique'], [['username'], 'string', 'max' => 45],

// Email address must also be unique (see above), an email address, // and less than 60 characters: [['email'], 'email'], [['email'], 'string', 'max' => 60],

// Password must match a regular expression: [['pass'], 'match', 'pattern'=>'/^[a-z0-9_-]{6,20}$/i'],


// Password must match the comparison: [['pass'], 'compare', 'compareAttribute'=>'passCompare', 'on'=>'register'],

// Set the type to "public" by default: [['type'], 'default', 'value'=>'public'],

// Type must also be one of three values: [['type'], 'in', 'range'=>['public', 'author', 'admin']],

You also have to add one attribute to User:

# models/User.php class User extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord { public $passCompare; // Needed for registration! // Et cetera

{TIP} In real-world applications, put no restrictions on what a pass- word can contain or its length, but I wanted to demonstrate a regular expression example here.

And here are the rules from the File model:

# models/File.php::rules() // name, type, size are required (sort of come from the user) [['name', 'type', 'size'], 'required'],

// User must exist in the related table: [['user_id'], 'exist', 'targetClass'=>'User', 'targetAttribute'=>'id'],

// Size must be an integer: [['size'], 'integer'],

// description is optional; must be filtered // and set to NULL when empty: [['description'], 'filter', 'filter' => 'strip_tags'], [['description'], 'default', 'value' => NULL],

// Maximum length on the name: [['name'], 'string', 'max' => 80],

// Type must be of an appropriate kind: [['type'], 'filter', 'filter' => 'validateType'],


Those rules also refer to the “validateType” filter. Three of the file attributes–its name, type, and size–aren’t actually provided by the user directly, but come from the file the user uploaded. Chapter 9 delves into File. As for the date-type columns and the user IDs, these values are set using behaviors. Thus, each of these four classes must use the proper namespaces, meaning they’ll begin like so:

Then, the behaviors() method in each model will return:

# models/Comment.php::behaviors() return [ [ 'class' => TimestampBehavior::className(), 'attributes' => [ ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT => ['date_entered'] ], ], [ 'class' => BlameableBehavior::className(), 'createdByAttribute' => 'user_id' ], ];

# models/Page.php::behaviors() return [ [ 'class' => TimestampBehavior::className(), 'attributes' => [ ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT => ['date_updated'], ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE => ['date_updated'], ], ], [ 'class' => BlameableBehavior::className(), 'createdByAttribute' => 'user_id' ], ];


# models/User.php::behaviors() return [ [ 'class' => TimestampBehavior::className(), 'attributes' => [ ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT => ['date_entered'] ] ], ];

# models/File.php::behaviors() return [ [ 'class' => TimestampBehavior::className(), 'attributes' => [ ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT => ['date_entered', 'date_updated'], ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE => ['date_updated'], ], ], [ 'class' => BlameableBehavior::className(), 'createdByAttribute' => 'user_id' ], ];

After establishing your rules, you can test some of this code by checking that the forms load properly. There’s no value in submitting new records, however, as many more things must be established before the models are usable for managing database content.

Changing Labels

Moving out of the rules, on a much more trivial note, let’s look at the attributeLabels() method. This method returns an associative array of at- tribute names and the labels the site should use for those attributes. The labels will appear in forms, error messages, and so forth. For example, in a form that asks the user for an email address, should that form field say “Email”, “E-mail”, “E-mail Address”, or whatever? Rather than editing the corresponding HTML in the view file, the MVC approach says to put this knowledge into the model itself. By doing so, editing one file will have the desired effect wherever the attribute’s label is used.


The Yii framework, through Gii, does a great job of automatically generating rea- sonable labels for you. For example, given a column name of “date_updated”, Gii will generate the label “Date Updated”; “user_id” becomes “User ID”. If the automatically generated labels aren’t 100% right, customize them. To do so, just edit the values returned by attributeLabels(). Only edit the values, though, not the array indexes. For example, in the File.php model, I would change the attributeLabels() defi- nition to: public function attributeLabels() { return [ 'id' => 'ID', 'user_id' => 'Uploaded By', 'name' => 'File Name', 'type' => 'File Type', 'size' => 'File Size', 'description' => 'Description', 'date_entered' => 'Date Entered', 'date_updated' => 'Date Updated', ]; }

After making those edits, all of the view files reflect the new changes (Figure 5.3).

{NOTE} The file upload–or create–form would be much different onthe live site, as the file’s name, type, and size would come from the uploaded file itself.

When editing attribute label values, remember that they aren’t just relevant on input forms such as that in Figure 5.3. For example, you won’t have the user provide the date_entered value as that value will be automatically set. That might lead you to think there’s no need to have a “Date Entered” label, but that label will still be used on a page that shows the information about an already uploaded file. You’ll need to add attribute names and values to models in two circumstances:

• When you have a model not based upon a database • When you add attributes to a database-based model

With the latter, adding the passCompare attribute to User means you should add its label, too:


Figure 5.3: The form for adding a new file, with its new labels.

# models/User.php::attributeLabels() return [ 'id' => 'ID', 'username' => 'Username', 'email' => 'Email', 'pass' => 'Password', 'type' => 'Type', 'date_entered' => 'Date Entered', 'passCompare' => 'Password Confirmation' ];

Watching for Model Events

The chapter largely examines the model methods created by Gii. But there are methods not generated for you but still common to models. Specifically, you should be aware of:

• afterDelete() • afterFind() • afterSave() • afterValidate()


Figure 5.4: Part of Yii’s class inheritance structure, with Component at the top.

• beforeDelete() • beforeFind() • beforeSave() • beforeValidate()

These methods are used to handle model-related events. Before looking at their usage, let’s first discuss event handling in Yii in general.

The Component Class

Chapter 4 covers configuring application components, such as the database com- ponent, the “urlManager” component, and so forth. But there is another use of “component” in Yii, which is the key building block to the entire framework. It all starts with the yii\base\Component class. Most of the classes used in Yii are descendants of yii\base\Component class. For example, the applica- tion object will be of type yii\web\Application. That class is derived from yii\base\Component (although there are other classes in between). Controllers are of type yii\web\Controller, which inherits from yii\base\Controller, which inherits from yii\base\Component. yii\db\ActiveRecord inherits from yii\base\Model, which inherits from yii\base\Component (Figure 5.4) Knowing the component is the basic building block is important to your use of Yii. Thanks to inheritance, functionality defined in yii\base\Component will be present in every derived class, which is to say most of the classes in the framework.


The yii\base\Component class provides three main tools:

• The ability to get and set attributes • Event handling • Behaviors

Of these three, let’s discuss events now. This coverage will be specific to models, but understand that any class that inherits from yii\base\Component supports events (which is to say most classes).

Event Handling in Yii

Event programming isn’t necessarily familiar territory to PHP developers, as PHP does not have true events the way, say, JavaScript does. In PHP, the only real event is handling the request of a PHP script (e.g., through a direct link or a form submission). The result of that event occurrence is the execution of the PHP code in that script. Conversely, in JavaScript, which continues to run so long as the browser window is open, your code can watch for, and respond to, all sorts of events (e.g., a form’s submission, the movement of the cursor, and so forth). Thanks to the yii\base\Component class, Yii adds additional event functionality to PHP-based Web site.

{NOTE} Events in Yii still only occur during the execution of a script. Once a complete browser page has been rendered, no other events can occur until another PHP script is requested. Therefore, it may help to think of events in Yii as being similar to the concept of database triggers more so than to events in JavaScript.

Event handling in any language starts by declaring “when this event happens with this object, call this function”. In Yii, you can create your own events, but models have their own predefined events: before a model is saved, after a model is saved, before a model is validated, after a model is validated, and so forth. Each of the methods previously mentioned corresponds to an event that Yii will watch for with your models. In many situations, you’ll want to make use of events when something that happens with an instance of model A should also cause a reaction in model B. You’ll see examples of this in time. But watching for events can be a good way to take some extra steps within a single model, too. For example, you might want to do something special before a model instance is saved. To do so, just create a beforeSave() method within the model:


# models/SomeModel.php protected function beforeSave($insert) { // Do whatever. return parent::beforeSave($insert); }

The beforeSave() method must be defined to take an $insert argument. It will have a Boolean value indicating if this is a new record–an INSERT–or not. As in that minimal code, a best practice is to call the parent class’s same event handler–here, beforeSave()–just before the end of the method. Doing so allows the parent class’s event handler to also take any actions it needs to, just in case. If you don’t do this, then any default behavior in the parent class method won’t be executed. Real-world examples of using an event with a model would include setting or ma- nipulating a model’s properties automatically. For example, you could apply the trim() function to an attribute’s value before validation occurs. This would be accomplished by creating a beforeValidate() method that does that:

# models/Page.php protected function beforeValidate() { $this->content = trim($this->content); return parent::beforeValidate(); }

A more useful example might syntactically check that a page’s content, which should be HTML, is valid HTML and doesn’t contain certain tags, such as

The contemporary approach is to link external files at the end of the HTML BODY, although some JavaScript libraries must be included in the HEAD. If you need to include a JavaScript file on every page of your site, an option isto just add the reference to your layout file:

Do be certain to use an absolute reference to the file, for reasons explained in Chapter 6, “Working with Views.” Alternatively, you can use Yii’s Html::jsFile() method to create the entire HTML tag:

The end result is the same. As a shorthand, you can use the special value @web to refer to the web root directory:

Sometimes, you’ll have external JavaScript files that should only be included on specific pages. In theory, you could just add the appropriate SCRIPT tagtothe corresponding view files, but that’s less than ideal for a couple of reasons. Forone, the final page will end up with SCRIPT tags in the middle of the page BODY,which is sloppy. Another reason why you don’t want to take this approach is that it gives you no vehicle for putting the script in the HTML HEAD, should that be necessary. The better way to add external files to a page from within the view file istouse Yii’s registerJsFile() method, part of the view:

# views/foo/bar.php registerJsFile('/path/to/file.js'); ?>

The registerJsFile() method works like jsFile() except that it can be called anywhere in a view file (or a controller), Yii will automatically include a linkto the named JavaScript file in the complete rendered HTML. Further, if, for whatever reason, you register the same JavaScript file more than once, Yii will still only create a single SCRIPT tag for that file. By default, Yii will link the registered script in the HTML HEAD. To change the destination, add a second argument to registerJsFile(). This argument should be an array, with a “position” element whose value is a constant that indicates the proper position in the HTML page for the JavaScript file reference:


• View::POS_HEAD, in the HEAD before the TITLE (the default) • View::POS_BEGIN, at the beginning of the BODY • View::POS_END, at the end of the BODY

To have the SCRIPT tag added at the end of the body, you would do this:

# views/foo/bar.php registerJsFile('/path/to/file.js', ['position' => View::POS_END]); ?>

If your JavaScript file requires that another JavaScript file be included first, usethe “depends” configuration option, passing along the class name of the JavaScript asset that must be loaded first:

# views/foo/bar.php registerJsFile('/path/to/file.js', ['position' => View::POS_END, ['depends' => [\yii\web\JqueryAsset::className()]]); ?>

Not that “depends” requires an array as its value. The above example states that file.js depends upon jQuery, so Yii will only include the former after it includes the latter.

Adding JavaScript Code

When you have short snippets of JavaScript code, or when the code only pertains to a single file, it’s common to write that code directly between the HTMLSCRIPT tags. Again, you could do this in your view files:

You could also use the Yii Html::script() method to create the SCRIPT tag for you:

You could add SCRIPT tags in either of those ways, but there’s a better approach: the view’s registerJs() method. This is the companion to registerJsFile(), but instead of linking to an external JavaScript file, it’s used to add JavaScript code directly to the page. The method’s first argument is the JavaScript code itself. This code should not include the SCRIPT tags themselves.


registerJs("alert('Testing');"); ?>

That code will have Yii insert the following into the page:

As you can see in that example, the combination of PHP and JavaScript can easily lead to syntax errors. You should use one set of quotation types to encapsulate the JavaScript (passed to registerJs()) and another type within the JavaScript. Also be certain to terminate JavaScript commands with semicolons, and terminate the PHP command, too. If the JavaScript you write doesn’t work, start by confirming that the resulting JavaScript code (in the browser’s source) is syntactically correct. As with registerJsFile(), registerJs() takes another argument to indicate where, in the HTML page, the JavaScript should be added:

• View::POS_HEAD, in the HEAD before the TITLE • View::POS_BEGIN, at the beginning of the BODY • View::POS_END, at the end of the BODY • View::POS_LOAD, within a window.onload event handler • View::POS_READY, within a jQuery “ready” event handler (the default)

The two additional options are necessary because of the way the browser loads the DOM. If you are using jQuery and you want to execute some JavaScript when the document is ready, use View::POS_READY, the default. It’s slightly faster than the standard JavaScript window.onload option. If you’re not using jQuery, then use View::POS_LOAD. Unlike registerJsFile(), the position is provided as a second argument by itself, not as an array with a “position” element:

# views/foo/bar.php registerJs('/* Actual JavaScript code. */', View::POS_LOAD); ?>

The registerJs() method takes a third argument: is a unique identifier you can give to the code snippet. One of the benefits of providing a unique identifier isthat the component will manage the code bits so that even if the same code (by identifier) is registered multiple times, it will still only be placed on the page once. If you do not provide an identifier, the entire JavaScript code block is used as the identifier.


# views/foo/bar.php registerJs('/* Actual JavaScript code. */', View::POS_LOAD, 'unique-identifier'); ?>

Using JavaScript with ActiveForm

One of the absolutely most critical uses of JavaScript in today’s websites is for form validation. This is no less true when using Yii, although Yii can do much of the work for you, as is the case with so many things. Let’s quickly look at how JavaScript is used with forms in Yii, specifically when using the ActiveForm widget.

Client-Side Validation

When you create a new ActiveForm widget instance, you can configure how it behaves, as is the case with most widgets. Configuration is performed by passing an array of name=>value pairs as an argument to the widget() or begin() method (see Chapter 12, “Working with Widgets”). To enable client-side JavaScript form validation, set the “enableClientValidation” property to true:

# views/page/_form.php true] ); ?>

By setting this property to true, Yii will add the appropriate JavaScript to the page to perform client-side validation. (This is the default behavior, so you don’t have to manually set it; use false for the value to disable it.) The validation will use the same rules as defined in the associated model, assuming that the validator is supported on the JavaScript side. Most of the core validators are, including:

• boolean • captcha • compare • email • double • int • required • string • url


To be perfectly clear, this means that if you have an email attribute in a model that’s associated with an “email” form input and that has an “email” validator in the model’s rules, that validation can be performed client-side, too. On the other hand, attributes that have the “default”, “date”, “exist”, and other validators not listed above applied to them cannot be validated in the client.

{TIP} You may not be able to see, or appreciate, the effects of client-side validation until you configure the validation options as well. I’ll explain those in just a couple of pages.

Not only will your existing model validation rules be used when you enable client- side validation, but so will the existing error messages for reporting problems. If you customize an error message in a validation rule, the client-side validation will use that when the data does not pass. If the user does not have JavaScript enabled, then client-side validation cannot occur (of course). In those cases, the server-side validation will still be used in the controller that handles the form submission. In fact, for security purposes, your controllers should always be written to perform server-side validation. Client-side validation is a convenience to the user; not a security technique.

{WARNING} Always use server-side validation!

Ajax Validation

Another way to validate a form using JavaScript is via Ajax. Ajax validation makes an actual request of the server to validate the form data. For this reason, Ajax validation can be used to validate form elements that cannot be validated via client- side JavaScript alone, such as:

• The availability of a username • Confirming that a value exists in a related table • If a value is unique in the database

A limit to Ajax validation is that it cannot be used to validate uploaded files. This is a restriction on Ajax in general, not in Yii. To enable Ajax validation, set “enableAjaxValidation” to true when configuring the ActiveForm widget:

# views/page/_form.php true] ); ?>


Figure 14.1: The JSON reporting for the validation of a user.

Unlike “enableClientValidation”, Ajax validation is not enabled by default because there are two sides to Ajax, of course: the client-side JavaScript and the server-side code that handles the JavaScript request. For the Ajax validation to work, you must create the appropriate server-side code, too. That is easily done, though, using this code:

# controllers/PageController.php use yii\web\Response; use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; public function actionCreate() { $model=new Page; if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; return ActiveForm::validate($model); } // Rest of the action. }

The code first checks if this is an Ajax request and if the model data canbeloaded. If so, the controller sets the response format to JSON (as opposed to HTML) and prints out the result returned by calling the ActiveForm::validate() method. The validate() method returns the results as JSON data (Figure 14.1), so that’s what the JavaScript in the browser will receive. In most situations, the entire form does not need to be validated via Ajax, just specific form elements. In those cases, enable Ajax validation on the applicable form element: echo $form->field($model, 'username', ['enableAjaxValidation' => true]);

Assuming, in this example, the username attribute has a “unique” validation on it, the same code used above will work for the server-side validation. With Ajax validation enabled, the browser will first perform basic client-side valida- tion and, if that passes, then perform the Ajax request.


Setting Validation Options

The ActiveForm widget is very powerful and easy to use. But there are a few more configuration options which which you ought to be familiar. For example, you can identify a different URL to use for Ajax validation purposes by assigning a value to “validationUrl” (by default, the validation URL is the same as the form’s “action” attribute). Or you can change when validation is performed. By default, validation is performed when any form element’s value changes, but you can set the validation to occur upon submission instead:

# views/page/_form.php ['page', 'create'], 'validateOnSubmit' => true, 'validateOnChange' => false, ]); ?>

As another example, you can change the CSS classes associated with validation by changing the corresponding property:

• errorSummaryCssClass, which styles the container in which the error occurred (defaults to “error-summary”) • errorCssClass, which styles the error message itself (defaults to “has-error”) • requiredCssClass (defaults to “required”) • successCssClass, which styles the container to indicate success (defaults to “has-success”)

For all the possibilities, see the ActiveForm documentation in the Yii API. Note that these settings can impact both types of client-side validation: only JavaScript or also Ajax.

Implementing Ajax

Ajax is one of the reasons why JavaScript is so critical to today’s websites. Ajax has been around for more than a decade now, and the features Ajax can add to a website are pretty much expected by most users anymore (whether they know it or not). I’ve already mentioned Ajax once in this chapter–for validation purposes, and assume you do know the fundamentals of this vital technology. But let’s quickly look at a couple more ways to implement Ajax in a Yii-based site.


Ajax in Controllers

Ajax blends the two sides of web development: the client-side (aka, the browser) and the server-side. When developing Ajax processes, I like to start on the server-side of things so that I know what to do and expect on the client-side. Server-side Ajax resources in Yii are represented as controller actions, just like regular web pages. But there are a few major differences between an Ajax action and a standard one. The first key difference is that an Ajax response is almost always made up of the most minimal amount of data:

• Short, plain text • A snippet of HTML • More complex data as JSON • More complex data as XML

For this reason, Ajax controller actions almost never use the render() method to create the output. Instead, there are two common approaches:

1. Directly print the desired output from the controller 2. Use renderPartial() to have a view represent the output (but without the primary layout file)

{NOTE} In Chapter 16, “Leaving the Browser,” I present a situation in which you would use render(): You could output XML, with the primary layout file representing the beginning and end of the XML doc- ument.

Ajax actions are also different in that they’re not meant to be accessed directly by users in the browser. It’s not a big deal, normally, but at the very least, the user will have an unappealing, if not confusing, experience if she ends up directly requesting an Ajax resource. There are a couple of ways in Yii that you can limit access to an action to an Ajax request. One option is to set a filter. However, there is no built-in “Ajax-only” filter in Yii 2 (yet), so you’d have to write yourown. Alternatively, you can check for an Ajax request within an action method via Yii::$app->request->isAjax. Some actions are written to be accessed via Ajax and non-Ajax alike, reacting slightly differently in each case. In such situations, you can test if an Ajaxrequest is being made via the “request” application component:

# controllers/SomeController.php public function actionSomething() { // React different based upon Ajax request status:


if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax) { // Do things this way. } else { // Do things this other way. } }

In situations where the same action may be used by Ajax and non-Ajax requests, for the Ajax portion, you’ll also need to have the method invoke return in order to terminate the output immediately. This prevents the non-Ajax output from being added to the result:

# controllers/PageController.php public function actionCreate() { $model=new Page; if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; return ActiveForm::validate($model); } // Rest of the action. }

The last thing to keep in mind with Ajax processes is to set the proper controller permissions. It’s not obvious to many developers, but when an Ajax request is performed, it’s as if the user requested the resource directly. In other words, an Ajax request made from a user’s browser is still being made by that user. This means that Yii’s permissions apply to Ajax requests just the same as they do to other requests. Keep this in mind when creating actions and setting permissions. As a rule of thumb, if the “foo” page makes an Ajax request of the “bar” action, then, logically, both “foo” and “bar” need to have the same permissions in the controller. Still, very rarely will an Ajax action need protection at all, so you can normally make them publicly accessible. Do so if you’d rather not run the risk of having Ajax request failures due to permission issues. Another approach for the Ajax permissions is to create a controller explicitly for all Ajax requests. That controller would have open permissions, like the “site” controller does. Let’s look at that idea in more detail.

Sample Ajax Actions

In order to test Ajax processes, at least within the confines of this book, it may help to have a couple of test Ajax processes for experimentation. To be clear, I’m talking

348 CHAPTER 14. JAVASCRIPT AND JQUERY about making sample PHP resources that client-side JavaScript can request. Let’s create a new controller for this purpose:

# controllers/AjaxController.php

Within that controller, define three actions:

• One that returns (or prints) a simple string • One that returns some HTML • One that returns dynamic HTML (in theory)

In just a few pages, another action that returns data in JSON format will be added. Note that all of these actions as defined will be rather static, but they are all easy enough to update to being truly dynamic in a real-world site. Also, there are no filters in this controller, such as the access control filter, so every action willbe executable by any user. No check will be made for Ajax requests either, so you can test these directly in your browser. The first action only returns a simple text message:

# controllers/AjaxController.php public function actionSimple() { echo 'true'; }

This simple action might be used to verify that an username is available or that an email address has not yet been registered. In a real-world site, the action would perform the necessary logic, and then print “true” or “false” accordingly. Note that the Ajax action must print strings, not Booleans. Next, there’s an action that returns a bit of HTML. The premise is the same, but the text is actually HTML:

# controllers/AjaxController.php public function actionHtml() { echo '

Lorem ipsum dolor...

'; }

Finally, the third action returns more dynamic HTML, using a variable and a view file:


Figure 14.2: The “dynamic” HTML response.

# controllers/AjaxController.php public function actionDynamicHtml() { // Dynamic data: $data = array( 'title'=>'Dynamic!', 'content'=>'

Lorem ipsum dolor...

' ); // Render the page: return $this->renderPartial('dynamicHtml', array('data'=>$data)); }

Obviously, in the real-world, the data itself might be pulled from the database. The view file for the dynamic action looks like this:

# view/ajax/dynamic.php

The received $data array’s pieces are placed within a context of HTML (Figure 14.2). Changing the data values in the controller therefore changes the output. Now that three sample Ajax processes have been defined, you can test them in your browser by going to:

• ajax/simple


• ajax/html • ajax/dynamic-html

{TIP} I always recommend testing server-side Ajax resources directly first, to confirm they are working, before connecting them tothe JavaScript.

Making Direct Ajax Calls

Once you have the Ajax server-side actions working as you would hope, it’s time to turn to the JavaScript. There are four ways you can perform an Ajax request using Yii:

• Via an immediate Ajax request • Via a link • Via a button • By tying an Ajax request to another DOM element

Unlike in Yii 1, where JavaScript was more directly tied to widgets and HTML ele- ments, in Yii 2 you add JavaScript as you would if not using a framework. Assuming you know JavaScript, it’s really straightforward. To start, let’s look at how to make a direct and immediate Ajax call. This is normally accomplished in Yii applications via the jQuery ajax() method. It takes two arguments: the URL to send the request to and an array of options. As soon as this method is invoked, the Ajax request is begun.

{NOTE} You could, of course, use raw JavaScript to perform the Ajax request, but if your site is already using jQuery, it makes sense to invoke the jQuery method.

The syntax is:

// views/foo/bar.php jQuery.ajax('/index.php/ajax/simple', { 'dataType':'text', 'method':'get', 'success':function(result) { alert(result); }, 'cache':false, 'data':jQuery(this).parents("form").serialize() });

That method call creates the JavaScript required to perform an Ajax request. The JavaScript itself uses the jQuery ajax() method. For the options, you can start


Figure 14.3: The response from the HTML action. with the possible settings outlined for the jQuery ajax() method in the jQuery documentation. The most important of the configuration options are:

• “data”, which is data to be sent as part of the request • “dataType”, the type of data expected in return (“text”, “html”, “json”, etc.) • “method”, the request, or method, type (i.e., “get” or “post”) • “success”, the JavaScript function to call upon a successful request being made

There are a couple of things to notice there. First, for the URL, use Yii to create a proper URL (e.g., using Url::to(); don’t hardcode it as in the previous example). Not using an accurate URL is a common cause of problems. Second, the “success” item takes a JavaScript function that will be invoked when the request is success- fully completed. This can be the name of an existing JavaScript function, or an anonymous function as in the above. Per how jQuery’s ajax() method works, this function can be written to take up to three arguments, the first being the actual response. With that code, when the page is loaded, the Ajax request will be made and the response alerted. Merely change the URL being requested to get different responses (Figure 14.3). Of course, you don’t want to just alert the Ajax response. Normally, you’ll update the DOM in some way, perhaps based upon what the response was:

// views/foo/bar.php jQuery.ajax('/index.php/ajax/simple', { 'dataType':'text', 'method':'get', 'success':function(result) {


if (result === "true") { $("#response").text("The username is available."); } else { $("#response").text("The username has been taken."); } }, 'cache':false, 'data':jQuery(this).parents("form").serialize() });

(A quick reminder: I assume you’re comfortable with JavaScript and jQuery. If not, learn them now!) Or, you may add the response itself to the page:

// views/foo/bar.php jQuery.ajax('/index.php/ajax/simple', { 'dataType':'text', 'method':'get', 'success':function(result) { $("#destination").html(result) }, 'cache':false, 'data':jQuery(this).parents("form").serialize() });

Moving beyond this simple approach, you could create HTML elements (using Yii or raw HTML) and then code jQuery event handlers on them. Simply be certain to give your elements ID value, and take it from there as if you weren’t using a framework. You’ll see an example of this in the next section.

Working with JSON

The three Ajax controller actions defined offer a range of possibilities, but there’s one more example to implement. When you need to return more complex data from the server to the client, plain-text and HTML formats are insufficient. Originally, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) was used as the data format (“Ajax” either is or is not an acronym for “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”, depending upon whom you ask). These days, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the norm. The JSON format is compact, resulting in faster response times, and readily usable by JavaScript in the client. The downside to JSON is that its syntax is particular and can be difficult to get right. Fortunately, Yii can output JSON directly and easily by setting the response

353 CHAPTER 14. JAVASCRIPT AND JQUERY format, as you’ve already seen. You can return almost any data type and Yii will output proper JSON. Let’s add another demo action to the “ajax” controller:

# controllers/AjaxController.php public function actionJson() { $data = [ 'title'=>'Dynamic!', 'content'=>'

Lorem ipsum dolor...

' ]; Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; return $data; }

And here’s how that might be used in the view file:

registerJs("$('#click-btn').click(function() { jQuery.ajax('/index.php/ajax/json', { 'dataType':'json', 'method':'get', 'success':function(result) { $('#updateTitle').html(result.title); $('#updateContent').html(result.content); }, 'cache':false, }); });", \yii\web\View::POS_READY); ?>

Figures 14.4 and 14.59 show this in action.

Common Needs

This chapter concludes with a few common needs and points of confusion when it comes to JavaScript and jQuery in Yii. Again, because Yii2 has mostly decou- pled JavaScript logic from view components, it’s now mostly a matter of just using JavaScript as you’d otherwise use JavaScript.


Figure 14.4: The page when the user first sees it.

Figure 14.5: The same page after the user has clicked the button.


Figure 14.6: Autocomplete functionality in the Yii class reference.

Setting Focus

If you want to set the focus on a particular form element (e.g., have the user’s cursor begin in that element), there are a couple of options. The first is available if you’re using HTML5: set the “autofocus” property on the element. Here’s how that would look in straight-up HTML:

When you’re using Yii to create form elements, just add this as an additional HTML attribute:

field($model, 'attribute') ->textInput(['autofocus' => 'autofocus']) ?>

The HTML5 “autofocus” property is supported by most modern browsers, but not in Internet Explorer until version 10.

Implementing Autocomplete

A common use of JavaScript and Ajax is autocomplete functionality. First popular- ized as Google’s Suggest tool, autocomplete is now a web standard, including in the Yii class reference (Figure 14.6). Thanks to the jQuery UI autocomplete widget, and the Yii yii\jui\AutoComplete class, it’s pretty easy to implement autocomplete on your website. As an example of this, let’s create the ability to autocomplete books by title (Figure 14.7).


Figure 14.7: Autocompletion of page titles.

First, you need to install the jQuery UI extension:

composer require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-jui

That done, in the view file, create an instance of the JuiAutoComplete widget:

1 $model, 6 'attribute' => 'title', 7 'clientOptions' => [ 8 'minLength'=>'2', 9 'type'=>'get', 10 'source'=>Url::to(['ajax/get-page-titles']), 11 'select'=>'function(event, ui) { 12 $("#selectedTitle").text(ui.item.value); 13 }' 14 ], 15 ]); 16 ?> 17

This widget will, by default, create a text input with a “name” value based upon the model and attribute, in this case “Books[title]”. The “clientOptions” section is where you configure the jQuery UI options, found in the jQuery UI documentation for the autocomplete widget. In those options, I’ve set the “minLength” to 2, so that no results are returned until at least 2 characters are entered. When using dynamic data returned by an Ajax request, the “source” value needs to point to the controller action that will return the results (line 10).


I’ve also created a function that will be called when a selection is made from the list of options. The anonymous function takes two arguments: an event and an object. This object is conventionally, in jQuery UI, called “ui”, and its item property will represent the selected item. To make it obvious which value was selected, a SPAN is updated upon selection. With the widget in place in the view, it’s time to create the controller action that provides the source data for the widget. Per the widget configuration, the source URL is “ajax/get-page-titles”, which means that there needs to be a “getPageTitles” action in the “ajax” controller. This action should use the submitted term–what the user typed–and return an array of values in JSON format: public function actionGetPageTitles($term) { $data = []; if (isset($term)) { $data = Yii::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT id, title AS value FROM books WHERE title LIKE :terms') ->bindValue(':terms', '%' . $term . '%') ->queryAll(); } Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; return $data; }

The specific query is supposed to fetch the book ID and title for every bookwhose title is similar to the provided input. To accomplish that, I’m using Data Access Objects (DAO), explained in Chapter 8, “Working with Databases.” I’ve chosen to make the LIKE condition extremely flexible (i.e., LIKE %term%), but you could change it to just LIKE term% to be less so. The jQuery autocomplete widget will provide what the user typed as “term”, so that’s available in $_GET['term'] or in the function parameter $terms. Finally, notice that I’ve chosen to select the book title aliased (in the query) as “value”. This makes it easy to use in the generated drop-down list of autocomplete matches. This is also why the “select” JavaScript function in the widget refers to ui.item.value. If the book titles were selected as “title”, you would also have to configure how the matches are rendered by jQuery UI. And that’s enough to implement autocomplete in a Yii-based site. To properly use the selected value, just change the contents of the “select” function to suit your needs. If you have any problems in implementing this, begin by confirming the results of your Ajax request, as that’s the most likely cause of problems. Also familiarize yourself with the jQuery UI autocomplete widget, as the JuiAutoComplete class is just a wrapper to it.

358 Part III

Advanced Topics

359 Chapter 15


Increased adoption of internationalization, commonly abbreviated i18n, is an ac- knowledgement that the World Wide Web is indeed global. A website is available to anyone anywhere in the world, as long as they have a browser connected to the In- ternet, including on a mobile device. To support as wide of an audience as possible, your site should embrace internationalization. In this chapter, you’ll learn what i18n is if you’re not already familiar with it, and how you implement i18n in a Yii-based site.

{TIP} The abbreviation “i18n” simply stands for the initial “i”, and terminating “n”, plus the 18 letters that come between them.

Before getting into the details, know that Yii uses the PHP intl extensiont to do much of the work. The intl extension in turn uses the ICU library. For best results, make sure you have the PHP intl extension installed and version 49 or greater of the ICU library.

What is i18n?

Internationalization is the act of writing software so that it can adapt to the different languages and customs of the software’s various users. The most obvious example of customization for the user is the language used by the site. By applying interna- tionalization, a site could present all of its navigation and interface items in English for some users, in French for others, in Russian for others, and so on. Behind the scenes, the core functionality would be the same, but the user experience is greatly enhanced. The differences between any two languages can vary in many ways:

• The characters used (Latin-based languages share many common characters, Cyrillic languages use entirely different ones)


• The characters used to represent numbers specifically • The direction in which words and sentences are written (left-to-right, right-to- left, or even top-down) • How words are capitalized • How words are sorted (as in an alphabetical list)

{TIP} In order to support any possible language, be certain that the web page and the database use UTF-8 encoding.

Along with the primary issue of the language used, two other topics are commonly associated with internationalization:

• Cultural habits • Writing conventions

Cultural differences range from the very simple to the highly complex (and sensitive). Simple differences include the:

• Formatting of telephone numbers • Formatting of addresses and postal codes • Currency used • Weights and measures used

If you really want to focus on cultural differences, you’ll get into issues such as the significance given to certain colors, images, words, and so forth. For example, inthe Western world, brides wear the color white, but in China and parts of Africa, white is a mourning color. If you’re creating a truly international site, those are the kinds of things you’ll want to get right. That being said, the high end of cultural issues are well beyond the scope of this chapter. Next, there’s the issue of formatting conventions, which is different than the language issue. The most obvious examples are how one writes dates, times, and numbers. With dates, the issue is most problematic when using two-digit representations: 08/02/06. In the United States, that would be read as August 2nd, 2006. In Europe, that would be read as February 8th, 2006. It could also be interpreted as February 6th, 2008. Until everyone agrees on the proper, standardized way of representing dates–which will never happen, you may want to have your site adjust accordingly. With numbers, the differences are mostly a matter of what character is used forsep- arating thousands and for separating decimals. Should it be 1,000.78 or 1.000,78? Internationalization starts with the biggest, global differences, such as the character set and language used. This is further customized via localization (l10n), which takes into account locale issues. A user’s locale consists of her preferred language, region, and sometimes other cultural preferences. When you install a new operating system

361 CHAPTER 15. INTERNATIONALIZATION for the first time, and it asks you about your physical location, preferred language (e.g., English US, English UK, etc.), time zone, and so forth; those answers all go into your locale. With an understanding of i18n in place, the next issue is: should you use internation- alization? As with almost everything, the answer is “it depends”. If you’re creating a site for a local restaurant, you probably don’t need to worry about international- ization at all. An exception would be if there’s a large population in the area that speaks another language or represents a significantly different culture. On the other hand, if you’re creating a site that you intend to be a global resource or e-commerce marketplace, embracing some internationalization would certainly help. To implement internationalization in a Yii-based site, you’ll need to use a combina- tion of the framework and some of your own logic and effort. Yii itself provides:

• Locale data • A tool for displaying text in different languages • Locale-specific date, time, and number formatting

Let’s look at these features of Yii in more detail.

{NOTE} You’ll need to add your own logic to your site to display dates and times in the user’s time zone.

Setting the Locale

To use internationalization, you have to establish the locales involved. Specifically, you must set two:

• The application’s (i.e., the language in which you designed and wrote the application) • The user’s

The Yii documentation refers to these as the source and target languages, accord- ingly. For a simple example, say you create a site, and your locale is English (US). For someone in the United Kingdom, you may want to present the site customized to her locale, English (UK).

{NOTE} If the application and the user share a single locale, no inter- nationalization is necessary, as no changes are required.

Locales can be set by assigning values to two properties of the “application” object:


• sourceLanguage is the locale of the application (i.e., the “from” language) • language is the user’s locale (i.e., the “to” or destination language)

As these are public, writable properties of the “application object, you can assign values to them in your configuration file. Locale values are represented as Lan- guageID_RegionID, with the language ID being two lowercase letters and the region ID being two uppercase letters. For example, the default locale is en_US, which stands for English in the United States.

{NEW} In Yii 2, locales are formatted using two uppercase letters for the region ID. In Yii 1, the entire locale is lowercase.

# config/main.php $config = [ 'id' => 'basic', 'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__), 'sourceLanguage' => 'en_US', 'language'=>'en_UK', // Other stuff. ];

English (US) is the default, so you only need to provide a value if you’ll be using a locale other than the default. Second, it’s not often that you’d set the target locale in the primary configuration file (i.e., identify two separate locales on a site-wide basis). Normally you’ll want to set the user’s locale dynamically:

\Yii::$app->language = 'en_UK';

How you determine the user’s locale is covered next.

{TIP} The locale represents more than just the user’s preferred language, but the term is commonly used to refer to the user’s language.

Detecting the User’s Locale

To identify the user’s preferred locale, you’ll need to get that information from the user. This can be done either overtly or secretly. The overt option is to present the user with an interface element through which he can set his locale. This might be a drop-down menu of languages or a series of flag icons. When the user makes a selection in the drop-down menu, or clicks on a flag icon, the site would then setthe locale to that selection and update the page to that locale.


Figure 15.1: Chrome’s interface for managing languages.

{TIP} When using the drop-down menu route, be sure the options are in the native languages. Showing an English user the word “English” written in Chinese characters will do little good.

A second option is to get the user’s preferred locale from the browser itself. This value is available in the preferredLanguage property of the yii\web\Request ob- ject: if (!empty(\Yii::$app->request->preferredLanguage)) { \Yii::$app->language = \Yii::$app->request->preferredLanguage; }

The browser has this value by either getting it from the computer itself, or by having it be set within the browser’s preferences (Figure 15.1). If set, the browser may provide this to sites as part of the request (in an “Accept-Language” header), which is why the value would be found in the yii\web\Request object in Yii.

{NOTE} The Yii framework includes locale data for almost every language and region, thanks to the Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).

The problem with using the user’s provided locale (i.e., that provided by the browser) is that it assumes your site is setup to handle any possible language value. Of course, that will never be the case. I would recommend that you setup your system so that


Figure 15.2: The Spanish Google interface. it checks the user’s preferred language, and uses that if possible. If the preferred language is not supported, you would then prompt the user to select her preferred language from a list of supported ones. Moreover, there is a strong argument to supporting both methods of user locale selection regardless: both overt and implied. For example, I might be on vacation in Greece and stop in at an Internet café. The locale on those computers could logically be el_GR, which is what the browser would provide to a site I visit. In order for me to use the site, however, I’d need a way to manually set the locale to my preferred en_US. With the target (user) locale set, you can now perform internationalization: cus- tomize the experience to the user.

Providing Language-Appropriate Text

The biggest role i18n plays is providing language-appropriate text. For example, standard Google has a “Google Search” button, but Spanish Google has “Buscar con Google” (Figure 15.2). The Yii Guide refers to the ability to changing text based upon the language in use as “translation”. However, I tend to think of translating as an active, thoughtful act, whereas what you’ll do in Yii is really string replacement. That being said, certainly “translation” is a pithier label, and I’ll continue to use it in this chapter to be consistent with the Yii documentation. Translating is a two-step process:

1. Define in your application the translations for various words and strings.


2. Invoke a specific method to have Yii retrieve the string in the desired language.

I’ll explain these steps over the next several pages.

Defining Translations

The reason I don’t care for the term “translation” is that Yii is not actively trans- lating anything. What is happening is that you define the strings you’ll need to use in the languages you want to support. Then, when the time comes to present that string, instead of printing the string itself, you invoke a function that retrieves the correct version of the saved string in the destination language. The first step, then, is defining the “translations”. The translations are storedin one of three places:

• A PHP file • The database • GNU gettext files

These are known as message sources. Behind-the-scenes, the yii\i18n\MessageSource class defines the necessary storage and retrieval functionality. The three listed storage options all use classes that extend MessageSource. You can also extend it yourself to create your own message source. For simplicity sake here, let’s use a PHP file. The name and location of the PHP file depends upon two factors:

1. The locale ID 2. A category name

The locale ID is the Yii format version, such as en_US or el_GR. By default, PHP message files go in @app/messages/LocaleID. If your applica- tion is going to support three languages, besides the source/application language, then you’ll need to have three subdirectories within @app/messages.

{NOTE} You do not need to provide a message source for the applica- tion’s primary language, as no translations are required when the pri- mary and target languages are the same.

Within each locale directory, you’ll have one PHP file for each message category. Categories are simply an organizational scheme that makes creating, maintaining, and using translations easier and faster. Instead of having, say, 200 strings defined in one file, those 200 can be broken up into 5 or 10 categories.


The categories are of your own creation, organized as you see fit. As a simple starting point, you might want a category for each model in your application, plus a category for the application as a whole (the most universal category). In a CMS example, that would mean you’d create these files:

• app.php • comment.php • file.php • page.php • user.php

Understand that you’ll need to create each of these files for each locale you’ll be supporting. Each file needs to return an array. The array should use the message in your source language as its key and the same message in the target (aka user’s) language as its value. For example, here’s what part of the “app” category would look like with French translations:

'Accueil', 'Register' => 'S\'enregistrer', 'Login' => 'Se connecter', 'Logout' => 'Déconnexion', 'Subject' => 'Sujet', 'Body' => 'Contenu', 'Submit' => 'Soumettez' ];

The success of the translation system is dependent upon the index there. This is case sensitive and must exactly match the string in the source language. Here’s how the same words would be represented in Norwegian:

'Hjem', 'Register' => 'Registrer deg', 'Login' => 'Logg inn', 'Logout' => 'Logg ut', 'Subject' => 'Emne', 'Body' => 'Melding', 'Submit' => 'Send' ];


For now, I’m going to work with those simple translations. In just a few pages, you’ll learn how to make translations more flexible.

{TIP} When using translations, for optimal performance, you’ll want to set a cachingDuration in the application’s configuration which tells Yii to cache the messages. You’ll learn more about caching in Chapter 17, “Improving Performance”.

Using Translations

Once you’ve defined the translations, using them is remarkably easy. The static t() method of the BaseYii class serves this purpose. Its first argument is the category (which, therefore, identifies the message source) and its second is the string tobe translated. This needs to match the indexes used in the PHP array, and should be in the application’s native language. Because t() is a static method, it’s invoked without an object instance: echo \Yii::t('app', 'Home');

And that’s all there is to it! If the target (user) locale is fr_FR, then “Accueil” will be printed by that line. If the target locale is nb_NO, “Hjem” will be printed instead. If the target locale is the same as the application’s, then no translation occurs at all and the provided string is printed.

{TIP} If an extension, such as a module or a widget, supports i18n, you can access those translation strings using extName.category.

Using Placeholders and Parameters

Websites have plenty of strings that can be translated directly, without any dynamic functionality at all. For example, navigation elements, such as “Home”, “Search”, and so forth, can all be treated literally without modification. Other times, the translations need to be more dynamic. For example, a message that indicates an email address was not found in the system may want to display the actual email address, too. For these situations, you can use placeholders and parameters.

Basic Usage

Placeholders go in the string: both the index/original language version and in the translated version. Placeholders are words wrapped in curly brackets: {placeholder}. Note that these are not variables! Here is an example definition:


Figure 15.3: The localized version of the message also displays the value of the username variable.

'El nombre de usuario {username} no está disponible.', // More other stuff. ];

Again, note that the placeholder appears in both the index–the application language version–and the translation. To use placeholders in a translated string, provide it as a third argument to the t() method: echo \Yii::t('app', 'The username {username} is not available.', ['username' => $username]);

Now the translated text will dynamically insert the value of the $username variable into the target language’s version of the string (Figure 15.3). (Note that you don’t use the braces around the placeholder when passing a value: it’s username, not {username} in the above.) Thanks to some helpful people on Twitter, here are localized versions of that same message in other languages if you want to practice with this:

• Il nome utente {username} non è disponibile. (it_IT) • De gebruikersnaam {username} is niet beschikbaar. (nl_NL) • Nazwa użytkownika {username} jest już zajęta. (pl_PL) • Der Benutzername {username} ist nicht verfügbar. (de_DE) • O usuário {username} não está disponível. (pt_BR) • O utilizador {username} não está disponível. (pt_PT) • Lietotājs {username} nav pieejams. (lv_LV)

{TIP} You can use multiple placeholders in a string, too.


Parameter Formatting

Use of placeholders can be customized by applying formatting rules. For example, a placeholder might represent a number that can be formatted as a locale-specific currency or a date that can be formatted appropriately. To use this functionality, expand the placeholder definition. The complete syntax for a placeholder is either {name, type} or {name, type, style}. A few allowed types are:

• date • duration (as in amount of time) • number • ordinal • plural • time

You can find more in the [ICU documentation]. Naturally, the available styles depend upon the type:

• currency, integer, percent (number) • short, medium, long, full (date) • short, medium, long, full (time)

Here are currency and date example definitions:

'Total: {total,number,currency}', 'Event Date: {event_date,date,short}' => 'Event Date: {event_date,date,short}', // More other stuff. ];

To use parameter formatting, provide the named value to the t() method as you normally would. The only catch is that you must use the same index value, including the full parameter name, as you would before:

$total = 1234.56; $event_date = time(); // Dummy value! echo \Yii::t('app', 'Total: {total,number,currency}', ['total' => $total]); echo \Yii::t('app', 'Event Date: {event_date,date,short}', ['event_date' => $event_date]);


Figure 15.4: Spanish formatting of a currency and date.

When you use parameter formatting, Yii automatically inserts the provided value into the translated string and formats it in accordance with the style and the user’s locale (Figure 15.4).

Handling Selections

There are other ways strings may need to be localized, such as by gender, holiday (e.g., country-specific celebrations), or season (e.g., summer vs. winter). You could create separate translation strings for each possibility, but Yii is prepared for this scenario and lets you create more flexible translations. This concept is called choice format and uses the “select” type to gracefully handle known options. The most common need for this would be to provide gender-based translations:

# messages/es_ES/app.php '{gender,select,female{Ella querría} male{Le gustaría} other{Les gustaría}} conocerte!', // More other stuff. ];

This translation only requires that a gender be provided. If no gender is provided, the “other” value will be used (Figure 15.5): echo \Yii::t('app', '{gender,select,female{She} male{He} other{They}} would like to meet you!', ['gender' => 'female']); echo \Yii::t('app', '{gender,select,female{She} male{He} other{They}} would like to meet you!', ['gender' => 'male']); echo \Yii::t('app', '{gender,select,female{She} male{He} other{They}} would like to meet you!');


Figure 15.5: Spanish translations of three different gendered messages.

Handling Plural Forms

Similar to selections based upon gender or whatever, some strings refer to a noun that may be singular or plural, such as:

• The item has been added to your cart. • The items have been added to your cart.

This situation can be handled using a variation on the choice format, known as plural forms. Use the “plural” type, defining the message to print for various quantities:

• 0 • 1 • few • many • other

When “few”, “many”, and “other” applies differ by language, but you’re generally safe specifying 0, 1, and “other”. Within each message, the number sign is used as a placeholder for the provided number. The trickiest aspect of using this type is every quantity you specify has to be supported by the destination language. Using a quantity unsupported by the destination language means no translation will occur. Fortunately you can look up supported values at Alex Makarov’s excellent–and Yii-based– (Figure 15.6): This probably sounds more confusing than it is, so let’s look at an example. Here is how you would define a translation stating how many items are in a shopping cart:


Figure 15.6: Details for the es_ES locale.

Figure 15.7: Spanish translations of three different quantities.

'TRANSLATION', // More other stuff. ];

The translation is used by merely providing a number when calling t() (Figure 15.7): echo \Yii::t('app', 'You have {n,plural,one{one item} other{# items}} in your cart.', ['n' => 0]); echo \Yii::t('app', 'You have {n,plural,one{one item} other{# items}} in your cart.', ['n' => 1]);

373 CHAPTER 15. INTERNATIONALIZATION echo \Yii::t('app', 'You have {n,plural,one{one item} other{# items}} in your cart.', ['n' => 20]);

If you want to use the actual number in your message, use the placeholder #, as in the above code. You can add in other placeholders, too, so long as the “n” value is passed first: echo \Yii::t('app', 'The {product} has been added to your cart.| The {n} {product} have been added to your cart.', array($num, '{product}' => $product));

To be clear, the actual rules for plural forms comes from the CLDR database, and vary from one language to the next. Russian, for example, has more complex plural form rules than simply the singular or plural distinction that exists in English.

Using Formatters

The t() method in Yii 2 has been greatly expanded such that it can be used to handle both translations and locale formatting in one step. In some situations, however, it may make more sense to separate simple formatting from any trans- lating. When that is the case turn to Yii’s built-in formatters, defined within the yii\i18n\Formatter class.

Formatting Numbers

To format numbers and currency in Yii, use the yii\i18n\Formatter class. An instance of it, set to the target locale, is available through \Yii::$app->formatter:

$formatter = \Yii::$app->formatter;

Once you have that class instance, there are several methods you’ll use:

• asCurrency() • asDecimal() • asInteger() • asPercent ()

To output a formatted currency, provide that method with the value to be formatted and the currency code:

374 CHAPTER 15. INTERNATIONALIZATION echo $formatter->asCurrency($value, 'USD');

The currency code is a three-letter code defined by ISO 4217. The asDecimal() method just takes the value to be formatted: echo $formatter->asDecimal($value);

The asInteger() method also just takes the value to be formatted: echo $formatter->asInteger($value);

To output a formatted percentage, you would just provide the method with the value to be formatted: echo $formatter->asPercent($value);

Here are some samples, with the resulting output shown in Figure 15.8:

// Start in English (US): \Yii::$app->language = 'en_US'; $formatter1 = \Yii::$app->formatter; echo '

English (decimal): ' . $formatter1->asDecimal($number) . '

'; echo '

English (currency): ' . $formatter1->asCurrency($number, 'USD') . '


// Change to Spanish: \Yii::$app->language = 'en_GB'; $formatter2 = \Yii::$app->formatter; echo '

Spanish (decimal): ' . $formatter2->asDecimal($number) . '

'; echo '

Spanish (currency): ' . $formatter2->asCurrency($number, 'EUR') . '


Formatting Dates

Next up, you’ll want to know how to format dates and times in a manner that’s consistent with the user’s locale. Formatting of dates in times in a locale-sensitive way is also done via the yii\i18n\Formatter class:


Figure 15.8: Numbers and currencies formatted in different ways, includ- ing Spanish standards.

$formatter = \Yii::$app->formatter;

Once you have that instance, you’ll call one of its methods:

• asDate() • asDateTime() • asTime() • asTimestamp()

The most important of these are the first three. Provide each with the date ordate and time and the format to use. The date or date and time can be provided as: a Unix timestamp, a DateTime Object, or a string formatted in a way that the PHP strtotime() function understands. For the format, you’ll normally use combinations of “y”, “M”, “d”, “h”, and “m” (note all the capitalizations). These come from Unicode’s date format patterns. Some examples (using 1:15PM on April 1st, 2017):

• YYYY-MM-dd would be 2017-04-01 • MM/dd/YY HH:mm would be 04/01/17 13:15 • MMM d, YYYY would be Apr 1, 2017 • MMMM d, YYYY h:mm a would be April 1, 2017 1:15 PM

Instead of providing the format to each individual call, you can globally set the formats using the dateFormat, timeFormat, and datetimeFormat properties:


$formatter->dateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-dd';

However, as formatting of dates and times is another regional difference, instead of hard-coding the format, it’s better to tell Yii what rough format to use and then let the application handle it. The above methods accept “short”, “medium”, “long”, and “full” as shortcuts to locale-aware formats. Here are some samples, with the resulting output shown in Figure 15.9:

$time = time(); $formatter = \Yii::$app->formatter; echo '

English (long): ' . $formatter->asDatetime($time, 'long') . '

'; echo '

English (medium): ' . $formatter->asDatetime($time, 'medium') . '

'; echo '

English (short): ' . $formatter->asDatetime($time, 'short') . '

'; echo '

English (short, date only): ' . $formatter->asDate($time, 'short') . '


// Change the target language: $formatter->locale = 'es_ES';

// Show it in Spanish: echo '

Spanish (long): ' . $formatter->asDatetime('now', 'long') . '

'; echo '

Spanish (short, date only): ' . $formatter->asDate('now', 'short') . '


{NEW} Yii 2 supports setting the locale specifically on the formatter..

Two related functions are asRelativeTime() and asDuration(). The former re- turns a relative version of the current date and time compared to another date and time (e.g., as “1 hour ago”). The latter returns an interval in a human-readable form (e.g., “1 day, 2 hours”). See the documentation for details on using either.

Representing Time Zones

Another way you might want to customize the look and behavior for the user is to take into account the user’s time zone. This is especially true on sites where


Figure 15.9: The date and time formatted in different ways, including Spanish. time-sensitive events occur. For example, if your site sells tickets to an event, and the tickets do not go on sale until 10am on a certain day, whose 10am is that? New in Yii 2 is the ability to automatically convert dates to a specific timezone. Simply set the formatter’s timeZone property to the user’s timezone:

$formatter = \Yii::$app->formatter; $formatter->timeZone = 'America/New_York';

Yii assumes the default time zone is UTC, unless configured otherwise. Thus the above code will take a date and time (or timestamp) and adjust the outputted values by 5 hours, depending upon Daylight Savings. Be sure to always store dates in your database in UTC format. (This is just good practice.)

Other Formats

Most formatting needs fall under numbers and dates, but the yii\i18n\Formatter class supports several other formats, too, through these methods:

• asBoolean() • asEmail() • asHtml() • asText() • asUrl()


You’ll want to use these to create appropriate output of data, such as:

• “Yes” for a true Boolean value • A properly formatted “mailto” link • HTML-encoded data (which is what the asText() method does)

Other Concepts

There’s a fair amount of complexity to internationalization, just within the language area alone, but this chapter ought to mention a couple more items that you may want to investigate further.

Translating Files

In the same way that Yii can create different versions of a string in different lan- guages, it can also render different language-specific view files, too. To use this, create locale-specific directories within each of your views/ControllerID directo- ries. Then render the view file as you normally would. For example, say the “user” controller’s “create” view file should be localized to Spanish. To do that, make the create.php file, using all the Spanish you want. Store this file in views/user/es_ES. Then your controller simply has to do:

# controllers/UserController.php return $this->render('create');

If the target (user’s) locale is “es_ES”, the Spanish version of the view file will be rendered instead of the default one. If no translation file is available for the view, the default, untranslated version will be used instead. i18n Extensions

If you use translations a lot, or extensively on one site, it may be worth your while to investigate the available i18n extensions. Specifically, you may want to consider an extension that allows you to localize your URLs. For example, instead of showing a Spanish user the URL, you could chose them The Yii2 Language URL Manager serves this role. Relatedly, it’s fairly common to use a dedicated subdomain (e.g., or top-level folder (e.g., to clearly indicate that a translated

379 CHAPTER 15. INTERNATIONALIZATION version of the site is being presented. By changing the base URL accordingly, and using redirects when the user’s language is detected or selected, you should be able to support either approach. i18n and Your Models

As much of a site depends upon its models, this chapter concludes by revisiting the topic of models with respect to internationalization. For example, if your site has an international audience and a “user” model, it would make sense for model references to be localized. In other words, have the words “username”, “password”, and so forth be displayed in the user’s preferred language. This is easily accomplished by changing the values returned by the model’s attributeLabels() method. Instead of having it return hard-coded strings in one language, have it return localized strings via the t() method:

# models/AnyModel.php public function attributeLabels() { return [ 'username' => \Yii::t('user','Username'), 'email' => \Yii::t('user','Email Address'), 'password' => \Yii::t('user','Password') ]; }

For each language the site would support, create a messages/LocaleId/user.php file that returns an array of those values with the proper translations. (Orusea database that does the same.) Similarly, you may want to automatically display dates formatted for the user’s locale and time zone. One way of doing so is to pass model values to a date for- matter method. Assuming that the $model is an instance of the User class and has a date_entered attribute, you could display the date that the user registered, formatted to the user’s locale and time zone:

formatter; $formatter->timeZone = 'America/New_York'; // Or whatever is the user's. echo '

Member since: ' . $formatter->asDateTime($model->date_entered, 'medium') . '


(Obviously you’d want to translate the “Member since” part, too.) An alternative approach would be to embed the date and time formatting within the model itself:


# protected/models/User.php public function getDateRegistered() { $formatter = \Yii::$app->formatter; $formatter->timeZone = 'America/New_York'; // Or whatever is the user's. return $formatter->asDateTime($this->date_entered); }

Now a view file can use $model->getDateRegistered() to get the date_entered value formatted to the user’s locale. The primary downside to this approach is that the formatting style–long, medium, or short–is embedded into the method. To explain a slightly more advanced option, you can also use $model->dateRegistered in your view files to get that same value. In other words, $model->dateRegistered and $model->getDateRegistered() are the same. Chapter 19, “Extending Yii,” explains this in more detail, but the simple reason is that models extend the Component class, and one of the features that Component creates is the ability to get and set attributes. This was mentioned in Chapter 5, “Working with Models.”

381 Chapter 16


Somewhat ironically, not everything that pertains to a website makes use of a browser. Although what is normally considered to be a “website” is the combi- nation of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and media that the user sees, today’s sites often other resources that are never intended to be accessed by a browser. This chapter explains how to use the Yii framework in ways that don’t make use of the browser in three specific ways:

• Proxy scripts • RESTful web services • Console applications

Now, in truth, the first two of these can be accessed via the browser in that they’ll be available over HTTP. But the distinction being made is that all three uses are not intended to be directly accessed by end users with their browsers. Put another way, this chapter explains situations in which you’d use the Yii framework but generally not use the primary layout file to render a complete HTML page.

Writing a Proxy Script

Proxy scripts, in case you’re not familiar with them, are agents in a website, standing in for other resources. Proxy scripts are commonly used to:

• Provide access to restricted resources • Hide direct access to resources • Track usage of materials, such as the number of times a file has been down- loaded

For example, if you have files uploaded outside of the web directory, a proxy script would be required to provide those files to the browser. Or if only logged-in users could view a PDF, a proxy script could enforce that restriction.


{TIP} In the website I created for selling this book, a proxy script pre- vents un-paid users from downloading copies. The same proxy script also tracks the number of downloads.

The most important distinction between a proxy script and a standard PHP page is that proxy scripts generally don’t output any HTML. When it comes to using the Yii framework, this means that your controllers use renderPartial() instead of render(), so as to omit the layout file:

# controllers/SomeController.php public function someAction() { // Do whatever. return $this->renderPartial('thing'); }

Of course, what, exactly, the thing.php view file does depends entirely upon the specific situation. The chapter comes back to this aspect shortly. Proxy scripts run through the Yii framework can easily take advantage of the same access control that any other page can. If part of a proxy script’s role is to limit access, just apply the information covered in Chapter 11, “User Authentication and Authorization.” In certain situations, it’s useful to hide direct access to a resource. Maybe a page or file is directly available, but you’d rather not make the URL obvious in the browser. If it’s a standard HTML page, you can use render() but render a page from another controller or view:

# controllers/SomeController.php public function someAction() { // Do whatever. $this->render('//secret/thing'); }

Other times, the resource being “hidden” is a file. In standard PHP, you’d use several header() function calls, plus readfile() to send the file to the browser. Yii has simplified that process with the sendFile() method of the CHttpRequest class. An instance of that class is available through the application’s getRequest() object:

Yii::$app->response->sendFile($path_to_file, $filename);

The first argument needs to be the path to the file on the server. The secondisthe file’s name. The name is optional; if not provided Yii will use the name ofthefile as it is on the server. Provided with these two pieces of information, this method will automatically:


• Determine the proper MIME type • Send the proper headers • Send the content itself (i.e., the file) • Terminate the application

The simplest way to use this method is like so:

# controllers/SomeController.php public function someAction() { // Do whatever. $filename = 'file.ext'; $file = "/path/to/$filename"; return Yii::$app->response->sendFile($file, $filename); }

That approach is fairly good, but could be improved for security purposes. First, arguably one should rename uploaded files for security purposes. They might be renamed as a simple integer or a hash. In such situations, you’d want the browser to be provided with the original file name (so that the original file name wouldbe the default file name when the user downloads the file). A second security concern is you’d want to make sure the script couldn’t be used to download any file on the server. For a hypothetical example that solves both of these issues, let’s assume that the files are represented by the File class. The class stores the file’s original name in the name property. When the file was uploaded, it was stored under the model’s ID (e.g., the file “page.pdf” is stored as just “345”). The controller simply needs to load the File instance, which also restricts what file can be download, and then serves that file, providing the original name in the process:

# controllers/FileController.php public function downloadFile($id) { $f = File::findOne($id); if ($f === null) { throw new \yii\web\HttpException(404, 'The file could not be found.'); } $file = "/path/to/" + $f->id; return Yii::$app->response->sendFile($file, $file->name); }

Another possible issue with the sendFile() method is that it always sends files using the “attachment” Content-Disposition header. The actual impact will depend upon the browser and the file, but this normally results in the file being downloaded. When serving images, that may not be the desired intent (i.e., you’d want to use

384 CHAPTER 16. LEAVING THE BROWSER the “inline” Content-Disposition). In that case, provide an optional third argument to sendFile(), which is an array of options, setting inline to true: return Yii::$app->response->sendFile($file, $file->name, ['inline' => true]);

RESTful Services

A “web service”, in case you’re unfamiliar with the term, is a defined method of communication that occurs over the web. A web service can be so simple that it merely returns the current time, or so complex that it expects multiple parameters (e.g., a list of stock abbreviations, a format designator, and so forth) and returns an array of objects in a class understood by both parties. In terms of technologies involved, web services encompasses a wide variety, and quite a lot of acronyms. In whatever format, though, tapping into web services makes for very powerful sites. Web services can be implemented in many ways. This chapter touches upon RESTful (Representational State Transfer) services. Support for creating potent RESTful services is greatly expanded in Yii 2, while support for the older SOAP standard has been removed. After getting started with RESTful services, read the Yii guide to delve further into what’s possible, which includes rate limiting, versioning, and more sophisticated data management. Once defined, web services can also be used in two generic ways:

• Directly in the browser, via Ajax • Directly from the server, via cURL or the like

For example, you might create a service on your site that’s intended to be invoked via Ajax from a page within your own site. Chapter 14, “JavaScript and jQuery,” already demonstrated that. Or, within a controller on your site, you might invoke a service on another site in order to obtain information to be passed to the view file (e.g., a stock quote). For a working example of this, let’s take the CMS project discussed throughout the book and create a web service that returns a page’s information when provided with a page ID.

Creating the Controller

RESTful services should be defined as a formal API, grouped together in asingle controller. In Yii 2, this controller extends yii\rest\ActiveController, instead of yii\Web\Controller (assuming the service builds on top of Active Record).


# controllers/ApiController.php

The $modeClass attribute ties the controller to an existing Active Record model. By extending yii\rest\ActiveController, this controller inherits commonly needed actions:

• index • view • create • update • delete • options

The controller also inherits user authorization. To create additional actions, define methods as you would with a standard controller, with one major difference: the method should return raw data instead ofusing render():

# controllers/ApiController.php public function actionList() { // Do the work. return $data; }

That’s it for the controller for now.

Defining the Routes

Unlike normal controllers, Yii does not automatically support RESTful routes just based upon the REST controller. You have to formally define the routes in your configuration file. Add the new controller as a rule:


Figure 16.1: A view all request of the API.

'urlManager' => [ 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'showScriptName' => false, 'rules' => [ ['class' => 'yii\rest\UrlRule', 'controller' => 'api', 'pluralize' => false], ], ],

By default, Yii automatically pluralizes the controller name when it creates a REST- ful service. For example, if the controller was called “PageController” and “page” was entered in the above, the route would be pages. As this example uses “api” for the route, “apis” doesn’t make sense, so the pluralization is disabled. That’s it! You’ve created a RESTful service! This service is available like any other controller action, which you can test by going to this URL in your browser: You should see a list of pages displayed as XML (Figure 16.1):


Figure 16.2: A HEAD request of a single record.

Load to see the XML for just one page (with an ID of 1).

Testing the Service

It’s easy enough to test basic GET requests in a browser, but RESTful services normally make use of other request types for other purposes. GET requests fetch every record or just one, if an ID was provided. For other request types, cURL provides an easy and common interface. A HEAD request fetches an overview of information for every record or just one, if an ID was provided (Figure 16.2): curl --head

A DELETE request removes a single record: curl -X DELETE

An OPTIONS request returns the verbs (i.e., actions) available at an endpoint: curl -i -X

A POST request creates a new record: curl -X POST -d "user_id=1&live=0&title=This..." \


Figure 16.3: One record returned by the API, as JSON.

However, creating pages via a cURL command is tedious, as is updating a record via a PATCH request: curl -X PATCH -d "user_id=1&live=0&title=This..." \

As you can see, without much coding at all, you now have a fairly complete RESTful service.

Supporting JSON

As Figure 16.1 shows, by default the RESTful service returns responses in XML format. Out-of-the box, it can also return responses in JSON format, when requested (Figure 16.3): curl -i -H "Accept:application/json"

By default, the service accepts data (e.g., for creation and update requests) in application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data formats. You can also configure it to support JSON for incoming data. Configure the “request” com- ponent to use yii\web\JsonParser:

'request' => [ 'parsers' => [ 'application/json' => 'yii\web\JsonParser', ] ]


Now requests to create new records or update existing ones can be made using the more natural JSON format.

Reporting Errors

To make this service more polished, it ought to include an approach for indicating problems. As written, the service returns an individual page record when provided with a corresponding page ID, but what if the provided page ID does not correlate to an existing record? The service could, in that case, return an empty data set, but that approach won’t differentiate among:

• The page ID not matching a valid record • An invalid request being made of the service • The service generally not working • And other possibilities

The solution to this problem uses a communication device that already exists: since the RESTful request is being made over HTTP, HTTP status codes are perfect for indicating the success of the request. Some of the most common status codes, and their meaning, are listed in the following table.

Code Meaning 200 OK 201 Created 204 No Content 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 418 I’m a teapot 500 Internal Service Error

These are logically and directly mappable to the service responses, except perhaps for the “I’m a teapot” status, which is actually assigned to 418 (you can look it up). The service as written already returns error codes for inappropriate requests. More- over, it returns error messages(Figure 16.4)! The error messages come from the underlying model. Apply the information covered in Chapter 5 to customize these.


Figure 16.4: Failure to provide proper arguments when creating a record results in a detailed error.

Creating a Console Application

The last subject to discuss in this chapter are console applications. Console applica- tions, or console scripts, are intended to be run not in a browser (i.e., accessed over HTTP) but within a console or command-prompt environment. For beginning developers, the need for, let alone actually using, console applications can often be unclear. Console applications are great in situations where:

• The resulting output will be minimal or immaterial • The execution will take excessive time (more than even a complex web page) • The execution should be run on a schedule

Common uses of console applications include:

• Generation of resources, such as images, PDFs, and even code • Maintenance of the file system, database, search indexes, etc. • Other services, like sending emails

When you have tasks like these that need to be performed in conjunction with a Yii-based website, it makes sense to create a Yii-based console application.

The Entry Script

Just as web pages are run through the web/index.php script, console applications go through their own, again auto-generated as part of the base Yii application. In the root application directory, you’ll find index.php, containing:

#!/usr/bin/env php


defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true); defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'dev'); require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php';

$config = require __DIR__ . '/config/console.php';

$application = new yii\console\Application($config); $exitCode = $application->run(); exit($exitCode);

As you can see, the script:

• Defines environment variables • Requires the framework files • Pulls in the console.php configuration file • Creates and runs a new application

Whereas the web entry script creates a yii\web\Application instance, this script creates a yii\console\Application using the console.php file. So this is similar to what the bootstrap index.php script does, except for the type of application being created: web or console. Also, because it’s in the root directory, the console index.php script should not be accessible via a browser.

{TIP} The yiic.bat file, also found in the root directory, is aWindows tool for running console applications.

Configuring the Application

The structure of console.php is the same as the other two main configuration files: web.php and test.php. But due to the narrower scope of console applications, the console-specific configuration file will never need as much customization. The configuration file pulls in the same parameters and database information–stored in params.php and db.php, accordingly–as web.php. For this reason, you prob- ably won’t do much console configuration unless you depend upon console scripts a lot. As always, you can find the full list of yii\console\Application properties in the Yii class docs.


Figure 16.5: A few of the built-in console application commands.

Executing Commands

Just like the RESTful service, the console application comes with several built-in commands. To see those, run this from within the application’s root directory (Figure 16.5): php yii

If there’s no PHP executable in your path, you’ll need to call it explicitly:

C:\xampp\php\php.exe yii

Depending upon your environment, you might also be able to use just:


You’ll need to play around with these variations, and pay attention to any error messages you might see, until you find the syntax that works for your situation. The rest of this chapter just uses php yii to be consistent; change it to suit your proper solution. Looking at the response of successfully executing that command, you’ll see that out-of-the-box the console application can:


Figure 16.6: The hello/index command echoes its provided argument.

• Manage JavaScript and CSS assets • Manipulate the cache • Load and unload fixtures (for testing) • Generate files with Gii • Assist with the creation of translation files • Perform migrations • Run PHP’s built-in web server

To execute a specific command, use this syntax: php yii /

This mimics the basic routing for web pages: /. With the built-in “help/index” command, that syntax would be: php yii help/index

The output is the same as in Figure 16.5. This is because “help” is the default command and “index” is the default action. You can change this behavior by setting the defaultRoute property in the configuration file.

{NOTE} You do not need to quote the command name, the action name, or the combined route.

If an action takes an argument, provide that after the route (Figure 16.6): php yii hello/index 'Testing this command.'

Now that you know how to execute the built-in commands, it’s time to learn how to define your own.


Creating Commands

Having configured and tested your console application, the next step is to create your custom commands. A single console application can have any number of commands to be executed. Each command is defined as its own controller that must extend the yii\console\Controller class. The class should be in the app\commands namespace, although this is config- urable. The class name takes the format “CommandNameController”:

# commands/PurgeController.php

The class must be defined in a file whose name matches the class name (as always), and be stored in the commands directory. You’ll find the generated HelloCon- troller.php in this directory already. The class can have (or not have) attributes and methods like any other class. Within the class, you can create multiple actions by defining a series of methods, just as you would in a web controller. For example, the DatabaseController class might define methods for optimizing tables, backing up the database, etc. To implement this, create one or more methods with the name of “action” followed by the command name: actionOptimize(), actionBackup(), etc.

Within each method you can do whatever needs to be done, including making use of the Yii application’s defined models. As with a web-based scripts, the application

395 CHAPTER 16. LEAVING THE BROWSER instance is available through Yii::app(), although here that instance is of type yii\web\Application, not yii\console\Application. Keep in mind that the console application method would not render any views, as the command is being executed in the command-line environment. You can print simple messages, if you want, although if you plan on executing the script through a cron, no one would ever see those messages (but they can be useful for debugging purposes while you’re developing the code).

Passing Command Arguments

You may commonly write console applications that do different things based upon different arguments. For example, maybe the maintenance would be performed on a specific table or list of tables, to be indicated when the command isrun. To enable this functionality, just have the controller method accept arguments as you would with a web-based controller:

# commands/DatabaseController.php public function actionBackup($table) { echo 'Backing up...' . PHP_EOL; // Do whatever! }

To pass arguments to that method, use this syntax: php yii database/backup ---table=some_table

You don’t need to quote any strings unless they contains spaces or other potentially problematic characters. (That being said, there’s no harm in quoting the parameter values, either.) As a hypothetical, let’s say that there’s a “purge” command with a “clear” action. That action may can take as arguments: the type of thing to purge, an expiration unit (e.g., hour or day), and an expiration quantity. It might then be called like so: php yii purge/clear --type=cache --interval=hour --number=2

And the method would be defined as:

# commands/PurgeController.php


You don’t have to provide the arguments in order, however. This would also work: php yii purge/clear --number=2 --interval=hour --type=cache

Returning Exit Codes

The final thing you should think about when it comes to creating command-line scripts are exit codes. Exit codes aren’t commonly used by PHP programmers, as the server itself normally handles the proper codes to indicate the success or failure of an operation. But in the command-line world, including in languages such as C and Java, having a code be returned to indicate the success or failure of an operation is the norm. In the command-line interface, returning a code from an action or command is as simple as having the associated method use a return statement. The standard is for an integer to be returned, with 0 being returned to indicate success:

This always struck me as a little backwards (after all, 0 equates to false in many situations), but you can think of it as “0 errors occurred”. At a minimum, returning 1 indicates that an error occurred. You can also use escalating integers (up to 254) to indicate a level of error. I would caution not to go overboard with that, though, as the returned number would not have inherent meaning outside of the command-line script itself. Alternatively, you can make use of the yii\console\ExitCode constants, such as OK (0), UNSPECIFIED_ERROR (1), USAGE (64), and NOINPUT (66).